New to scuba

Hey guys I was just wondering what licenses or certifications were required to spearfish? I think it would be an awesome time but I don’t think it would be a good idea to go out with some training. Also, does anywhere do classes for the scuba part? Thanks for any info! (summerville) or lowcountry scuba (Mt. Pleasant)…Charleston Scuba, but I’ve heard they are not spear friendly…all great places. As for liscenses…Fishing liscense…that’s all… SCUBA is certification

“The Wet Dream”
20’ Pioneer 197
150hp Suzuki 4-Stroke

Awesome. Thanks guys!

The only license that you must have is a South Carolina Saltwater Fishing License. PADI and NAUI Certifications are not required by law to dive; however, they are good programs.

If you are getting into diving just to spearfish, I would highly suggest getting in quite a few dives under your belt before you go out and get the gun. I also suggest doing some deep dives (get your Advanced Open Water) before you go spearing. If you go out and try to hunt underwater before you know how much air you use at rest vs. swimming and how much air you use at 30 ft vs. 100 ft you could be setting yourself up for a bad experience.

As a professional diver I know that things can go bad in a hurry if you are not experienced, do not know your physical limitations, do not know your training limitations.

Best of Luck,


Narcosis has given you some good advice.
You should become very comfortable in the water before shooting a fish.
Nothing like having your mask knocked off by another fish while you are stringing one up. Lots of other things that can go wrong, but that is one that will surely happen and if you’re not comfortable with your ability and equipment it can turn ugly real quick. Removing your mask in a pool and having it ripped off your face in 100’ of salt water are two totally different experiences.
I make a rule to enjoy the dive more than trying to spear a fish. If I encounter a good fish while I’m down then that’s just gravy.

Just like the others have said so far, get proficient at diving first before you ever consider spearing. Diving is one thing but when you add in the issues that can arise using a speargun it can be bad news for a new diver. I dove for 10 years before I ever touched a speargun. New divers sometimes have a hard enough problem just trying to master the dive gear and fighting bouyancy control let alone working the mechanisms of a gun and wrestling with a fish. One issue I noticed with newer divers trying spearing is that they lose track of time and air while chasing or wrestling with a fish. New divers typically have poor air consumption rates to begin with and when the excitement of getting a fish and getting it on the stringer mix with that they can go right through a tank in no time. Once you do start spearing, start off shallow until you are totally comfortable with it, a problem at 40 feet is easier to deal with than at 110 feet for a rookie.

Don’t let any of our comments turn you away from it, you will love it; just be patient and master diving first. All of us were a rookie diver and spearo at some point.