National Anthem

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

Someone almost hit the nail on the head earlier when they mentioned the liberal college professors. I wish it was only college, but the liberal agenda has infiltrated the entire educational system in the U.S. to the point that even private and parochial schools are tainted by liberal dogma. The liberals have held a stranglehold on U.S. education for so long now that grown adults don’t even realize that they have been indoctrinated; they simply see liberalism as truth. In my opinion, the U.S. will never stop its downhill slide unless the liberal dogma ceases to be preached from the academic pulpit.

Another huge problem that gets swept under the rug is the number of boys and young men that are raised without a father in the home. It is estimated that as many as 43% of American boys are now raised without a father in the home. So many behavioral problems result from this that I’m not going to even try to list any. This is a very easy subject to research on Google. Women cannot teach a boy how to be a man.

You have said what the left doesnt want said. Until we can speak the truth, it wo t get better.

Originally posted by boatpoor

Would any of ya’ll put up with your employees while at the jobsite act like that! I don’t think so! How do think your custermers would react! enough said!!!

They players work for a union. If the NFL CBA doesn’t force them to stand they can’t fire them. If they tried they would be sued and/or the players would go on strike and the season would be over. The NFL would lose billions.

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

First, Most, Biggest

They players work for a union. If the NFL CBA doesn't force them to stand they can't fire them. If they tried they would be sued and/or the players would go on strike and the season would be over. The NFL would lose billions.

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Then fine the hell out of them. They fine them for wearing the wrong socks, surely this could be a fineable offense.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom
They players work for a union. If the NFL CBA doesn't force them to stand they can't fire them. If they tried they would be sued and/or the players would go on strike and the season would be over. The NFL would lose billions.

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Then fine the hell out of them. They fine them for wearing the wrong socks, surely this could be a fineable offense.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Again, the NFL and it’s players have to follow the rules outlined in their Collective Bargaining Agreement. If it doesn’t say “Players must stand for the anthem” or “Players are not allowed to protest or promote political ideals on the field”. They fine them for uniform violations because the NFL has merchandise sponsors that dictate what the players wear.

You guys sure like the dictatorship model.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

The NFL would lose billions.

So? </font id=“size3”></font id=“red”>

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

You sound like you have already bowed down and kneeled before the liberal Media Gods and enjoyed a fine dose of piss that is being poored on American moral fabric. You are right it is a business, and business can be hurt by doing the wrong thing. Kneeling during the National Anthem is wrong. Why do you think they have switched to locking arms, but still standing! AND NO I WILL NOT DO LIKE SO MANY SHEEP AND “GET USED TO IT”! </font id=“size2”></font id=“red”>

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Great White

The NFL would lose billions.

So? </font id=“size3”></font id=“red”>

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

You sound like you have already bowed down and kneeled before the liberal Media Gods and enjoyed a fine dose of piss that is being poored on American moral fabric. You are right it is a business, and business can be hurt by doing the wrong thing. Kneeling during the National Anthem is wrong. Why do you think they have switched to locking arms, but still standing! AND NO I WILL NOT DO LIKE SO MANY SHEEP AND “GET USED TO IT”! </font id=“size2”></font id=“red”>

“Why Bruce?”

Very well said. For the first 12 years of school I saluted the flag every morning and pledged allegiance. Honor Duty Country

Sitting here watching a few interviews on this crap. We have million dollar earners at the age of 25 that will take a knee for Our Country, but stand for England. Idiots don’t have a clue.

I wish every Man in America had to serve a minimum of 2 years in our military to be an American citizen. I do believe that would give a lot of much needed Pride in America. If it did not then those that failed could not be an American citizen … and unable to receive free Ice Cream. [:0]:smiley:

The NFL, is now learning a good lesson, the people are speaking and we do not like what they are doing. No different than why Hillary was not elected. The Entitlement crowd has not yet reached a Majority… Thank GOD!!!


“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Great White

The NFL would lose billions.

So? </font id=“size3”></font id=“red”>

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

You sound like you have already bowed down and kneeled before the liberal Media Gods and enjoyed a fine dose of piss that is being poored on American moral fabric. You are right it is a business, and business can be hurt by doing the wrong thing. Kneeling during the National Anthem is wrong. Why do you think they have switched to locking arms, but still standing! AND NO I WILL NOT DO LIKE SO MANY SHEEP AND “GET USED TO IT”! </font id=“size2”></font id=“red”>

"Why Bruce?"

It’s pretty ironic that you asked “so?” and then quoted the answer to your own question immediately after. Businesses exist to make money. The NFL is an entertainment entity, not a branch of the military or US government. It’s not here to kiss Trump’s ass an he has no power over them. They switched to locking arms because the President threatened their livelihood uniting them against his ignorant speech. They are a Union, it’s what they do, get used to it. Weren’t you the one with heart issues? I don’t think getting worked up about a peaceful protest is doing you much good.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Great White

The NFL would lose billions.

So? </font id=“size3”></font id=“red”>

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

You sound like you have already bowed down and kneeled before the liberal Media Gods and enjoyed a fine dose of piss that is being poored on American moral fabric. You are right it is a business, and business can be hurt by doing the wrong thing. Kneeling during the National Anthem is wrong. Why do you think they have switched to locking arms, but still standing! AND NO I WILL NOT DO LIKE SO MANY SHEEP AND “GET USED TO IT”! </font id=“size2”></font id=“red”>

"Why Bruce?"

It’s pretty ironic that you asked “so?” and then quoted the answer to your own question immediately after. Businesses exist to make money. The NFL is an entertainment entity, not a branch of the military or US government. It’s not here to kiss Trump’s ass an he has no power over them. They switched to locking arms because the President threatened their livelihood uniting them against his ignorant speech. They are a Union, it’s what they do, get used to it. Weren’t you the one with heart issues? I don’t think getting worked up about a peaceful protest is doing you much good.

First, Most, Biggest

<hr height="1" noshade
Originally posted by Great White
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Great White

The NFL would lose billions.

So? </font id=“size3”></font id=“red”>

They are a business. This is how things work. Get used to it.

You sound like you have already bowed down and kneeled before the liberal Media Gods and enjoyed a fine dose of piss that is being poored on American moral fabric. You are right it is a business, and business can be hurt by doing the wrong thing. Kneeling during the National Anthem is wrong. Why do you think they have switched to locking arms, but still standing! AND NO I WILL NOT DO LIKE SO MANY SHEEP AND “GET USED TO IT”! </font id=“size2”></font id=“red”>

"Why Bruce?"

It’s pretty ironic that you asked “so?” and then quoted the answer to your own question immediately after. Businesses exist to make money. The NFL is an entertainment entity, not a branch of the military or US government. It’s not here to kiss Trump’s ass an he has no power over them. They switched to locking arms because the President threatened their livelihood uniting them against his ignorant speech. They are a Union, it’s what they do, get used to it. Weren’t you the one with heart issues? I don’t think getting worked up about a peaceful protest is doing you much good.

First, Most, Biggest

<hr height="1" noshade
Originally posted by natureboy what a load of carp! I don't have to get used to anyone insulting the flag or the anthem. Who the carp do you think you are? There's plenty we can do. We can vote with our wallets and contact the advertisers. The NFL will react to a loss of $$$$ quicker than anything else. Don't you dare tell me that I need to get used to disrespect.

Yet again the players are in a union and have contracts. If you tried to fire, suspend, or fine them for their protest the NFL would either get sued and the courts would force them to reinstate players OR the players would STRIKE and the league would lose BILLIONS. It would probably be a minimum of a $6 billion loss if they were on strike next week. You and your butt hurt buddies not watching or going to games will be a drop in the bucket compared to $6 billion so the NFL doesn’t really care. But please continue to do so, it’s a free country.

What you have to get used to is Americans taking advantage of their constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble. If ANYONE here is pissing on the Constitution of the United States, the American Flag, or the ideal the US Military represents it’s those that support Trumps ignorant point of view and think American workers should be fired for a peaceful protest. THAT is an Un-American ideology that goes against the structure of the Constitution, but again you have the constitutional right to do so.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Fred67 As I stated earlier, I will not get used to it as you have. I'm not worked up about a peaceful protest. You still fail to understand, or will not accept that kneeling during the Anthem is disrespectful and not peaceful at all this is what I'm "worked up" about. "locking Arms" is peaceful, I don't like it but I respect it, I don't respect the owners for belling up to their unruly employees. But understand it's a money thing.

Kneeling is not a standard reaction to an anthem but the only thing that could be considered disrespectful is the fact that it’s non-standard. In fact kneeling has been a sign of respect for centuries across the world. In East Asia it’s common to bow or keel to an elder, leader, or friend. In Monarchies knights and soldiers would kneel for the royal family. When requesting your wife’s hand in marriage you kneeled to her. When praying to God you likely kneel also. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if kneeling for an anthem is customary in some places, but it would be very difficult to research today. So do you disrespect your wife and god or do you only look at kneeling as disrespectful when it’s slightly out of place?

Do I think Kaep was smart enough to know this? Not really but it’s possible.

Another thing worth noting is that you all keep *****ing about the NFL like they haven’t done ANYTHING. Who started this fiasco? Kaepernick. What team does he play for? Oh wait, he doesn’t play for ANY NFL TEAM. A young QB that played in the superbowl just a few years ago doesn’t have a job because of his protest. The NFL is doing all they can legally do against these players, which is not to renew their contracts. There are several teams that could use him too.

First, Most, Biggest

Kap is toxic. His days on the field are over. If we protest the NFL AND they lose only 10% of revenue , heads will roll. Good to know you support disrespecting the flag and anthem

Originally posted by Great White [br Kneeling is not a standard reaction to an anthem but the only thing that could be considered disrespectful is the fact that it's non-standard. In fact kneeling has been a sign of respect for centuries across the world.

Good Gracious!! that’s your argument! You are grasping. You and I both know that kneeling during the American National Anthem is disrespectful. Period.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Great White

So do you disrespect your wife and god or do you only look at kneeling as disrespectful when it’s slightly out of place?

Not even a nice try, and so far off in fantasy land as to be laughable.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Great White

Another thing worth noting is that you all keep *****ing about the NFL like they haven’t done ANYTHING. Who started this fiasco? Kaepernick. What team does he play for? Oh wait, he doesn’t play for ANY NFL TEAM. A young QB that played in the superbowl just a few years ago doesn’t have a job because of his protest. The NFL is doing all they can legally do against these players, which is not to renew their contracts. There are several teams that could use him too.

I’m not even sure what your talking about in this paragraph. you almost sound like you agree with the NFL black balling Kaperpupernickle.

“Why Bruce?”

Kaepernick didn’t lose his starting QB job because of his protests. He lost his starting QB job because of poor play. He knew he wasn’t going to win the starting job back so he opted out of his contract with the 49’ers.

The reason he is still unemployed is because his lack of quality play wouldn’t be worth the media crap storm and distraction he would be. I don’t recall his name but one NFL prognosticator, who is black, said if he was the quality of player as a Tom Brady, Odell Beckham Jr or Cam Newton then he would’ve been worth the risk/distraction but since his level of play isn’t elite, he’s not worth the risk/distraction. It has nothing to do with being “black balled.” To put it simply, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze for Kaepernick.

God bless the “ignore” function.