Nice addition to the site..

I echo Capt. Court in the sticky above when he says it is a fine line between spam and getting the message out. As any business owner knows, generating impressions on potential customers can add considerable amounts to the cost of a product. Being able to precisely target your market makes promotion extremely efficient, thus reducing the cost to the end consumer. My offerings evolved from a desire to provide a quality product at a price the average person can afford. Just like many of you, I have hit the floors or websites of the big box stores(Bass Pro, Cabelas etc…)and have come away insulted by the price of their products. That is why Titan Fiberglass ( was formed.

My business philosophy is simple: take care of the customer and the money will come. The quality of my offerings rival any (beat most) and are at a price that can be touched by none. Even do-it-yourselfers are challenged to piece together an anchor pin of comparable price and quality.

If you have any questions, contact me,


A picture is worth 1000 words. Lets see some of your work. I know I have 1 project coming that could use a hand.