Matthew recovery

I’ve been wondering how everyone in the lowcountry fared. We got some wind and a fair amount of rain here in Lexington, but my old house in Orangeburg lost 2 200yo oaks in the front yard and power probably won’t be restored there for a few days.

If you have some pictures, post them.

Also, if you know someone who can come remove 2 ginormous trees, send me a reference. Thanks.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Hope ever one who stayed made it through
with out too many problems.

Stay SAFE.

Hope everyone is safe and may you have a speedy return to normal.

First ever workplace violence incident, Wounded Knee,SD.

Driving through SC from Augusta (bamberg, canadys, walterboro, etc) there seemed to be trees on power lines every 1/4 mile or better. Will be a long time getting that cleaned up.

CF people: reach out to me if we can do anything for you - we have power and food and a room (although room might already be booked by wife’s coworker). Happy to help in any way I can.

Funny, I have talked with folks on the coast who never lost power and we lost power in Columbia for about 30 hours. Spent part of yesterday cleaning out our fridge/freezer of melted stuff. Fortunately our outside freezer (and our shrimp) was packed and stayed frozen. Hope everyone fared as well as could be expected. I’ve been working nights at the State Emergency Ops Center and have been seeing the requests for assistance coming in. It looks like LE will have folks deployed through next weekend with all of the flood issues in the Pee Dee. The little town of Nichols was surrounded by water as of 5:00 a.m. this morning State LE assets and the Guard were mounting a rescue operation for over 100 people. The flooding looks like it will surpass the flooding of last year. Starting to hate October.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Still w/o power here in West Ashley…from what I hear it is going to stay that way for a few days. I have a generator and gas stove/hot water heater so I’m good.

Seah Hunt Ultra 234 Yamaha F250
Sea Pro 190CC Yamaha F150 (sold)

Originally posted by DFreedom

Funny, I have talked with folks on the coast who never lost power and we lost power in Columbia for about 30 hours. Spent part of yesterday cleaning out our fridge/freezer of melted stuff. Fortunately our outside freezer (and our shrimp) was packed and stayed frozen. Hope everyone fared as well as could be expected. I’ve been working nights at the State Emergency Ops Center and have been seeing the requests for assistance coming in. It looks like LE will have folks deployed through next weekend with all of the flood issues in the Pee Dee. The little town of Nichols was surrounded by water as of 5:00 a.m. this morning State LE assets and the Guard were mounting a rescue operation for over 100 people. The flooding looks like it will surpass the flooding of last year. Starting to hate October.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

If you have a claim with homeowner’s insurance, they will pay for spoiled food due to power outage. They told me to not throw it away, but take pictures and get an estimate of value of it all. If you don’t have any damages from the storm, though, it probably isn’t worth it.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

That is good, a frig and freezer full of food can add up $$$
I am in Pageland, SC & we lost power from Sat 9am to Monday 2am & still a lot of people out of power. Saw some big trees down but so far have not seen any structural damage to any homes or buildings.

USAA insurance covers lost food due to spoilage up to 500.00. They also cover hotel cost for those that relocated due to mandatory evacuation. No deductible is required. For hotel reimbursement we were asked for receipts as proof, or proof it was charged on a card. Fantastic company:smiley::smiley: Doesn’t hurt to check.

Friends in Columbia were encouraging me to “evacuate” to there with my family. Out total power outage in Mt Pleasant was 1230pm on Sat to 7am on Sun. As of today, Monday morning, they still don’t have power.

I told them next hurricane they should “evacuate” down I26 to Mt Pleasant before the lane reversal.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Originally posted by Native_Son

Friends in Columbia were encouraging me to “evacuate” to there with my family. Out total power outage in Mt Pleasant was 1230pm on Sat to 7am on Sun. As of today, Monday morning, they still don’t have power.

I told them next hurricane they should “evacuate” down I26 to Mt Pleasant before the lane reversal.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Yeah, it’s kinda crazy. I’m in MT P 3 miles from the beach and went a total of 8 hours without power.

Pioneer 197

West Ashley here, off of Church Creek.

We kept power all Friday night, until about 8am Saturday morning, and we lost one tree on Saturday around 2pm. Power was on and off throughout the morning, and went down for maybe 3-4 hours Saturday afternoon. Lots of areas (even very near my house) were without power when I left for work this morning. All in all, I feel very fortunate.

On a related note – any advice on removing this tree? It’s pretty near the bank, so I’d like to save as much earth as possible. If I cut the tree up, will the base eventually go back over? Obviously I have to wait for the water to recede, but it should be good by tomorrow. I think the tree is technically on my neighbor’s property, but I don’t want her to have to deal with it all herself (and I don’t want to feel obligated to contribute financially to a tree guy). We can start a separate “tree care thread” if needed.

1994 Hewes Redfisher 18, 2004 Yamaha 150 VMAX
Malibu X-Factor Kayak

I was part of the evacuation crew today in Nichols and it was something like you only see in a movie. The entire town is under water. Most people have lost everything. The residents were surprisly up beat and willing to help our crews after they had been taken to higher grounds. There were fire and rescue teams from all across the state, local law enforcement, dnr, and army national guard working together. It will be a long time before that area returns to so normalcy.

just West of I-95 near Walterboro 10 1/2" + how ever much more I didn’t get the gauge emptied. Lot’s of trees down still no power. Glad Gas stations are open. Almost ran out of gas this morning and had to get some more. Heard rumors that some areas close to me and around Yemassee could be a week or more.

Could have been much worse, can never be fully prepared for everything, but it sure is nice being prepared and having everything you needed for the storm. Wife goes crazy and fixes all kinds of crazy good stuff. She knows the way to calm a Man is mostly through his stomach.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Lots of big oaks down in Hampton. The old Citgo gas station in the middle of town was demolished. Lights out Sat. am to Mon. am. Water off/on/off/on. We were fortunate. I have not heard of major house damage or injuries in town.

I hear Hilton Head is a mess. I imagine the islands at Beaufort got it too. I have been too busy with generators and cleanup to listen to news reports.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

We lost power for around 28 hours or so over in lovely Las Ashley…had to get creative Saturday night, wife wanted a shower so I ran an extension cord from the rannai to my American made Toyota, cranked it up, plugged it in and we had hot water. Charged our devices too.

I was part of the evacuation crew today in Nichols and it was something like you only see in a movie. The entire town is under water. Most people have lost everything. The residents were surprisly up beat and willing to help our crews after they had been taken to higher grounds. There were fire and rescue teams from all across the state, local law enforcement, dnr, and army national guard working together. It will be a long time before that area returns to so normalcy.

What a coincidence. I was in the SEOC late Sunday/early Monday working to get assets over there. It was kind of eerie getting first hand accounts from our point of contact in Nichols. The water rose much faster than they anticipated. Glad you guys got everyone out safe, I know getting 150+ people out of there by boat was not easy. I wish I was out in the field and not stuck at the SEOC. Good on you and all the others out there. Stay safe!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

DF please tell us you got no damage at your place.

Originally posted by PeaPod

DF please tell us you got no damage at your place.


DF laughs in the face of hurricanes…

We got incredibly lucky. Our beach house on edisto was pretty much untouched. It’s older and sits low to the ground so we were sure it was gone.