Male Dog Names - BUSTER IT IS!!

Originally posted by PeaPod

I still say he’llbe eating hamburgers and sleeping in the bed before the leaves turn

Just look how out-of-control things are at Larry’s house.

Once again, not in my house!

If you ever met my dog, you would know what I mean. Discipline is discipline and rules are rules. I am pack leader. I provide the food and I provide the shelter. I demand respect and I get it.

He’ll fit right in if he continues on the path he’s on. He’s doing great!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

How about a report on the BUSTER Boy.

Buster is eating like a horse, and growing like one as well. He has discovered that he has teeth…and is chewing just about anything he can get ahold of. He’s quick to drop things and is learning what’s okay to chew and what’s not okay.

He has finally convinced the older dog to play with him, and he pushes his limits every time. She is quick to pull the big dog card and put him in his place, which I like.

The daughter has lost a lot of her interest when home alone with the dog, but when others are around she’s all about it. I suspect that will change for the better when he quits trying to chew on her hair…

Potty training is almost complete, believe it or not. The dogs have free reign of the sunroom and backyard via doggy doors into the house. He has quickly learned that he can use the doggy doors and go outside and do his business, and for 3 days has been pretty good about it. Still has his moments, but he’s getting there quickly. An oddity, though, is he will not go #2 without being inside a bush…lots of azaleas around so he’s fertilizing those for us. Wonder what that will do to him when he’s 80 pounds…

All in all he’s doing great!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Another update on 'ole Big Head Buster…

In two days, he’ll be six months old. I weighed him last night with me on the bathroom scale…and it appears he’s about 51 pounds already. Here’s a pic I took yesterday. He rides with me almost every day to pick up the kid, rides home in the back of the truck with her. He is SOOOO big…not sure if he’s a pony or a dog!

I am, however, having to enlist the help of some dog training friends to work with him. He had all of his basic commands down pat, sit/stay/come/crate, etc., but as he gets older he’s learned that he can get away with a lot of stuff with my wife. He spends an hour and a half with her in the morning after I leave for work, then an hour around lunch time with her, and she is not being consistent with him.

Now he’s pushing his luck with me, and is not working well. Simple obedience training time all over again, and some training for the wife too!

All in all he’s a good pup. He’ll be fine soon enough, the wife has finally realized the detriment she’s doing…let’s hope she can keep with the program.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Great looking boy there, and your daughter seems to adore him , he will protect her with his last breath.He got darker ,thought he looked gray in the pup pics.

And now he has a broken toe! Figures…maybe it’s his way of getting a break from training…lol

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

You better look to your toes…with the wife training that is.

My bet is the training might be the other way around:smiley::smiley:!!!
Just funnin ya Buddy , nice looking puppy!

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

How’s he do with staying off the sofa:question: You might nee a larger doggie door soon:wink:

Originally posted by Easy

How’s he do with staying off the sofa:question: You might nee a larger doggie door soon:wink:

He does well with the furniture. He gets to get on when called upon of course…

He’s gonna have to learn to duck!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Well, another month has passed almost.

In 1 week he will be 7 months old. Last night I weighed him again…63 pounds…and climbing steady! He’s becoming a great dog.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

He is a good looking dog. He is really growing into those Lunker feet.

Well, 9 1/2 months now, he’s a big boy. He’s grown immensely in the past couple of months, both physically and in behavior. He’s really growing into his body, and looks to be more American Bulldog than anything in my opinion. He’s also calming down, and has become MY dog and not my daughter’s dog. Despite our efforts, she would rather play with the neighborhood kids than the dog of course, and he’s taken to me instead of her, but that will change as he settles down I think. She just doesn’t have the patience for a 65 pound bouncing bulldozer who doesn’t know how big he really is.

He’s taken to the leash a lot better, and I have been walking him around the hood pretty regularly. His big issue now is dealing with distractions, but he gets better every time we go out. I took him to the neighbors’ house for a party and he stayed by my side all night on a slack leash, focused on me and what I wanted from him the whole time.

Every day is better, and by the end of the summer I think he will have become a perfect dog…well, except for the constant need for attention.

Here’s his “spot,” standing in the front window of the house just taking it all in, waiting to bark at any leaf that falls from the tree or kid that wanders into the yard in hopes they’ll play with him. He looks so much more mature in this picture.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Great looking dog. Know about the attention, mine craves it 24/7. Have you taken him in the Benz yet? Mine loves the boat and fishing!
Love and attention makes a dog!

Originally posted by boatpoor

Great looking dog. Know about the attention, mine craves it 24/7. Have you taken him in the Benz yet? Mine loves the boat and fishing!
Love and attention makes a dog!

He has not been out yet. He’s very skittish and jumpy, I’m afraid he’d just get scared, lol.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Had mine out yesterday, he took over the drivers seat and I had to stand!