My Garden Today

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Love seeing all your gardens…Wife and I are working on our gardening skills (Small scale/raised back yard beds)…decent tomato and pepper crop this year…cucumbers turned yellow really fast, and squash were small and hard, screwed those up, will try again next year. What are you guys planting for late summer/fall??

Collards, siberian kale, and some late mustard greens.

Im about tired of the garden, lol

Good to know, thanks EF!

i love the garden talk.

mine had been ragged and brown for weeks so while the weekend weather was cool i tore stuff out and picked up sticks. ended up finding a handful of carrots, onions, and shallots that had died back and been hiding.

time now to add compost, turn over, and plant lettuce, kale, and carrots, then onions and garlic. need to get up with ole Fred about the latter. the stuff i grew last winter and harvested in june has lasted us till now but we’re about out.

i’ve messed with a sampler pack of kale types, and the red siberian did the best, but the curly blue kinds have always been the sweetest. lacinato did well too, seen it in the stores a lot lately but it wasn’t our favorite.

EDIT: I looked at the seed packet, it was red Russian that did best, the dwarf Siberian was good but I wish it was bigger :man_shrugging:

those tomatillos are bonkers, EF

hope ur enjoying some fresh salsa verde with your college ball!

Sneaky shallots!

I will be this weekend

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It would appear the deer have discovered that potatoes are under those mounds. I had a deal with last years deer that if they’d stay out of my garden I wouldnt poke holes in them. This years herd needs a reminder

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Good stuff. What you got planted for the fall, any collards?

Usually I do, stuff like collards, siberian kale, garlic, etc

but not this year. In a couple of weeks the neighbors have a ton of horse manure that Im gonna spread and till into the plot and call it a year.

Collards I planted from seed in early September are coming along nicely. Cages are to keep the dogs off them until they get bigger.

Peppers are on their last leg, but we had plenty.



You got it made up there and no roaming bands of thieves.A pal of mine retired up there just for that reason.Why I bet you don’t even bother to lock your doors at night. I can’t leave the swamps of Berkeley County,born and bred in a briar patch.

sman, I have seen some of your stuff

I would think a thief would rather slap his mama and call her filthy names than steal from you.


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Some of these are going in a pot today

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Those are beautiful. The neighbors cows got out a couple weeks ago and ate 90% of mine and trampled the rest.

I usually like them to go thru a cold snap before eating, seems to make them less stringent.

Nice raised beds