Mono vs. Braid

I was reading an article yesterday about mono vs. braid. It talked a lot about visablity under water. Also said if your not catching then try switching to mono if your using braid. I have switched all my reels to braid, was this a bad idea? Should I have a rod with mono? What are your thoughts?

Are you using a mono/flouro leader? I like barsid better especially for surf… it casts farther and easier, and you can get a lot more line capacity… why not go to braid?

Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc

Should have specified. Sorry. I Use braid with a metal leader in the surf. But no leader inshore. I was more talking about inshore. Should I be using a leader when going after reds inshore?

I never fish wire leader… can’t stand it. I always use mono or flouro leader. For smaller general purpose stuff I use 20lb berkely vanish flouro leader. I use a leader on everything… keeps your braid from getting tangled. For sheepies I use like a 40lb berkely vanish leader. For bigger stuff like a shark rod I just use 50 or 65lb mono leader. What kind of rigs are you using inshore tying straight to the braid?

Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc

I use braid to a popping cork then braid to live bait most of the time

I love fishing with popping corks. Do you have the problem with your braid getting wrapped up in your cork sometimes? This is what I do. I ttie about 5inches of 20lb flouro to the braid, then to the popping cork to keep it from getting tangled. Then about18 to 20 inches of 20# flouro berkely vanish to a 1/0 major hook or 2/0 j hook. Put a couple split shots on it and your good to go. I always use a leader. And I use berkely vanish because its cheap flourocarbon. I used to use 17# Cajun red mono. Cajun red is invisible to fish in the first 5’ of water. I didn’t see a difference really. I just bought that flouro because I use it on my cork rigs, leader for my jig heads and topwaters, and my Carolina and other bottom rigs

Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc

I fish only powerpro now. Monofilament has no advantage over braid other than the fact its clear. I always use a monofilament leader or fluorocarbon when im fishing for redfish. The braid really excells when you hook a big redfish under a dock.

when casting lures or lighter rods for reds, trout, and flounder i use a 7 foot medium action spinning rod with 12-15lb mono and have no problems. my 2 heavy spinning rods for surf fishing have about 400 yards of 65lb cajun braid on em. any time im after sharks i definately have a wire leader. you can get away with heavy mono with small sharks, but multiple small sharks or 1 big one will slice right through mono or braid too…speaking from experience.

Thanks every one for your input!

I wouldnt ever tie a hook directly to braid.

Why not tie a hook to braid? J/w

How many world record fish have been
caught using mono?

How did our fathers and grandfathers do it? remember the old photos? remember the full stringers of fish? how did they ever do it with such outdated equipment?

Originally posted by El Pescador

How many world record fish have been
caught using mono?

How did our fathers and grandfathers do it? remember the old photos? remember the full stringers of fish? how did they ever do it with such outdated equipment?

Well, you have a point. Of course, people also used to depend on a horse and buggy to get around, and used whale oil lamps because electricity didn’t exist…:smiley:

Mono is just like any other tool…there’s a right tool for the right application. I use mono a lot for certain things, but there are applications where braid works better.

I like mono for topwater baits, crankbaits, swimming a grub, something like that where the stretch factor of mono helps. I like braid for the sensitivity, strength, and low stretch. Usually on a carolina rig I’ll use braid on the main line and mono on the leader. I tried fluorocarbon several years ago, and didn’t like it…never tried it again, even though some people swear by it.

As for visibility, I know guys that catch them in clear water tying directly to braid. I know other guys that tie a mono or fluro leader with a uni knot because they’re concerned with the fish seeing the line. It boils down to whatever you’re confident in.

I swear by Power Pro braid with Berkley Vanish flouro for a leader.

30lb braid with 20lb flouro leader on everything for inshore. If I know fish are there but not biting I will drop to 12lb flouro leader. I have had a little luck with changing to a lighter leader. Not a huge difference but it has saved me from a skunk a few times.

Bass fishing and crappie fishing is all mono. 12lb and 6lb. Just what I’m used to.

Can’t comment on shark fishing as I don’t specifically target them.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc


10% stretch with mono…
Fish circle hooks though!

Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc