Michael Slager Trial

Well at least we get to have the park circle parade this Saturday without a mob…

It’s going to be a mis-trial. 100 percent. No one will be able to agree with all the circumstances

“mr keys”

One thing is still a problem…

They are trying this guy for doing his job. If a suspect is fleeing with a deadly weapon the office must stop him by any means. This is what is taught in the policy.

Slager just got his butt kicked, hit with his taser, and believed that his taser was still in Scott’s possession. Maybe he didn’t make SURE it was. But the man did is duty.

Savage will come to court Monday morning and rain knowledge down on the judge. The judge will be reprimanded for continuing to send the jurors back and not grant a mistrial.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

The cell phone video “looks” (**()ing, but there’s a lot more to the story than the video. Judge is doing his job in sending them back to deliberate. It’ll still come down to a hung jury.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Originally posted by ReelShock

Slager just got his butt kicked, hit with his taser, and believed that his taser was still in Scott’s possession. Maybe he didn’t make SURE it was. But the man did is duty.

I haven’t kept up with this trial/story but this is how I saw it when the video first came out. Though the death of the guy was unfortunate I don’t have an issue with a cop shooting somebody that he just got in a fight with and had just used his own taser against him. I couldn’t believe that nobody (that I saw) mentioned that the victim had just shot the cop with a taser. I saw a cop shoot a guy in the back that MAY have had a taser and the ability to take the cop down.

First, Most, Biggest

Prosecution is begging for “malice aforethought” to include up to the moment the act is committed. Seems like a stretch.
Several questions from the jury and it seems like more than one juror is having trouble convicting.

Get ready for a mistrial late today or tomorrow.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

I just googled “malice afterthought how long” and it turns out that it’s actually a movie that’s 3 hours long. Hope that helps!!!

Originally posted by ReelShock

One thing is still a problem…

They are trying this guy for doing his job. If a suspect is fleeing with a deadly weapon the office must stop him by any means. This is what is taught in the policy.

Slager just got his butt kicked, hit with his taser, and believed that his taser was still in Scott’s possession. Maybe he didn’t make SURE it was. But the man did is duty.

Are tasers deadly weapons now?

Latest update: Judge has addressed questions jury had and jury was sent to deliberate once more. The judge then said they would not accept anything from the jury until 2pm today, so nothing more to come until at least then.

One Simple Thanks!!


Originally posted by mhebbard

Are tasers deadly weapons now?

An assailants HANDS are a deadly weapon once you become incapacitated from being tased…

my hands are always deadly weapons b/c i’m a ninja


“The note also asked a number of questions of the court, including why was voluntary manslaughter added as a charge, how long must someone have malice in their mind toward someone to be convicted of murder.

See, again… My point made… “Murder” is not cut-and-dry in SC…

Understand what I am saying here… I think he will get off the hook… But I am attempting to understand the question “is murder an appropriate charge?” That revolves around the same question that the jury is asking… "How long does ‘malice’ intent need to be present before it’s considered ‘aforethough’? 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day? That’s really what it comes down to.

So, while I contest that murder might be a fitting charge (as it pertains to the written law), that doesn’t mean he will be convicted of it. Bottom line, this is not necessarily a “How can it be murder, it’s definitely manslaughter?” case.

The court has declared a mistrial after the jury came back with a note that despite their best efforts, they would not be able to reach a unanimous verdict…

One Simple Thanks!!


Judge just declared a mistrial

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

Originally posted by pitviper0404

The court has declared a mistrial after the jury came back with a note that despite their best efforts, they would not be able to reach a unanimous verdict…


They also submitted a note saying the 1 hung juror “needs to leave. He is having issues”

Good luck finding another entire jury that hasn’t seen the video now.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

They also submitted a note saying the 1 hung juror “needs to leave. He is having issues”

Good luck finding another entire jury that hasn’t seen the video now.

I didn’t see or hear anything about that, when did it happen, today?

One Simple Thanks!!


Originally posted by pitviper0404
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

They also submitted a note saying the 1 hung juror “needs to leave. He is having issues”

Good luck finding another entire jury that hasn’t seen the video now.

I didn’t see or hear anything about that, when did it happen, today?

One Simple Thanks!!



very bottom

I was watching the defense and prosecution speaking before the judge about jury instructions on the questions from today. It was clear there were disagreements in the jury pool between murder, manslaughter, and not guilty.

The prosecutor was reaching for murder with her comments on “malice aforethought” at the moment the act was committed. Neither the defense or the judge was buying that argument.

“Imminent Danger” was another term that got a lot of discussion. Prosecution wanted to go strictly by the Black’s Law definition, Defense wanted to expand the definition based on a case from Columbia that went before the State Supreme Court where the officer had a reasonable belief he was in danger.

Bottom line IMHO, prosecution didn’t make the case for murder, tried to slip in manslaughter, and got rejected.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Pretty sure 23 was hoping for hung jury