Mount Pleasant to consider appraising business

This should get interesting.

Mount Pleasant inched another step closer toward seizing business properties on the east side of Shem Creek Friday, although Town Council members insisted to a large crowd of residents that they were doing nothing of the sort.

Led by recently-elected council members aligned with the Save Shem Creek group, Town Council voted to have town staff investigate what it would cost to have appraisals performed on a number of business properties that are not for sale, and to have design plans created for a park on the land where those businesses now stand.

At a previous meeting, a majority of council members directed town staff to research the ownership and taxable values of those same properties. Formal appraisals would be seen as the first step in taking the properties through eminent domain, an attorney for the town said.

On Friday, Councilman Joe Bustos originally proposed having formal appraisals conducted and a park designed for those properties — with specific elements, such as a shrimp boat statue, a gift shop and rest rooms — but later took a step back and called only for a “purposeful, thorough investigation” of what those things would cost.

“I’m really surprised as many people came here thinking this would be a condemnation action,” Bustos said, before a standing-room-only crowd of more than 100 at Town Hall.

Many in the audience addressed the Town Council before the vote, with most expressing opposition to the idea of the town taking any properties from unwilling owners. The Charleston Trident Association of Realtors also expressed opposition.

“As a resident and a business owner, I’m shocked,” said Gray Taylor, an attorney. “This council does not seem to have any interest in the business community, or frankly, in anything north of Chuck Dawley Boulevard.”

The unspoken target of the recent council action appears to be a controversial office building and parking lot under construction at Coleman Boulevard and Mill Street, which Save Shem Creek is currently

One of the more vocal SSC members has been quiet for some reason. I expected a rant somewhere.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Local Gov’t IQ is about the same as some Boat Capt’s. Feed by a spoon but never a fork.


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Local Gov’t IQ is about the same as some Boat Capt’s. Feed by a spoon but never a fork.


Thank that Yankee carpetbagger Bustos, for that dumbass move. Bagwell is trying to save something that was lost 25 years ago. It is really quite simple,as the days of Ronnie cruising in his Cigarette are gone, shrimp boats 6 wide are gone, Junior Magwood cussing a teenager up and down the dock, gone. Carolina Clipper, gone. If this is what some lost souls are trying to get back to, then they better get a super duty flux capacitor. Property right$?

Property rights are theoretical socially-enforced constructs in economics for determining how a resource or economic good is used and owned.[1] Resources can be owned by (and hence be the property of) individuals, associations or governments.[2] Property rights can be viewed as an attribute of an economic good. This attribute has four broad components[3] and is often referred to as a bundle of rights:[4]

SSC is a load of crap.

I’m about sick and tired of people wanting to dictate how other people wish to use their land. They’re not building a sweatshop/stip club for gods sake. Offices and parking will be a (()ed sight better than that old pot hole parking lot. But noooooo, some spoiled turds miss “the good old days” and want to pretend MTP only has 10K residents again. If those idiots really want to do something about it buy it with your own (()ed money. Good luck buying all of MTP.

I wonder how much the leadership of SSC is making off those stickers

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

SSC is a load of crap.

I’m about sick and tired of people wanting to dictate how other people wish to use their land. They’re not building a sweatshop/stip club for gods sake. Offices and parking will be a (()ed sight better than that old pot hole parking lot. But noooooo, some spoiled turds miss “the good old days” and want to pretend MTP only has 10K residents again. If those idiots really want to do something about it buy it with your own (()ed money. Good luck buying all of MTP.

I wonder how much the leadership of SSC is making off those stickers

First, Most, Biggest

Did you read the above article? I agree with what you said 100%, but this is about the town getting appraisals for the properties on Shem Creek and the fear is that they will use eminent domain to acquire that property for a park. That would mean bye bye Reds’s and such. I am all for progress when needed but that woudl seem a little much IMO.

I read what was copied and pasted.

“Led by recently-elected council members aligned with the Save Shem Creek group, Town Council voted to have town staff investigate what it would cost to have appraisals performed on a number of business properties that are not for sale, and to have design plans created for a park on the land where those businesses now stand.”

Sound to me like SSC is now in the town council and try to patch together a plan to TAKE business owners land just so they can get their way. Why would the town or the large majority of MTP residents want to buyout long established businesses for some dumb park on prime real estate. If you want a park so bad put it on the land the town bought from Hamlin, not where current businesses are being operated and built.

Do I need to reread the article or was this not the issue? Maybe staying up till 3am to switch to nightshift had me cross-eyed.

First, Most, Biggest

I have been following some of the recent politics in Mt Pleasant since just before the election. I agree with SSC to a certain extent, but I really don’t think we can go around town, buying up property and putting a bunch of parks and public space around the area to prevent future business.

Was I personally in favor of a large parking garage at Shem Creek? No

I am interested in seeing a more proactive approach to future growth(both residential and commercial), which I think there has been a lack of.

I live out in Rivertowne Country Club. A subdivision with 1000’s of residents…and one entrance/exit…part of bad planning.

I did not attend the town council meeting, but from my understanding there were some items take out of context from the last meeting. After the meeting SSC posted on their Facebook page the following for clarification:
Maybe The P&C is onto something in today’s paper…do you really think Council would do something to harm established businesses?
“The unspoken target of the recent council action appears to be a controversial office building/parking garage.”
For the record, SSCC does not support closing or harming any existing businesses on the Creek!

New conference from today:

Also, on a side note - The stickers are free

Isn’t there a freshly built park a mile and a half down the road under the bridge? And one across the creek?

There’s some back-door shenanigans going on here, that involve dollar signs with lots of zeros behind them…

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Originally posted by leadenwahboy

Isn’t there a freshly built park a mile and a half down the road under the bridge? And one across the creek?

There’s some back-door shenanigans going on here, that involve dollar signs with lots of zeros behind them…

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

down the road? s h I t , there's one across the dang creek!

nothing to do with dollar$, it has to do with folks that don’t have anything better to do than disrupt town business, after issues have been discussed, approved, and voted on.

Life was much easier here before the carpetbagging Yankees moved in.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Is is particularly true with politics.

So harming current businesses isn’t ok but harming future businesses and a developer (business) is ok?

First, Most, Biggest

MOUNT PLEASANT — Three Town Council members leading the charge to appraise business properties near Shem Creek sought to assure people about their intentions Monday, but instead wound up in heated arguments with several property owners in a restaurant parking lot.

Picturesque Shem Creek is among the town’s top destinations, known for shrimp boats, restaurants and sunset views. On the east side of the creek, a controversial office building and parking garage — once encouraged by the town — is under construction, and now the town is talking about appraising that property and others, possibly for use as a park.

The effort is being led by recently elected council members, some of whom are aligned with the Save Shem Creek group, which opposes the office building and is suing the town to stop it.

Councilman Jim Owens was on the group’s board last year, and has rebuffed suggestions that he should recuse himself from votes involving the office building property.

At a press conference in the parking lot of RB’s restaurant, Councilman Joe Bustos said he wanted to combat rumors that the town plans to take the properties on the east side of the creek through eminent domain.

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After handing out a statement that said the town is only looking at vacant land, Bustos refused to rule out using the town’s power to take the office property, or a vacant restaurant that was recently sold.

“We’re talking about sidewalks,” said Bustos, who did most of the talking while council members Will Haynie and Owens looked on. “We were not seeking anything but to find out what it would cost to create pedestrian access to the creek.”

However, at a Town Council meeting Friday, Bustos had asked about getting cost estimates for a town park that would also include a gift shop, restrooms, play areas with swings and benches, a statue of a shrimp trawler and more.

The town’s staff has been directed to find out the cost of appraising businesses and having a park designed.


I’d like to see Billy Webb box the crap out of Bustos.

this won’t end well. Too bad we don’t have an SSC insider that’ll weigh in

This is a waste of time and money. Those businesses will sue and probably cause the town into bankruptcy.
Good luck getting much wide spread support for this.

Originally posted by PeaPod

this won’t end well. Too bad we don’t have an SSC insider that’ll weigh in

envy is the root of all evil.
Originally posted by Great White

I read what was copied and pasted.

“Led by recently-elected council members aligned with the Save Shem Creek group, Town Council voted to have town staff investigate what it would cost to have appraisals performed on a number of business properties that are not for sale, and to have design plans created for a park on the land where those businesses now stand.”

Sound to me like SSC is now in the town council and try to patch together a plan to TAKE business owners land just so they can get their way. Why would the town or the large majority of MTP residents want to buyout long established businesses for some dumb park on prime real estate. If you want a park so bad put it on the land the town bought from Hamlin, not where current businesses are being operated and built.

Do I need to reread the article or was this not the issue? Maybe staying up till 3am to switch to nightshift had me cross-eyed.

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Nah, you are right. We are on the same side. Seems I have not had enough sleep and the battling the political posts on FB and another site had me in a pretty bad arguing temperament! Not reasoning as well as I should be! I have had sleep and feeling better now! :smiley:

I’m an East Cooper native.

This whole thing is embarrassing. We’ve got a potholed, dirt and gravel parking lot and a nice parking garage is being built there. And people are LOSING THEIR MINDS over it.

I’ll be glad when it’s complete and in use.

The idea of using eminent domain to take businesses for further changes on Shem Creek needs to end. The existing park is nice and didn’t require any confiscation of private property.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Native son, you must not remember Mark Mason and the OK Tire Store?

Mt. Pleasant to condemn property on Shem Creek

Oct 11, 2007 - MOUNT PLEASANT — The town will condemn property on the northern … The tract, known as the OK Tire property, is where Mark Mason and … to exercise its power of eminent domain to acquire the property for public use.

Originally posted by PeaPod

this won’t end well. Too bad we don’t have an SSC insider that’ll weigh in

Seriously, where are the SSC people? I would love to hear some kind of logic behind their “cause”.

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