March for Science

In honor of today’s march of science across the US, here’s a little video by Neal DeGrasse Tyson explaining what’s great about SCIENCE!!!

Happy Earth Day!:smiley:

Let’s bash Trump for appointing Scott Pruitt day! He is cutting funds to our pet projects which will cause dirty water, dirty air, & undetermined health issues, oh my!

March for Science event sponsors include a host of pro-Democrat and left-wing groups, including NextGen Climate, founded by San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer. Enough said?

Lets all get our Ninja outfits on and go hit the science people with sticks and throw rocks at them!:imp:

Bayrider…Easy…I’m going to pray for both of you tomorrow at Church. You both certainly must lead some very hard, sad lives. I’m going to ask God to help you see the good things in life and see the reality that’s out there.

Originally posted by sea tonic

Bayrider…Easy…I’m going to pray for both of you tomorrow at Church. You both certainly must lead some very hard, sad lives. I’m going to ask God to help you see the good things in life and see the reality that’s out there.

Tonic - aren’t you afraid of lightening?

Originally posted by sea tonic

Bayrider…Easy…I’m going to pray for both of you tomorrow at Church. You both certainly must lead some very hard, sad lives. I’m going to ask God to help you see the good things in life and see the reality that’s out there.

Sea Tonic, I believe that Easy and Bayrider along with myself find it hard to see a lot of credibility in calling the March “March for Science”. Too many times in the last decade have we seen “Science” falsely used to push agendas with fake/partial information. While I don’t think many people disbelieve that our Earth is warming how about let’s study it more to really see if Man is causing it to increase quicker or is it really naturally occuring through Sun cycle’s , volcanic activity on our sea floor changing ocean patterns, and the simple fact that Earth has went into and out of Ice ages several times in the past. We also have to check into the events of mini-ice ages while coming out of one. So maybe we should also study what to do in the event of a sever cool down as well as a heat increase. :wink:

Science is spectacular no doubt, but let’s keep it scientific and not personally motivated. Remember all Scientists are human and to be human is to err. Too easy to put in personal opinions. If we survive long enough, we are going to have to embrace the simple fact that a lot more animals will go extinct. I believe 90% of all living things have already gone extinct.

As for the prayer, throw one in for me too!! I’ll throw one back your way!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Fred…unlike politics and individuals with personal agendas…the tenets of science rely on reproducibility and peer review. Facts are established when findings or results from individual experiments are reproduced, published and expanded upon over and over. It’s not a case of one scientist saying this is a fact because this is what I found with my study. Human involvement in climate change has been repeatedly corroborated, it is not based upon one scientist beliefs. If scientific facts conflict with individual’s beliefs, the facts are not wrong, the individual’s beliefs are. I believe the Dalai once said (paraphrase)…if science proves our beliefs are wrong, then we must change our beliefs.

Thank you, sea tonic… the others…LOL

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

Ok - reproducibility. How can a global climate experiment be conducted? Several years ago I had a discussion with another member about how shrimp baiting affected the coastal environment. While I agreed that there was some degree of impact, My point in the argument was that the impact was minute. With the tide flushing the bait away almost constantly , and with so many organisms seeking the nutrients and the incredible dilution taking place, I believed that it may well be an overall benefit. The other member suggested setting up an aquarium and throw a bait ball in and see what happened. My response was that we needed an aquarium the size of Bulls Bay with a tidal connection to a water body the size of the Atlantic ocean. This is the same issue we see with most of the CC changes. It is a fact that in our worlds past the temps have gone up long before C02 levels have (science is not fond of this fact) and there’s no actual proof that ,on a world wide scale, that C02 has any measurable effect. In fact it is true that water vapor is the major greenhouse gas! With all the scandals and faked data and outright lies surrounding the whole CC issue , my feeling is that its hard to trust. With that said , I have read and heard the “butterfly theory” - the one that claims that its possible that the wind disruption from a butter fly wings could cause a hurricane down wind. I don’t buy that and I don’t buy the c02 CC theory. When the climate grant funding money dries up the science will change - yet again — Water shortage - energy crisis - global cooling - global warming- climate change - NEXT ??

Originally posted by Optiker

Thank you, sea tonic… the others…LOL

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

The others LOL? You really don’t think scientists fudge numbers to support more research/grant money or to support what they think rather than what they can proove?

I love science and all it has taught me, but in many issues lately too many seem to speculate on facts rather than prove them. I watched several interviews yesterday morning and most were not scientific at all but very biased to what ever cause they were for.

I liked the video that Sea tonic linked and I like Neil deGrasse Tyson. What everyone is missing is the simple fact that politicians and the people that marched in the March for Science don’t have a clue to real science and do not recognize it.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Optiker

Thank you, sea tonic… the others…LOL

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

The others LOL? You really don’t think scientists fudge numbers to support more research/grant money or to support what they think rather than what they can proove?

I love science and all it has taught me, but in many issues lately too many seem to speculate on facts rather than prove them. I watched several interviews yesterday morning and most were not scientific at all but very biased to what ever cause they were for.

I liked the video that Sea tonic linked and I like Neil deGrasse Tyson. What everyone is missing is the simple fact that politicians and the people that marched in the March for Science don’t have a clue to real science and do not recognize it.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

No Fred…on the whole they don’t. And if they did, and some may have, peer review and the excruciatingly painful grant review process would detect the falsification. I feel sorry for those that continue to believe the non-factual, anecdotal stories that permeate the internet. Scientists, themselves are partly to blame for this continuation of scientific denial. Scientists spend most of their professional lives talking and collaborating with like-minded individuals and very rarely speak to the non-scientific public about their work

Originally posted by sea tonic
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Optiker

Thank you, sea tonic… the others…LOL

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

The others LOL? You really don’t think scientists fudge numbers to support more research/grant money or to support what they think rather than what they can proove?

I love science and all it has taught me, but in many issues lately too many seem to speculate on facts rather than prove them. I watched several interviews yesterday morning and most were not scientific at all but very biased to what ever cause they were for.

I liked the video that Sea tonic linked and I like Neil deGrasse Tyson. What everyone is missing is the simple fact that politicians and the people that marched in the March for Science don’t have a clue to real science and do not recognize it.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

No Fred…on the whole they don’t. And if they did, and some may have, peer review and the excruciatingly painful grant review process would detect the falsification. I feel sorry for those that continue to believe the non-factual, anecdotal stories that permeate the internet. Scientists, themselves are partly to blame for this continuation of scientific denial. Scient

I guess the renown former NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information director Thomas Karl was just an outliar? Or did he forget to get his research peer reviewed?

c/p Another prominent climate scientist, the University of Colorado’s Roger A. Pielke Sr., said Mr. Bates‘ experience was “consistent with my experiences” with Mr. Karl on the Climate Change Science Program in 2005.
“What John Bates has done is to expose this culture based not on robust science, but on promoting an agenda,” Mr. Pielke said in a comment on Climate Etc. “Regardless of one’s views on policies, the scientific method should not be hijacked as they have done.”
Mr. Bates laid out his allegations in a lengthy article Saturday on the Climate Etc. blog, run by former Georgia Tech climatologist Judith Curry, and in a Sunday interview with the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail.
He criticized the June 2015 “pausebuster” paper’s lead author, Thomas Karl, then director of the National Centers for Environmental Information, for what Mr. Bates described as a failure to archive and document his climate data sets.
“Gradually, in the months after [the paper] came out, the evidence kept mounting that Tom Karl constantly had his ‘thumb on the scale’ — in the documentation, scientific choices, and release of data sets — in an effort to discredit the notion of a global warming hiatus and rush to time the publication of the paper to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy,” Mr. Bates said in his Saturday post.

Originally posted by sea tonic
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Optiker

Thank you, sea tonic… the others…LOL

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

The others LOL? You really don’t think scientists fudge numbers to support more research/grant money or to support what they think rather than what they can proove?

I love science and all it has taught me, but in many issues lately too many seem to speculate on facts rather than prove them. I watched several interviews yesterday morning and most were not scientific at all but very biased to what ever cause they were for.

I liked the video that Sea tonic linked and I like Neil deGrasse Tyson. What everyone is missing is the simple fact that politicians and the people that marched in the March for Science don’t have a clue to real science and do not recognize it.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

No Fred…on the whole they don’t.
</font id=“red”> And if they did, and some may have, peer review and the excruciatingly painful grant review process would detect the falsification. I feel sorry for those that continue to believe the non-factual, anecdotal stories that permeate the internet. Scientists, themselves are partly to blame for this c

For those who assail the character of all scientists, based on the flaws of the few.

Are all auto mechanics thieves?
Are all laywers shysters?
Are all priests pedophiles?
Are all actors egotists?
Are all southerners racist?
Are all northerners arrogant?
You see a trend here?

For over the past 20 years, I have been a scientist, and worked with countless others. I’ve interacted with literally thousands at various conferences and meetings across the US. I’ve written and reviewed grants. I’ve published peer-reviewed articles, and have been a peer-reviewer. In my experiences, I’ve yet to run into one, who has, or would, fudge their data for the sake of money or fame. I recognize that this may be meaningless to those who mind in made up, but it really is close minded (and wrong) to make assumptions about all scientists, based on what you have heard in the media.

I’m not that it has not happened, or will not happen again, but I would rather follow the findings and recommendations of scientists, than armchair/internet/media hacks.


15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

2 4 6 - yes.

Originally posted by PeaPod

2 4 6 - yes.

What does this mean? What are you counting...paper clips???
Originally posted by PeaPod

2 4 6 - yes.

Kind of made me chortle…:smiley:

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Integrity in science is fundamental to its progress. Misconduct may occur, but science and scientists go above and beyond to protect against it. The federal gov’t, research institutions and universities have office of research integrity who’s purpose is to investigate cases of misconduct. And misconduct can range from falsification of data to plagiarism. I know of no other profession that goes to such degrees of self-examination to ensure honesty.