Obama Executive Orders On Guns

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

[quote]Originally posted by skinneej

[quote]Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Show me statistics that gun training will not reduce gun violence if you’re so stat happy.

Burden of proof is on the guy trying to change the world!!! :smiley:

Not trying to “win”… Just want people to realize that critical thinking is a process, not a feeling.

Dude come on. Winning is everything.

I was doing live shoot houses in 2002 with the 173rd Airborne. Its part of MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) training. Per FM 25-101, Battle Focused Training, Infantry Units are required to do this training at least annually. Most Combat Units on Bragg, JBLM, FT. Drum and in Europe do the training semi-annually.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Yet I can order one on line and Fed Ex will bring it to me. Go figure.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Bring to your locally licensed dealer of course…not you. :smiley:

The inter-state laws are there for a reason, and make sense if you read up on them.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I’m very torn on what went down today with all of this…

On one hand, I don’t want you guys (average joe) to have to come to me (gun dealer) to have a gun transferred so you can sell it.

On the other, it would be awesome to sit in my garage and sip iced tea all day while you guys come in in droves to hand me $20 to do it for you :smiley:

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I'm very torn on what went down today with all of this...

I can tell you one thing that went up today, and yesterday :smiley: That’s my firearms and ammunition stocks. It was up $1,000 in the first hour of trading this morning, up $800 yesterday. I bought into it with $5000 gambling dollars a month ago. Today that 5K is now 12K. Beats the heck out of working for a living :smiley:

Obama is doing the work for me :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by leadenwahboy

I’m very torn on what went down today with all of this…

On one hand, I don’t want you guys (average joe) to have to come to me (gun dealer) to have a gun transferred so you can sell it.

On the other, it would be awesome to sit in my garage and sip iced tea all day while you guys come in in droves to hand me $20 to do it for you :smiley:

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Dont understand this in the business part that you are now required to get an FFL even if you sell one or two guns. If I sell one or two guns a year on Gunbroker what do I now do, risked being investigated as a dealer or get an FFL to sell the gun for me?

I know it’s more involved than what you previously experienced, but getting an FFL is not that difficult of a process. A very good friend of mine has been attending gun shows as a vendor for years, selling firearms under his own FFL. I helped him at one show and was blown away by how many people were “offended” that he was going to make them fill out a 4473 and submit a background check on them at a gun show.

In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.

Xpress H20B Bay Series
Yamaha 115 SHO

Originally posted by archer

I know it’s more involved than what you previously experienced, but getting an FFL is not that difficult of a process. A very good friend of mine has been attending gun shows as a vendor for years, selling firearms under his own FFL. I helped him at one show and was blown away by how many people were “offended” that he was going to make them fill out a 4473 and submit a background check on them at a gun show.

In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.

Xpress H20B Bay Series
Yamaha 115 SHO

The ATF/FFL side is easy. The zoning and business license requirements are what’s difficult. I had to threaten a lawyer to get the county to allow mine.

The media has sensationalized the non-existent “gun show loophole.”

As a licensed vendor, a 4473 is REQUIRED for every gun that leaves the A&D (acquisition and disposition) book. PERIOD

The “loophole” they speak of is the same one that allows you to buy/sell a gun in Burger King parking lot or Wal-Mart. A private sale from individual to individual does not require a background check in most states. That means Joe Blow can walk around the gun show with a rifle strapped on his back with a for sale sign. That’s a personal sale, not related to a dealer.

Taking that right away from us and requiring a 4473 is the only way they can get a record of every gun out there to start registration and eventual confiscation…

BUT…contrary to popular belief, when you fill out a 4473 and dealer runs the BGC, they are not submitting to the authorities WHAT you’re buying. ONly information transmitted to NICS is your personal information, and whether you’re “attempting” to acquire a “long gun/handgun/other.” That’s it. Serial numbers, make

Originally posted by leadenwahboy

ONly information transmitted to NICS is your personal information, and whether you’re “attempting” to acquire a “long gun/handgun/other.” That’s it. Serial numbers, make and model, etc, is NOT transmitted. There is no record of what guns you have at all right now.

Key words, “right now”…

Are you required to store information on make, model, serial numbers, and for so, how long? You might not be transmitting it at the point of purchase, but my question is, “is there a paper trail that could eventually be leveraged?”

I think that the government is working in baby steps here… If they came out and said, “let’s do a gun registry”, then the nation would be up in arms… But if they can sneak their way towards one, what is to stop them? It would be some pretty serious technology to connect background checks in a federal system that includes medical records, etc. WHEN they achieve that, it’s only a matter of time before they require people to register firearms. And, if they know you own 5 “hand guns”, what is to keep them from asking you for their serial numbers in the FUTURE? I know people are going to say, “Oh, yeah, I lost all my hand guns”… And, while that is clever and all, there can be stiff fines and prison attached to walking around with an “illegally owned firearm”, you know a handgun that was “lost” that a person failed to register… For a full auto weapon, I think it’s like possible 10 years in the slammer and 250K fine… Not worth it…

I think it’s pretty clear here that Obama wants to move towards a full lineage of a firearm from the time it’s manufactured until the time it’s recycled… You can’t do that without a registry of some sorts… It’s a logical step in this progression… We might not have it now, but it’s cle

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by leadenwahboy

ONly information transmitted to NICS is your personal information, and whether you’re “attempting” to acquire a “long gun/handgun/other.” That’s it. Serial numbers, make and model, etc, is NOT transmitted. There is no record of what guns you have at all right now.

Key words, “right now”…

Are you required to store information on make, model, serial numbers, and for so, how long? You might not be transmitting it at the point of purchase, but my question is, “is there a paper trail that could eventually be leveraged?”

I think that the government is working in baby steps here…

I think it’s pretty clear here that Obama wants to move towards a full lineage of a firearm from the time it’s manufactured until the time it’s recycled… You can’t do that without a registry of some sorts… It’s a logical step in this progression… We might not have it now, but it’s clear that is where we are headed.


We have a winner

They won’t stop until there is an uprising from us or they have registry and ultimately confiscation.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by leadenwahboy

ONly information transmitted to NICS is your personal information, and whether you’re “attempting” to acquire a “long gun/handgun/other.” That’s it. Serial numbers, make and model, etc, is NOT transmitted. There is no record of what guns you have at all right now.

Key words, “right now”…

Are you required to store information on make, model, serial numbers, and for so, how long? You might not be transmitting it at the point of purchase, but my question is, “is there a paper trail that could eventually be leveraged?”

I think that the government is working in baby steps here… If they came out and said, “let’s do a gun registry”, then the nation would be up in arms… But if they can sneak their way towards one, what is to stop them? It would be some pretty serious technology to connect background checks in a federal system that includes medical records, etc. WHEN they achieve that, it’s only a matter of time before they require people to register firearms. And, if they know you own 5 “hand guns”, what is to keep them from asking you for their serial numbers in the FUTURE? I know people are going to say, “Oh, yeah, I lost all my hand guns”… And, while that is clever and all, there can be stiff fines and prison attached to walking around with an “illegally owned firearm”, you know a handgun that was “lost” that a person failed to register… For a full auto weapon, I think it’s like possible 10 years in the slammer and 250K fine… Not worth it…

I think it’s pretty clear here that Obama wants to move towards a full lineage of a firearm from the time it’s manufactur

Originally posted by leadenwahboy So, to answer your question, YES there is a paper trail that could be used, but it would be a MASSIVE undertaking, on a scale not really even fathomable.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Sounds a lot like the medical records section of Obamacare

Nothing is unfathomable to the far left

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

leadenwahboy, thanks for the explanation. Yes, I agree that retro-actively, it would be a massive undertaking, but two things could EASILY happen:

  1. Force end users to register their existing firearms and create legislation that put’s stiff fines and penalties for anyone caught with an unregistered firearm.
  2. Impose new regulations on guns manufactured after a given date that forces electronic tracking (i.e. get rid of paper records and move to electronic records going forward for NEW sales).

Let’s be frank, nobody likes paper and virtually everyone is moving to electronic records of some sort. There’s no way we will still be doing all of this on paper 10 years from now.

Originally posted by Pippin21

I was doing live shoot houses in 2002 with the 173rd Airborne. Its part of MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) training. Per FM 25-101, Battle Focused Training, Infantry Units are required to do this training at least annually. Most Combat Units on Bragg, JBLM, FT. Drum and in Europe do the training semi-annually.

Not possible. Archer and bangstick are the highest authority on it. Only ST6 and CAG do live shoot house training. Oops, there I go with my Call of Duty acronyms again.

Originally posted by Frigate
Originally posted by Pippin21

I was doing live shoot houses in 2002 with the 173rd Airborne. Its part of MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) training. Per FM 25-101, Battle Focused Training, Infantry Units are required to do this training at least annually. Most Combat Units on Bragg, JBLM, FT. Drum and in Europe do the training semi-annually.

Not possible. Archer and bangstick are the highest authority on it. Only ST6 and CAG do live shoot house training. Oops, there I go with my Call of Duty acronyms again.

Apparently you’re playing an old version of your game, kiddo. ST6 hasn’t been ST6 for a while ('87). Now they’re DEVGRU. Maybe you just haven’t made it to that high of a level on your little game, sport. I’m sure mom will let you alone in her basement long enough for you to make up ground though. Your parents must be so proud…

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

The main problem is that few people really understand our present firearms laws. This the HEAD OF THE FBI showing that he doesn’t know jack (just a short approx. 30 second clip, watch it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwQFMzz3Cu8

But, even if everyone in the US had a tight understanding, it wouldn’t change the left’s goals:

  1. “Universal Background Checks”
  2. Wait, how can we prove that x gun was transferred? We need registration or else the solution, “Universal Background Checks”, won’t work.
  3. Registration
  4. We still have crime involving guns, so we need to confiscate, excuse me I mean “buy back” x category of gun
  5. Eventually, we’re the UK. By begging and groveling and jumping through many hoops, we can own shotguns and target shooting firearms, maybe.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Originally posted by bangstick

Apparently you’re playing an old version of your game, kiddo. ST6 hasn’t been ST6 for a while ('87). Now they’re DEVGRU. Maybe you just haven’t made it to that high of a level on your little game, sport. I’m sure mom will let you alone in her basement long enough for you to make up ground though. Your parents must be so proud…

LOL I can tell you hang around team guys a lot.

Setting: Virginia Beach watering hole
Scene: Bunch of team guys hanging out, drinking beers.

Man walks up to team guys
Man: “I used to be a seal”
Team guys: “No ****? What team?”
Man: “Oh, I was in DEVGRU”
Enormous laughter breaks out, man blushes, realizes that nobody in the socom community calls them DEVGRU
Half the guys start bleeding out of their eyes and die right there on the spot from laughter


Originally posted by Frigate
Originally posted by bangstick

Apparently you’re playing an old version of your game, kiddo. ST6 hasn’t been ST6 for a while ('87). Now they’re DEVGRU. Maybe you just haven’t made it to that high of a level on your little game, sport. I’m sure mom will let you alone in her basement long enough for you to make up ground though. Your parents must be so proud…

LOL I can tell you hang around team guys a lot.

Setting: Virginia Beach watering hole
Scene: Bunch of team guys hanging out, drinking beers.

Man walks up to team guys
Man: “I used to be a seal”
Team guys: “No ****? What team?”
Man: “Oh, I was in DEVGRU”
Enormous laughter breaks out, man blushes, realizes that nobody in the socom community calls them DEVGRU
Half the guys start bleeding out of their eyes and die right there on the spot from laughter


Sorry it took me so long to respond, I went looking for where I said I was with the teams but couldn’t find it. That said, if I were and given the small size of that community, one would think introductions rarely involve the words “what team”. But hey, maybe your role playing video games do things a little different than real life.

And I’m sure the curtains in your mother’s basement are delightful.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Originally posted by bangstick

And I’m sure the curtains in your mother’s basement are delightful.


Originally posted by bangstick
Originally posted by Frigate
Originally posted by Pippin21

I was doing live shoot houses in 2002 with the 173rd Airborne. Its part of MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) training. Per FM 25-101, Battle Focused Training, Infantry Units are required to do this training at least annually. Most Combat Units on Bragg, JBLM, FT. Drum and in Europe do the training semi-annually.

Not possible. Archer and bangstick are the highest authority on it. Only ST6 and CAG do live shoot house training. Oops, there I go with my Call of Duty acronyms again.

Apparently you’re playing an old version of your game, kiddo. ST6 hasn’t been ST6 for a while ('87). Now they’re DEVGRU. Maybe you just haven’t made it to that high of a level on your little game, sport. I’m sure mom will let you alone in her basement long enough for you to make up ground though. Your parents must be so proud…

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Just a guess… but I’d say Frigate is an alias or found this site on another side line search for something. :question: heck how knows…