Pears and a fresh quaff, two bits
I got about half as much as you EF .Squirrels love my pears.Scuppernongs are starting to get ripe over here.
10 cha
What do you do with the pears? Just thaw and eat?
Yes, but after they thaw they get soft prettty fast and dont keep very long, even when refrigerated.
Good for pear butter (like apple butter), jans and jellies, pies, pear crisps, smoothies, etc…
These ones will likely be a pear mash wash and turned into brandy, with any luck at all
Brandy sounds good to me.Don’t forget to put some in your chow chow.
Im making my first batch of “bio fuel” tomorrow, so we’ll see
Fingers crossed
Bolbie called them ox hearts, and they do look similar on the outside.
Did you like them?
Did any of the yellow ones make it?
a little over a gallon and a few shitakes in the bank.
Freezer bound and down
Edited to add a couple roastin’ ears
I liked Bolbie’s term, better than anything I could come up with for shape. We really enjoyed them. The yellow cherries burned up in July but I’ve got seed from both for next year now
Blueberries in august, that would be refreshing!
Nice groceries and a fine looking doodle dog.
I am jealous of your growing season.
and i am envious of your whitetail season, and access to water, and fish, and folks, and swamps, and pigs, and,geez too much to list.
Thanks I feel better now but it would be nice to live up there for the five hottest months.