National Anthem

As a Marine Veteran I am no longer watching the NFL. I took my Seahawks flag down once I heard they stayed in the locker room during the National Anthem. I am disappointing that the NFL players have chosen this way to protest, it is disrespectful for all those that gave to protect their rights and freedoms. While we have so much to work on as a society and a country the ideals we represent and the meaning behind the national anthem to me stands for what we have achieved so far. We are all incredibly lucky to be in this great nation and I refuse to support a business or industry that lets their employee’s disrespect that in the face of America.


The NFL and NBA have been dead to me for a long time. Bunch of overpaid crybaby animals.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

With the money those cats make and the connections they have, a much better approach at a protest could easily have been made. It’s a kick in the face and speaks tons for the owners of the teams.

“Why Bruce?”

The only thing sitting is doing is putting more division that we really don’t need now and sowing more seeds of subversion from those that disrespect America and what she stands for. NFL is something I’m done with… Even if Dallas goes to the Superbowl…

“Why Bruce?”

Never been an NBA fan and am no longer and NFL fan. They can have it and “protest” any way they like.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

Never been an NBA fan and am no longer and NFL fan. They can have it and “protest” any way they like.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?


The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

“Why Bruce?”

“You bit the hand, Marty. You bit the hand”

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Stay tuned for shark jumping with deflated balls

Anyone else feel like this might just be a distraction against our mission on North Korea? Trump knows the media is insatiable, and will be looking for any tip of the hand from him to give away our plans. Send them down a different path on a touchy subject while he makes moves to Nuke Rocket Man.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Trump knows how to play the media…and he is doing now. between NK all the hurricanes, fires…the only thing the media is seeing is exactly what he wants…the NFL.

Its kinda funny if it wasnt so sad.

Don’t forget the Confederate statues!

Want a job with the NFL?

Just need to spin a story of why our players disrespect the flag & National Anthem for the good of our audience & sponsors - translation - HELP!

Suck it up, buttercup…I have never seen a bigger bunch of grown men aka “real men that actually like full contact sports” act like a bunch of sniveling snowflakes.

“We don’t want politics in our sports.”

GTFO, politics is in everything!

If Trump announced a rally/speech during the Super Bowl halftime stage, the same “get politics out of sports” types here would be screaming MAGA all day long.

Even my biggest MAGA friends are bewildered why so many on social media are clutching their pearls/passing out on their fainting couches simply because of some easily dismissable nonsense.

“Oh my, we must boycott the NFL, this is just tooo much…I’m offended!!!”

And please, stop with the sanctimonious “I was OUTRAGED, I was in the stands and THREE people near me were sitting down during the anthem! I’m a vet and that angers me!”

Excuse me? Have any of you actually hung out on a typical Marine Corps base when it’s time for Colors? (and yes, I was an 03)

Half the unit is staying inside the entrances of buildings because they DON’T want to be caught outside/having to stand through it. Then you have the other groups outside that start to hear the beginning of colors and make a dead sprint to any nearby doorway so NOT to be caught outside. This isn’t the ****birds, this is EVERYONE.

This happened daily on many Marine infantry battalion bases I was stationed on or visited. I saw on Parris Island, Camp Horno, Mateo, Margarita/1st Recon, 29 Palms, Oki, etc… And yes, this was 2005-2010, not some garrison peacetime. The only time you rarely saw it was on mainside or near 52/infantry school simply because you used to have terrorizing figures like SGT MAJ Vines patrolling.

I don’t want to hear any recent vets become all sanctimonious because we all did our best to avoid it too. This is just the daily…not even the dreaded Friday medley.

I still can’t figure why there is so much talk about it. Why are you all so (**() upset? If it bothers you so much, simply start watchin

That just about wraps up this thread. Thanks, everybody, for coming!


so im tole

Did anyone else envision Clark Griswold sayimg “Holy ****, I need a Tylenol” at the end of that post?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

What Bluewater said. What I don’t understand is how this was ever spun into a protest against the military. The military represents the flag not the other way around. I haven’t been keeping up because it’s really not a big deal so maybe I missed something. To my knowledge it was more about cop violence against Blacks and CK bringing it to light. As a white I acknowledge that there are certainly cases where cops wrongfully target black people. I wish the cops were prosecuted more often but you hear about silicone cops getting a free paid vacation more often then getting in jail. Didn’t Trump just pardon a cop that was prosecuted for this?

And for the military folks. Wasn’t this your vow?

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

Do you realize that freedom of assembly is a pretty key component of the Constitution right? This is actually one of the best examples of peaceful assembly I can think of.

Maybe I’m missing something since I’ve ignored the large majority of this Kardashian type drama but it’s kinda funny that people are threatening to give up something they like because of a protest. You’re protesting protesting.

First, Most, Biggest

I don’t find many snivelers or buttercups on this website. I do see people offering their opinion.

You didn’t ask for mine but yours’ deserves a reply.

“Please now stand for our National Anthem”…

That is a tradition that I grew up with.

Traditions are no longer “cool”.

I watched it at my sons’ football games…I watched old men and women struggle to stand while younger others sat. I was ashamed for them.

Traditions are being eroded by the majority allowing it for the sake of a few.

Traditional marriage, traditional gender identity, religious/holiday traditions, traditional family…

I choose traditions. I tried to raise my family in them and tolerated the few around me that chose otherwise.

When I see an American flag in a foreign place, I know that represents a space where freedom is protected. I believe a majority of the world believes this as well…unless they are attempting to limit those freedoms.

I never served in the military. Raised in a military family on bases. I found your critique of your fellow servicemen running for buildings/doorways part of that erosion of tradition. I would imagine that if they were separated from their buds in a hostile situation…they’ed run TOWARD an American flag going up.

Just my opinion.

Amen Mdaddy, well said!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Mdaddy just schooled the cultural rot society of America.