New years resolutions.

Anyone made one? Wife was just asking me what mine was. I think I’m gonna try to loose 10 lbs and sell a few old man toys cluttering up things.

Smoking is a problem, don’t know how I’m going to get it done Fred. Whether it be patches, nicorettes or the little known about E-cig something has got to give for the sake of my wife and boy. Don’t know if cold turkey is going to cut it. Chantix looks screwy. Happy New year to you, take care Sir.:smiley:

Run. I quit smoking about two years now. (For the third or fourth time). I used the Nicorette mini lozenges and the patch for the first week. There are still days I want to not smoke just thissssss much more than I want one. I think you need to want to and then be strong. That, and a 2 pack a week chewing gum habit now. Good luck. You can do it.

it is easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission

14’’ McKee/30 'rude(SOLD)

Thought for Today: “A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other.” — Author unknown.

Originally posted by runbabyrun

Smoking is a problem, don’t know how I’m going to get it done Fred. Whether it be patches, nicorettes or the little known about E-cig something has got to give for the sake of my wife and boy. Don’t know if cold turkey is going to cut it. Chantix looks screwy. Happy New year to you, take care Sir.:smiley:

Wife tried everything and finally just went cold turkey. Her and my Son tried the Chantix and both had crazy dreams while on it.

Good Luck, You’ll be happy with yourself when you do finally quit. Food will taste better as well.

Cold turkey is the only way, I tried all the crutches, Asked the good LORD for help and that was in 2006 after my best friends funeral! Never looked back!

Pete, someone I know quit using hypnosis. It worked. You can also look into acupuncture. As for resolutions, trying to be more patient, less profanity lose a couple pounds.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Thanks everyone for the advice. Turning 50 come April and it is time. My wife has got the jump on me she’s down to just a couple a day and doing well with it. DF my aunt quit using hypnosis. She told me she sent a couple of friends too have it done and they were successful as well. Appreciate it, plenty for me to work on this year. I am a flawed man:smiley:

I don’t believe in them.

Originally posted by skinneej

I don’t believe in them.

Weather it’s a new year, spring, summer, fall, or winter, personal reflection that something in our life needs to change. I believe everyone has things they could resolve to do better at. While I personally know I’ll never be perfect, I do try and better myself. :smiley:

I don’t believe in Santa Clause anymore.

Well said Fred!

New year’s resolutions usually backfire. So mine is to gain weight. A schoolmate of mine had 2/3 of his lung removed and died 3 months later. 48 years old. Miserable death. Big wake-up call for me. I put them down and not looked back. Smoked two + packs a day. Every time I think about picking up the cigarette I think about Doug. And the money I was just flushing down the toilet. After not smoking a while you go in someone’s home or car that smokes and you realize how nasty of a habit it is. Just think about your family & friends every time you want a cigarette. You’re exposing them to it. GOOD LUCK !!! If I can do it anyone can.

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by skinneej

I don’t believe in them.

Weather it’s a new year, spring, summer, fall, or winter, personal reflection that something in our life needs to change. I believe everyone has things they could resolve to do better at. While I personally know I’ll never be perfect, I do try and better myself. :smiley:

I don’t believe in Santa Clause anymore.

I believe in a philosophy called "continuous improvement". Why wait for a New Year when I can start today?

my resolution is to not let the improper use of the word lose or loose bother me anymore.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

my resolution is to not let the improper use of the word lose or loose bother me anymore.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

:smiley: Awesome! But, did it really bother you? Never took you for a spell check type of individual.

Hope you have a fantastic Charter season this year.

On a side note do you offer a 7/8" NC x 6" all the way threaded? Grade 8.

My New Years resolution was to stop procrastinating so much, but I decided to put it off 'til next year…:clown_face:

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by CaptFritz

my resolution is to not let the improper use of the word lose or loose bother me anymore.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

:smiley: Awesome! But, did it really bother you? Never took you for a spell check type of individual.

Hope you have a fantastic Charter season this year.

On a side note do you offer a 7/8" NC x 6" all the way threaded? Grade 8.

Not sure what the NC stands for but our 7/8x6 bolts are partially threaded that we have in stock. Have 7/8 b7 threaDED ROD IN 3FT LENGTHS if that works

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

my resolution is to not let the improper use of the word lose or loose bother me anymore.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

your just being silly. that and capitolizing words at the beginning of sentences shouldn’t brother you. punctutation is overrated

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by CaptFritz

my resolution is to not let the improper use of the word lose or loose bother me anymore.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

your just being silly. that and capitolizing words at the beginning of sentences shouldn’t brother you. punctutation is overrated

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Capitalizing …

Originally posted by CaptFritz
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by CaptFritz

my resolution is to not let the improper use of the word lose or loose bother me anymore.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

:smiley: Awesome! But, did it really bother you? Never took you for a spell check type of individual.

Hope you have a fantastic Charter season this year.

On a side note do you offer a 7/8" NC x 6" all the way threaded? Grade 8.

Not sure what the NC stands for but our 7/8x6 bolts are partially threaded that we have in stock. Have 7/8 b7 threaDED ROD IN 3FT LENGTHS if that works

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Course thread… NC / UNC Thought you may know that one.

Used to be simple NC = national course NF = National fine.

Found what I needed Full threaded 7/8 course through HOse and Equipment in Sumpter. Costly but what I needed.

Never seen thread all in grade 8? You have that? B7 is basically grade 5.