Im willing to pay for someone to come clean my sea fox 256walkaround. I have an orbital buffer with collinite cleaner and 885 fleetwax paste for you to get the job done. Need the entire boat done. Will pay cash. Must have experience and must do at my home as boat is on trailer in the yard. I have everything you need just need someone to put the work in. Pm me
Located in Beaufort near pi gate
Sent PM
2006 Grady White 257
Twin Yamaha F150’s
2011 Sea Hunt Triton 207
Yamaha F150
14 McKee Craft
50 Johnson
Still no luck getting someone to do my boat. I will pay $350 cash when the job is complete. Again read initial post for details need done soon. Must have experience.
Hey Slugger,
I can detail your boat for you. I thought you were waiting to get it back and were going to call me when ready. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I don’t have your number, please call me at 843 816 0700.
Left a message thank you