National Anthem

Originally posted by Bayrider7365

Mdaddy just schooled the cultural rot society of America.

Yep. Cultural rot.

Suck it up buttercup! lol. Yes Sir, May I have another Sir.

Never saw the mass troupes run for door ways as Bluewaterb stated. Maybe they do that now? I hope not. I did see a few ***** when they found a few of us were being deployed during Desert Storm. They got over it.

“Why Bruce?”

I guess I’m one of those “sanctimonious vets” then because I never saw anyone, be it at “A” school or on deployment, “run for a nearby doorway to avoid” having to come to attention and/or pop a salute. Granted, this was 15 years prior to the timeframe Bluewaterbeaux mentioned so take that for what it’s worth.

That said, I don’t have a problem with the fact that anyone is peacefully protesting. Many people long before me and long after me have fought and will fight to defend the freedoms of the citizens of this great country and the right to peacefully protest is one of those freedoms. My issue with the whole ordeal is WHEN these protests are being conducted. I go to concerts and sporting events to get away from the stresses and grind of everyday life. I don’t buy concert tickets or game tickets to have someone shove their political/personal agendas down my throat. The NFL players say they should be able to use the NFL as a “platform.” Frankly, the only reason anyone knows who these people are is because of the “platform” that the NFL is so they are able to use the NFL as their platform. I personally don’t believe they should be able to conduct their protests while they’re “at work.” If they want to use their recognition (provided to them by the platform that is the NFL) as NFL football players to champion a cause, lead a protest or make a statement off the field, more power to them. I just don’t believe it should happen during game day. No one in the stands and no one tuning in on TV are there because they are interested in the players’ political views and/or personal agendas. They’re there to see competition. They’re there to see their team beat the snot out of the other team.

I don’t disagree with everything Bluewaterbeaux said but as a “sanctimonious vet,” I cannot relate to his “run for a nearby doorway” comment because I’ve never witnessed it.

God bless the “ignore” function.

College football > NFL

There is no substitute for hard work-Thomas A Edison

are any of these players doing anything to right these “injustices” outside of the NFL games? asking because I really don’t know…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Great White

What Bluewater said. What I don’t understand is how this was ever spun into a protest against the military. The military represents the flag not the other way around. I haven’t been keeping up because it’s really not a big deal so maybe I missed something. To my knowledge it was more about cop violence against Blacks and CK bringing it to light. As a white I acknowledge that there are certainly cases where cops wrongfully target black people. I wish the cops were prosecuted more often but you hear about silicone cops getting a free paid vacation more often then getting in jail. Didn’t Trump just pardon a cop that was prosecuted for this?

And for the military folks. Wasn’t this your vow?

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

Do you realize that freedom of assembly is a pretty key component of the Constitution right? This is actually one of the best examples of peaceful assembly I can think of.

Maybe I’m missing something since I’ve ignored the large majority of this Kardashian type drama but it’s kinda funny that people are threatening to give up something they like because of a protest. You’re protesting protesting.

First, Most, Biggest

Simple question. Why not protest in front of a police station instead of at a football game? Also, havent heard about the pardon. Link?

Likely because they are lazy and the most publicity they can get is on game day.


First, Most, Biggest

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what ever your protest is. Good gracious. Does anyone know what is being protested? Some say Trump, some say government, some say Black lives, some say police corruption, some say Health Care… I say it is just a bunch of jack legs stirring the pot and further dividing America.

Why not just bring out a bunch of flags from fal

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what ever your protest is. Good gracious. Does anyone know what is being protested? Some say Trump, some say government, some say Black lives, some say police corruption, so

It wasn’t until 2009 that the NFL players were mandated to be on the field for the National Anthem… Prior to this time in modern history, they rarely were on the field for it. Perhaps, it is time to mandate they stay in the locker room until it is over… Problem solved…


My only point is that people should do what they feel in their heart is right and not worry about what others do. So a bunch of folks stop standing, it doesn’t hurt me. We don’t need more laws. I don’t want any laws that say you have to stand and I don’t want any laws saying that we can’t have the pledge. Just leave it alone, and let folks do what they want. It’s what this country was founded on.

I just stay my own course knowing that it has to get worse before the savior comes back and makes it all better. Maybe it’s my “expect the worse hope for the best” attitude that allows me to stay in my own path and not let these shinanigans ruffle my feathers. I’m never surprised because I know there are lot of idiots out there to do this kind of crazy stuff. It’s only going to get worse folks. Just keep calm and carry on.

Who’s ready to watch A-a-Ron pummel the Bears tonight?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Because the “only worry about yourself” and the identical “me, my, I” mentalities are nothing alike and both are so beneficial for society.

If the NFL players must push something on the fans and its viewers, why not push “all the good” they do instead of pushing their political agendas? If it was truly about recognition for “all the good” they do, wouldn’t that be much more effective and productive? Like I said, I don’t care what their political views and agendas are…which is why I don’t want them forced down my throat when I’m the paying customer. Same for concerts. We pay to be entertained. Athletes earn their money/salaries because of the entertainment value they bring to the team and provide to their fans. If they want to get political, they can do that on their own time, not the fans’ time.

New Flash: If no one care

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what ever your protest is. Good gracious. Does anyone know what is being protested? Some say Trump, some say government, some say Black lives, some say police corruption, so

Originally posted by Bonzo72

are any of these players doing anything to right these “injustices” outside of the NFL games? asking because I really don’t know…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

This is my question as well. My guess would be no, or not much. I told my wife the other day, the reason these guys are participating in this “protest” is because they have absolutely NO skin in the game. They can “protest” without fear of consequence. How brave…:face_with_head_bandage:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what eve

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what eve

You Southern traitors… This is the real National Anthem…


This one is for Cracker Larry…


Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what ever y

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Geronimo

I just want to say that there are a lot of people blowing this so far out of proportion, and trying to categorize so many in the NFL as villains. If we are going to sit here and talk about the selfish “look at me” scenarios I think it is only fair if you all also point out all the good that many of these NFL players do for individuals, communities, cities, and so many people in this country.

The last thing I will say is, this world would be a much better place, and we would all get along better if everyone would just stay in their lane. Who cares, it’s a football game. Let them do whatever they want during the national anthem. Just worry about yourself. If you don’t like it, turn the channel, stop supporting the team. No need to make a spectacle about it by announcing to the world what your plans are, or update your Facebook page, or stage a burn party. News flash, no one cares.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

That’s the kind of talk that took Prayer and singing the pledge of allegiance out. Slow erosion of our long standing morals is just what subversion is about. America being taken down from the inside out.

All that would have to happen is for the owners to realize that what they are letting their players do while “on the Clock” is not going to be tolerated. Do your protesting on your own time. It is also bad for business.

You don’t protest the NATIONAL ANTHEM! Or use it for what eve