National Anthem

And before some bleeding heart goes there, to object to these protests during the National Anthem has nothing to do with being a racist or denying racial issues in this country. Just as those that protest have the right to do so, others have the right to not agree and voice their displeasure with the methodology of the protest. It chaps my ass when I hear people jump to conclusions when someone voices their displeasure with these protests and call that person a “racist” or tell them they’re blind to the racial issues in this country. Every comment I’ve heard and/or read talks about the methodology of the protests, not the cause.

God bless the “ignore” function.

This has nothing to do with racial injustice. If it did, they would protest at the steps of a courthouse. This is a protest against America, period. Kaper**** and the likes hate this country. The other jacksticks particpating are suck-ups who have jumped on the flavor of the day. Weak assed, no self esteem wanna be’s.

Half Black Kap’s black oppression in US beliefs started just after he scores a muslim GF which indicates she influenced him in trade for her squats. She is a radical muslim sympathizer with communist views & adores BLM. Nothing more than a split-tailed Obama that we had to endure for 8 years. Glad I can eat bacon.

If they have the right to kneel, I have the right to not watch or buy anything that supports them.

They’re protesting racial injustice? Or the police? A football field is not the place to protest race. Ever looked at the racial makeup on the field? And who protects the players on the way to the field?

Plain and simple, disrespecting the anthem and the flag is disrespecting the USA, all veterans and all that worked so hard to keep this country strong.

I think some are turning this to a military thing because the flag and the national anthem (not in every case) mean more to veterans then the average Joe. Folks whom served and fought overseas risked their lives for what the flag and national anthem stand for and most attach their own meaning to it. It represents years of sacrifice, PTSD struggles, for fallen comrades, for freedom, and how great it is to be in AMERICA and not IRAQ. To me the national anthem and the flag draw a deep deep emotional response because I love this county and gave a lot for it.
When I see old glory flying and hear the national anthem I still stand at attention but with my hand or hat over my heart, I think of all my friends that did not make it back, their families, mothers, fathers, and the vets that struggle everyday with PTSD and suicide. So forgive me if I don’t want to take a straw and suck it up, I would rather just turn off my TV.

Anybody besides me remember Nikita Kruschev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN screaming that socialism/communism would destroy the United States and would not fire a shot to do it??? Well; all you doubters / libs / dems ; open your D#mn eyes, they’re doing it in a thousand different ways that you’re witnessing every day and this disrespect for the anthem , cops , families , any authority , and the total disrespect for religion and beliefs are just a few of the ways its happening…I can’t describe the fear I have for this country I so love and the future generations to come:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

Anybody besides me remember Nikita Kruschev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN screaming that socialism/communism would destroy the United States and would not fire a shot to do it??? Well; all you doubters / libs / dems ; open your D#mn eyes, they’re doing it in a thousand different ways that you’re witnessing every day and this disrespect for the anthem , cops , families , any authority , and the total disrespect for religion and beliefs are just a few of the ways its happening…I can’t describe the fear I have for this country I so love and the future generations to come:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Geez, GW, gotta spin it into McCarthyism… Reality is this is about as far from communism as you can get… It is more closely aligned with anarchy…

Drumph in his position of power as President strongly suggesting players should be fired for not standing during the Anthem is right down the road to communism… Anarchy rejects authority, communism embraces it…


Originally posted by gail wins

Anybody besides me remember Nikita Kruschev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN screaming that socialism/communism would destroy the United States and would not fire a shot to do it??? Well; all you doubters / libs / dems ; open your D#mn eyes, they’re doing it in a thousand different ways that you’re witnessing every day and this disrespect for the anthem , cops , families , any authority , and the total disrespect for religion and beliefs are just a few of the ways its happening…I can’t describe the fear I have for this country I so love and the future generations to come:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Had several briefings during the cold war era and Russia knew they could not beat us. They openly stated that America would be destroyed by subversion and they would do what ever they could to seed it. This and so many other things are slowing tearing us apart. Just listen to the few on this sight that actually think we should suck it up and do nothing over this outrage. No NFL for me unless something drastic changes.

Liberal Colleges with Liberal narrow minded foreign (and domestic) professors are rotting our young american minds with even more subversion.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by gail wins

Anybody besides me remember Nikita Kruschev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN screaming that socialism/communism would destroy the United States and would not fire a shot to do it??? Well; all you doubters / libs / dems ; open your D#mn eyes, they’re doing it in a thousand different ways that you’re witnessing every day and this disrespect for the anthem , cops , families , any authority , and the total disrespect for religion and beliefs are just a few of the ways its happening…I can’t describe the fear I have for this country I so love and the future generations to come:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Had several briefings during the cold war era and Russia knew they could not beat us. They openly stated that America would be destroyed by subversion and they would do what ever they could to seed it. This and so many other things are slowing tearing us apart. Just listen to the few on this sight that actually think we should suck it up and do nothing over this outrage. No NFL for me unless something drastic changes.

Liberal Colleges with Liberal narrow minded foreign (and domestic) professors are rotting our young american minds with even more subversion.

“Why Bruce?”

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by gail wins

Anybody besides me remember Nikita Kruschev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN screaming that socialism/communism would destroy the United States and would not fire a shot to do it??? Well; all you doubters / libs / dems ; open your D#mn eyes, they’re doing it in a thousand different ways that you’re witnessing every day and this disrespect for the anthem , cops , families , any authority , and the total disrespect for religion and beliefs are just a few of the ways its happening…I can’t describe the fear I have for this country I so love and the future generations to come:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Had several briefings during the cold war era and Russia knew they could not beat us. They openly stated that America would be destroyed by subversion and they would do what ever they could to seed it. This and so many other things are slowing tearing us apart. Just listen to the few on this sight that actually think we should suck it up and do nothing over this outrage. No NFL for me unless something drastic changes.

Liberal Colleges with Liberal narrow minded foreign (and domestic) professors are rotting our young americ

Would any of ya’ll put up with your employees while at the jobsite act like that! I don’t think so! How do think your custermers would react! enough said!!!

Originally posted by boatpoor

Would any of ya’ll put up with your employees while at the jobsite act like that! I don’t think so! How do think your custermers would react! enough said!!!

I would not. and would make sure it was properly noted that fredjones did not follow a direct command. Even though SC is a right to hire right to fire state, it is a terrific idea to have documentation. :wink:

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by gail wins

Anybody besides me remember Nikita Kruschev pounding his shoe on the table at the UN screaming that socialism/communism would destroy the United States and would not fire a shot to do it??? Well; all you doubters / libs / dems ; open your D#mn eyes, they’re doing it in a thousand different ways that you’re witnessing every day and this disrespect for the anthem , cops , families , any authority , and the total disrespect for religion and beliefs are just a few of the ways its happening…I can’t describe the fear I have for this country I so love and the future generations to come:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Geez, GW, gotta spin it into McCarthyism…</font id=“red”> Reality is this is about as far from communism as you can get… It is more closely aligned with anarchy…

Drumph in his position of power as President strongly suggesting players should be fired for not standing during the Anthem is right down the road to communism… Anarchy rejects authority, communism embraces it…


Spin it any way you choose to call it BUT >>>>>

Gen. Patton tried to tell us to wipe comm out back in 45…
Gen.McArthur tried to stop it in Korea in 51…
McCarthy tried to tell us all abo

Who watched GB dismantle the Bears last night?

Neither did I.

I have stayed away from this topic as reading a bunch of political opinions really just puts me in a bad mood, but I just saw something about Lesean McCoy from the Bills doing stretches while the anthem is playing. While I can see someone trying to defend kneeling, this is just outright disrespect and I cannot see how anyone can defend this or sitting on the bench not paying any attention. He said he did it because he was mad at Trump and in essence is disrespecting the others player’s protest in the process. I don’t plan to watch anymore, these guys have picked the wrong way of protesting in my opinion. I don’t doubt some of them feel strongly, but the way they have chosen to show it, whether their intention or not, is being viewed by most (myself included) as disrespectful to our country and everything that everyone has done to make it a great country. While I think there are some of the players that may actually not like our country I think the majority of them do and do not understand how or why their actions are being perceived the way they are.

He said he did it because he was mad at Trump

If they were being honest, I’d bet most are doing so simply because they are still sore about Trump winning. The truth is, nothing has changed since Trump became president. Racial issues and cops killing “innocent” black men started way before this election. What did Obama do to make things any better? In MY opinion, he fanned the flames with his comments.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom
He said he did it because he was mad at Trump

If they were being honest, I’d bet most are doing so simply because they are still sore about Trump winning. The truth is, nothing has changed since Trump became president. Racial issues and cops killing “innocent” black men started way before this election. What did Obama do to make things any better? In MY opinion, he fanned the flames with his comments.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?


Here’s a question…

If the Clinton administration was able to blame the H.W. Bush administration, W. Bush’s administration was able to blame the Clinton administration and Obama’s administration was able to blame W. Bush’s administration for any “woes” they encountered, especially at the beginning of their administrations (the presidential blame game goes back far beyond this point), why is Trump “to blame” for the divided country he inherited from the Obama administration?

God bless the “ignore” function.

Someone almost hit the nail on the head earlier when they mentioned the liberal college professors. I wish it was only college, but the liberal agenda has infiltrated the entire educational system in the U.S. to the point that even private and parochial schools are tainted by liberal dogma. The liberals have held a stranglehold on U.S. education for so long now that grown adults don’t even realize that they have been indoctrinated; they simply see liberalism as truth. In my opinion, the U.S. will never stop its downhill slide unless the liberal dogma ceases to be preached from the academic pulpit.

Another huge problem that gets swept under the rug is the number of boys and young men that are raised without a father in the home. It is estimated that as many as 43% of American boys are now raised without a father in the home. So many behavioral problems result from this that I’m not going to even try to list any. This is a very easy subject to research on Google. Women cannot teach a boy how to be a man.