My Garden Today

I believe the dammn squirrels are eating my Carolina reaper bush

I have had a Jihad against squirrels for some time now. They chew my chain link fence and have chewed my gutters.

Fake rubber snakes in the garden help some. Some.

The squirrels don’t mess with the jalapeno, but they like to climb my sunflowers in the garden and tear the flowerheads off. My neighbor asked if I minded if he shot them. I told him I’d buy the ammo!

I created this monster with the squirrels. I can go out and whistle when they come running cuz I feed them peanuts.

Pickled Onions & Peppers

Now we’re talking!!

Brussles are starting to sprout

gonna be over ran with tomatoes soon

Need to can another 11 qts of beans tomorrow

Leeks are starting to look like they are supposed to

Pulled the first row of middle corn today, all the early is gone as of two days ago

Some for me and some for my fearthered friends,no yoke

Time to cut and cream, blanch and freeze, ,after lunch

Try this with your corn on a few ears to see how you like it. Pick em and sprinkle some water over them and put in a garbage bag then put in the freezer, worms and all. Been doing this for the past 20 years. No cobby taste and will keep a year with out getting freezer burnt. When you are ready for it, just pick how many ears you want shuck or put on the grill in the shuck… just peek back a little bit to make sure no worms. Quick fast and simple.

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Man you’ve been having some pretty corn.

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Thanks OTC

Fred, we do that with the last of the corn too, it does keep well that way.

The early corn I usually eat and give away. The middle corn i usually cream and guvr away

The late corn frozen in the husk takes up what room in the freezers i can afford, and the rest given away

13 quarts in the bank…

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That’s a full time job right there. Good stuff, EF

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I love the flavor and the crunch of the 1/2 ripe ones.

I wanna be like EF when I grow up.

It’s all I got

I’m way outta EF/23’s league!

next year that Crepe myrtle will be triple that size Bay!

Those Zinia’s are looking good ricky! I think zinia’s are to flowers as radishes are to gardens. I’ve been planting them for 30 years. As the flowers start to die, keep them picked off to encourage more blooms from you plants. Put em in a paper bag to finish drying off and them scrunch them up to throw in with your sunflowers next year.

It’s a good day.

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