Male Dog Names - BUSTER IT IS!!

Originally posted by skinneej

[quote]Originally posted by Black Bart


“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

It would always be bringing back some other dog’s bone…

It would bring back a representative photo of the dinosaur bone it caught in a cave…of another dog…serious official name should be space ghost…

Kenny Roger’s the silver fox

Originally posted by mdaddy

You got kids? What ever they name him…My daughter named ours…Gullah:

I remember Cousin Eddie saying " Clark , if you scratch his belly he’ll love you till the day you die".

Here are my 2 - Scarlett And Charlie. Both rescues. happy dogs with an AYCE buffet 24/7

How is the new pup settling in? My first dog was an Eskimo Spitz and his name was Spit. Short and simple.

My next door neighbor, if you can call 1/4 mile away next door, runs a warrior dog rescue, rehab and recovery farm on her place. War dogs, dogs with ranks and badges and medals. She’s got 7 now. They all have 1 syllable names. There is a reason for that.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Hey there everyone, meet BUSTER the pitt bull rescue. Check out the size of these (**() feet!! He’s settled in fine already. The old dog has morphed into mommy mode, and the daughter has a new shadow. They are both so attached it makes my heart full. I can’t wait to see the bond they develop.

I have a lot of pics to share, and will do so soon…off to the office.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

More pics.

I cannot say enough about Palmetto Paws Animal Rescue in Mount Pleasant. 100% of the experience was top notch and very informative and helpful. Here’s Buster about 3 minutes into meeting me…

I didn’t know how the 10 year old Black Mouthed Cur dog was going to act. She’s an ornery old gal who’s set in her ways, and she runs the house.

Initially, she didn’t know whether to eat the puppy or feed it…the puppy didn’t know whether she was trying to eat him or play with him, so a standoff ensued:

Soon after, they both assumed their roles. He submitted to her and she went into full on mommy mode just as I had hoped!

The bond my daughter shares with this puppy already is nothing short of amazing. We brought the pup home about noon on Saturday, and the kid had NO IDEA. My mother showed up to drop the kid off and it took her a little while to put 2 and 2 together…but when she did…OH MAN. She is smitten! They played and played and played…then spent the night like this on the floor.

Saturday night he did great in the crate. He went to bed at same time as the daughter, and I took him out twice during the night to pee. Both times he hit the ground and peed instantly, and got right back in the crate without whining very much at all. A quick SHHHH and he was content.

Yesterday they went right back into play mode. The dog follows her around like a shadow…although he can’t quite keep up yet…

And his new tag - don’t call the number, I stole the pic off the internet…


You haven’t answered the most important question! What is his name:question: Never mind! I went back and looked at the post! From Barney to Buster!

He looks like a BUSTER, good choice!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

He looks like a BUSTER, good choice!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Thanks! That was the 5 year old daughter’s first suggestion…and it stuck instantly!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I love dogs and I like dog people.

Great job on the rescue and I love the dog tag!! Instant classic!

Fishing Nerd

“you win some, you lose some…but nothing beats getting some!”

He sure does have some Big ole feet, he’s gonna be a biggie boy. Your daughter will have a true buddy for life. He will always hold a special place in her heart. It is a great name, she helped name him, she will not be bored any more He is a good looking fella.

Thanks everyone, we’re blessed to have him, and glad he gets to be raised away from what was certainly terrible conditions.

He watched the debate with me last night. I’m VERY against animals on the furniture, but every now and then it’s okay…when invited up. This was about 4 minutes into the debate, and was clearly over it…as was I. Very soon, he won’t be able to sit like this, but I fear certain he will TRY!!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Awesome pup! We recently got a rescue dog “Watson” from Palmetto Paws. They are great.
Ours is half corgi mixed with ? He’s a good pup.

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

Buster is ruirnt

he’ll be on a solid diet of table food soon too

I guess you wont reconsider “snots”

Busta move Buster.

Originally posted by PeaPod

Buster is ruirnt

he’ll be on a solid diet of table food soon too

Not a chance. I am pack leader and new guy gets what I deem he deserves. His behavior will determine how this goes for him. Very strict rules in my house for 4 legs and for 2 legs, table food for dogs is a big one.

Really though, he’ll do well in my house if he stays respectful. That task is my responsibility. He’ll be fine.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Dang, that pup has some big feet!

I'm VERY against animals on the furniture,

Us too :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I still say he’llbe eating hamburgers and sleeping in the bed before the leaves turn

Just look how out-of-control things are at Larry’s house.