Want do to some hen hunting, what are the laws on hunting the marshes around Charleston. Where is legal to hunt?
Anyone have advice for areas to check out?
Want do to some hen hunting, what are the laws on hunting the marshes around Charleston. Where is legal to hunt?
Anyone have advice for areas to check out?
Christian Cooley with Random Hookup Charters is doing cast and blast charters with Marsh Hens. You can find him on Facebook. There was a good article in Field and Stream about shooting Marsh Hens(rails) this month
great gawd almighty , whats this world comin to? a charter service for marsh hennin’?
insurance on that service mus be high as giraffe puntang.
Go straight across from sol legare and head down towards seabrook.It looks like the 24th and 25th are gonna be pretty high tides. I hope you’re bringing a kid,they love it.Not much sport for a grown man but if you never done it before,you’ll have a big time.haha
Is it legal to hunt any of the marshes around here so long as you are at least several hundred yards away from a residence?
Stay out of any city limits and you should be fine.
dumb question, I think, do you have to use steel shot for marsh hens?
Originally posted by TheRibbonMandumb question, I think, do you have to use steel shot for marsh hens?
hmmmm…so then the same area, if duck hunting, would be a felony or whatever that is for using lead…LOL… oh the rational of our government…
Rational government? lol! Planning to take my Daughter to shoot Moorhens…then Marsh Hens this year. Need non-toxic shot for Waterfowl ( Ducks,Geese and Brants )but lead is OK for Moorhens and Marsh hens. Even though ALL could be hunted in the same areas.
I don’t know about that? We were shooting skeet, over the water, at Lake Greenwood, earlier this fall. And were approached by DNR, and told we could be fined for shooting lead shot into the water? We didn’t argue, and stopped. They failed to mention the rules on the lead split-shot, on my rods in the back of the truck?
Originally posted by Mixed NutzI don’t know about that? We were shooting skeet, over the water, at Lake Greenwood, earlier this fall. And were approached by DNR, and told we could be fined for shooting lead shot into the water? We didn’t argue, and stopped. They failed to mention the rules on the lead split-shot, on my rods in the back of the truck?
He can’t cite you for that. We shoot skeet all the time over the water with lead, have even shot WITH GAME WARDENS.
I think he may have been misunderstood, unless it’s different in freshwater.
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
In my late teens, I killed well over my limit on doves/day, on a baited field in Camden, and was encouraged to do so. Wanna’ guess who I was shooting with?
come to think of it, used to shoot doves on the water across from the weapons station for years…never needed steel shot then either.
Originally posted by Mixed NutzIn my late teens, I killed well over my limit on doves/day, on a baited field in Camden, and was encouraged to do so. Wanna’ guess who I was shooting with?
There are lots of stories out there like that. In my experience being the brother in law of one for 15 years, the vast majority of them would not do such a thing.
As for skeet or doves/hens with lead, it’s not an issue for the state.
Isn’t it the feds who say ducks have to be shot with steel, the state just enforces it.
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
Not trying to pick an argument with ya’, I get enough of that, a little further down, in the politics forum. I never said I was shooting with Game Wardens, though some were there, I never noticed any of them shooting. This was a State sponsored, invitation only, hunt. There were members of State Legislature, Mayors, I think the Governor, and plenty of assorted dignitaries. Most of 'em couldn’t hit a 55 gallon drum at 20 yards! But they sure enjoyed watching me shoot. Never been on a hunt quite like it, before, or since.
P.S. tell your BiL, Nutz sure appreciates his service to our great State!!
Pucker up, girlz and boyz…
Word on the street is the Dems will be introducing a Federal law in the House only allowing a rock salt load when blasting marsh hens…
Originally posted by Richard Beer FrothPucker up, girlz and boyz…
Word on the street is the Dems will be introducing a Federal law in the House only allowing a rock salt load when blasting marsh hens…
Rock salt loads are bunk, if you get lucky you may sting someone 5 yards away after that …. nothing but fine powder. Now if you take some rice and soak it in salt and allow to dry and load it’s good for about 20yards… no more.
Originally posted by Mixed NutzIn my late teens, I killed well over my limit on doves/day, on a baited field in Camden, and was encouraged to do so. Wanna’ guess who I was shooting with?
LOL, I dated a girl for a few years whos Dad and Granddad were both GameWardens. It’s all about who you know in life. Pretty much always has been and probably always will be.
Kind of like if you have conections and Money a DUI can disappear. Etc.