Michael Slager Trial

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by pitviper0404
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

They also submitted a note saying the 1 hung juror “needs to leave. He is having issues”

Good luck finding another entire jury that hasn’t seen the video now.

I didn’t see or hear anything about that, when did it happen, today?

One Simple Thanks!!



very bottom

This goes right along with what a “community organizer” was being allowed to say on News 2 live…something about “the jury is too many different races and ages, too many people, no way 12 different people could come to a unanimous decision, that needs to be reexamined.”


Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Someone ask about a Tazer being s
deadly weapon, it is if you keep
pulling the trigger.
Never want to take that ride again.

5 sec is enough for me.
Do anything they want you to do
after just 5 sec. Can’t image anyone
getting much more.

I’ve been tased, peed my pants and flopped on the floor like a dying fish. Thought I was going to die :face_with_head_bandage:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I’ve been tased, peed my pants and flopped on the floor like a dying fish. Thought I was going to die :face_with_head_bandage:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I was trouble shooting neon signage in my 20’s in wet weather. I wathced a blue arc climb up my 9" Kleins and enter my thumb!! I slung the Kleins and never found them!! If that was anything like a taser hit, I want no part of it!!

One Simple Thanks!!


Put away your cop love and your white pride for one minute. This ass hat shot a man in the back 5 times who was running away. Then planted a tazer to try to get away. This man needs to burn. Hands down. I don’t care if the man ran or not…

Originally posted by freedomfisher

Put away your cop love and your white pride for one minute. This ass hat shot a man in the back 5 times who was running away. Then planted a tazer to try to get away. This man needs to burn. Hands down. I don’t care if the man ran or not…

For murder the prosecution has to prove “malice aforethought”.

For voluntary manslaughter, the prosecution has to prove “crime of passion”.

The prosecution failed to build a case for either one beyond a reasonable doubt.

Now, I TOO feel like something should happen to Slager based on my own emotion of watching the video. Though, based on the law, I am not sure what.

That being said, the justice system is what holds this country together, and just because the mob wants to see a man hang is not a valid reason to circumnavigate the justice system. Once that happens, we violated some serious ground that’s more of a threat to our country than a cop shooting people in the back.

By the way, they did not plant a taser. That proves you know very little about the case and are reacting on emotion based on invalid assumptions.

It’s my understanding, that Scott’s DNA, was found on the Taser!

Put away your cop love and your white pride for one minute. This ass hat shot a man in the back 5 times who was running away. Then planted a tazer to try to get away. This man needs to burn. Hands down. I don't care if the man ran or not..

You’ve proven that all you know about the case is what the media has told you which is very (**() little. Typical in today’s society, make a decision based on what the deceitful media tells us. Way to go!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom
Put away your cop love and your white pride for one minute. This ass hat shot a man in the back 5 times who was running away. Then planted a tazer to try to get away. This man needs to burn. Hands down. I don't care if the man ran or not..

You’ve proven that all you know about the case is what the media has told you which is very (**() little. Typical in today’s society, make a decision based on what the deceitful media tells us. Way to go!

Even worse… The “tazer plant” smells a lot like ‘TRIAL BY FACEBOOK’…

Originally posted by freedomfisher

Put away your cop love and your white pride for one minute. This ass hat shot a man in the back 5 times who was running away. Then planted a tazer to try to get away. This man needs to burn. Hands down. I don’t care if the man ran or not…

Why do you wanna go and bring race into THIS forum, when this whole discussion has been rational and civil, free of racist implications?

I agree with Skinee, SOMETHING needs to be done. But put away your EMOTION and focus on the law. If you do, you’ll see the light…that light clearly says that the mistrial is due to the prosecution’s inability to form a solid case to prove “malife aforethought” or a “crime of passion.”

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Originally posted by leadenwahboy
Originally posted by freedomfisher

Put away your cop love and your white pride for one minute. This ass hat shot a man in the back 5 times who was running away. Then planted a tazer to try to get away. This man needs to burn. Hands down. I don’t care if the man ran or not…

Why do you wanna go and bring race into THIS forum, when this whole discussion has been rational and civil, free of racist implications?

I agree with Skinee, SOMETHING needs to be done. But put away your EMOTION and focus on the law. If you do, you’ll see the light…that light clearly says that the mistrial is due to the prosecution’s inability to form a solid case to prove “malife aforethought” or a “crime of passion.”

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

That’s a good point. Scarlett went for the will of the people (murder), and Savage was smart enough to never paint him as ever being out of control. Racking up those billable hours!

Billable to who?

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Billable to who?

Originally posted by DFreedom

You’ve proven that all you know about the case is what the media has told you which is very (**() little. Typical in today’s society, make a decision based on what the deceitful media tells us. Way to go!


Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by CaptFritz

Billable to who?


Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Enlighten me. He’s doing it gratis?


Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat


Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat



Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat