These guys normally just ignore me or circle me a few times to check me out, but they actually charged at me a few times on Friday. The first Shark even ate one of our Cobia that we had hooked on a rod.

Erik / Sven
Those weren’t just a swim by
You didn’t even have a stringer.
What was the local?
Ledges…in my experience don’t bring in those guys.
Good stuff.
Key West 1720 90 4 srtk Yamaha
There were a few sharks working the boats, i would have a few minutes of peace and dive down looking for cobia then the sharks would show up and circle me again. We were out by the Eagles nest, you really dont carry stringers while freediving you just get the one shot off then fight it back to the boat.
So is that testosterone product you use injected or a topical application?
Key West 1720 90 4 srtk Yamaha
I was watching your video last week. I have never had a shark that interested in me, even with a stringer.
I agree completely that it was time to get out of the water, that shark must be dealing with some issues. Its a good thing you were paying attention.
Sharks on public numbers tend to be more aggressive from my experience. It’s almost like people must feed them or throw down their fish when they see them diving. I’ve had one that aggressive before but I had a stringer full of hogs and grouper. Time to break out a powerhead when they act like that.
Dusky 256 twin 150 's
Never feed a shark from your stringer is a given. Do not drop it and run either.
But I did have to split a fish with one a while back. What are you gonna do when he already has it in his mouth?
At least he didn’t get the two hogs I had but it wasn’t that he didn’t try. Ultimate Getaway Fort Myers FL.

Key West 1720 90 4 srtk Yamaha
^Upstate, lol thats a bad ass photo, better half a fish than nothing at all. We got out one more time on the last weekend of the Cobia season, it was way too rough to try diving but we still did pretty good with the rods.
Erik Sven Anderson
Weichert Realtor Coastal Properties
Bluffton neighborhood specialist
1720 Key West cc 90hp Yamaha
I need to hookup with YOU guys!
Last partner left me on the bottom when I was halfway stuck in a hole on the Fred Day, trying to get a 25# Gag out.
He(my dive “buddy”) was hanging about 20’ above me on the anchor line when he said a 12’ Tiger came over and hovered over me, alternatively watching me and then him.
He panicked, then surfaced, with NO indication to me that there may be a situation.
Of course, I never saw the shark but my “buddy” sold his equipment a week later and has not been back in the water since.
Oh, and I DID get the Gag, along with a few other nice fish.
2006 17’ Sea Hunt Triton w/ 90 Yamaha, formerly a 1991 15’ Key West Explorer w/ 60 Johnson.
I’m pretty sure tigers mostly feed on roosting birds at night.
Key West 1720 90 4 srtk Yamaha