Nearshore 11/22/2011

First attempt at video so don’t expect too much.
I had my camera on my wrist and learned that is not the ideal place to have the camera. Loads of Big BSB and some pretty nice sheeps.
We only took 3 very large sheep for supper. I swam along the ship so everyone could appreciate the amount and variation of coral.
Promise to do better next time.
Hope this works:smiley:

Nice! How was the water temp and how deep were you?

62 degrees.
40 feet.
Would love to have went deeper to find blue water and maybe a grouper or two, but my son had an afternoon appt. in Charleston that limited his time out. We stuck close to keep him in good standing with his fiancee.:wink:

4O FT that’s perfect freeiving depths, I dove the Braod River down here in Beaufort and shot some big sheepshead around a dock on a exceptional clear day of 1 foot of vis!
