old pics

Been a while guys…post some oldies if you got em…
Sometimes if we slow down and look back…jus sayin

me and dad in 1983-84

me and dad 2011

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.


Oldies you say? I took these of my Dad in 1959 on St. Catherines Island. We used to fly down and land on the beach to surf fish.

Me in my office, about 1980…

Mrs. Cracker, about 1976…heading for the Tortugas.

How did I get this lucky?

Aground, again :smiley:

Cracker Jr. about 23 years ago… I built that boat about 30 years ago. It’s still fishing trot lines down on the Altamaha.

I used to take him with me when I was bait shrimping for a local marina, I’d stuff him in a bucket to keep him clear of the lines when I was setting the nets.

Surprisingly, he still fishes with me. There’s 3 generations of fishing here :smiley:

That’s all for now…Anybody remember this place?

Capt. Larry Teuton

great pix Jimmy & larry.

larry, sometime let’s hear how you got her to marry you. you’re in way over your head.

PeaPod, she actually married me twice [:0] She still fishes with me too.

Jimmy the pic of your old Mckee with a Javelin reminded me of this one…It is of my little brother and friends of his…

Couple more, anybody remember this place? It’s been closed for years…

Drying out in West End after a rough crossing…

Lobsters at Double Breasted Cay, 1981…

My first charter boat, a 1966 Chris Craft.

Somewhere on the ICW, I think Norfolk, VA… We spent months cruising on this little boat.

Somewhere in the Bahamas, 1981

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

And having just recently met Mrs Cracker, she is as pretty now as she was then. Cool pictures, wish I had some stuff like that. I have to say, calling the mid 80’s stuff old makes me feel a little old.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Man that was great. Thanks for sharing guys!!!

Dorado II
Carolina Skiff 25DLV

sometime let's hear how you got her to marry you. you're in way over your head.

I snagged her when she was 17, promised her an education and a lifetime of adventure, which sounded better to her than working in her Dad’s Greek restaurant. I delivered on both counts. I fished, shrimped, crabbed, oystered and clammed to put her through college, often on dark and foggy nights. The darker and foggier the better. :smiley: She works for the best group of Neurosurgeons in the SE, has certifications in Radiology, CT and MRI. And she sometimes got more adventure than she signed up for :smiley:

And having just recently met Mrs Cracker, she is as pretty now as she was then.

Thanks, Doug, yes she is. She has aged much better than I have, but she hasn’t been beat up, shot up and blown up either. It’s sometimes the mileage and not the age. Your wife is very easy to look at too, and sweet as a peach :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I’m painting a boat today, really should be fishing instead, weather is beautiful for both, but I’ve got to get this boat finished before Monday. Apply a coat, kill an hour, apply another, wait an hour…

Charleston, 1978

Mrs. Cracker guiding me into an anchorage in Grand Cay, Bahamas, about 1980. I’ve learned that when she says go left I should go left, because if I go right and run aground she never forgets it. Better I go left and run aground. I’ve been aground before :smiley:

Ran across this old pic while looking through others. Cow Nose rays, we came across them about 100 miles offshore, they looked like a weed line in the distance and stretched for miles in both directions, moving from N to S. Must have been a million of them. 20 yards wide and many miles long :sunglasses:

Sebastion, our boat dog. He sailed with me for 25,000 miles. Smartest dog I ever had, not the handsomest. He could follow multiple commands. I could ask him to put my empty beer can in the trash, get another beer out of the fridge and turn on the TV. He would do them all in order. I ain’t kidding. Amazing dog, and he never fell off the boat. Sometimes we would sail for weeks at a time and I’d cut and tie a small bush to the shrouds so he could hike his leg. :smiley: Butt ugly but smarter than me.

I have to say, calling the mid 80's stuff old makes me feel a little old.

Hard to believe that was 40 years ago.

I can go back further. This is my Gr

Great pix

Larry you should get someone to follow you around and listen and write a book. What a life you have had. Thanks for sharing

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”
www.ralphphillipsinshore.com | www.summervillesaltwateranglers.com
President, Summerville Saltwater Anglers

Larry, did you know Russ, TOP2BOTTOM1?

Some of your stories are similar, reminds me of him.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Awsome pics filled with what I know are alot of memories.
Funny how the more fishing I do the more I wish I could fish with
the ones who put up with me just so I could fish.
Ms.Cape (Janie) was on every trip when we didnt have nothing to fish with but some old stuff that wasn’t gold or glamorous.
Little did we know her heart would soon tell her she would have to stay at home…She still is happy that I can go and is eager to listen to every detail of our adventures.

Even when I add a little to the truth if she knows she ain’t tellin.



This is my dad early seventies at Charleston City Marina,never ever forget those days.Janie and I took him crabbing when he was 72 and I still think about that trip.We had to stop on the way and let him pee at least 3 times on the way.He made several jokes about it then and we all had a good laugh…We were using the ring traps that you had to pull up real fast but he had grown up to using chicken necks on a string…
He would pull up the ring traps inch by inch and caught twice as much as much as we did.Ended up with 80 big heavy crabs that day…
He was gone 4 months later…I remember back when we grew up in Evanston Estates he brought home a 21 ft Stamas and my mom almost had a stroke…He didn’t have the money for new power so Dorchester Marine put twin 115 on it but one was a Johnson and the other was an Evinrude …Grew up bottom fishing with hand lines and pulling a shrimp trawl outta charleston.Too many stories for this forum but
it sure makes one charish the memories.



Late 1970s after a long night of gigging the Wando River. Dad on the left and one of his long time friends, Charlie.

My dad’s first boating trip with my mother’s father. Mid 1970s. Not sure where this was taken. My grandfather was a WWII vet and one tough man. Smoked a pipe until he was too sick with cancer to continue. Every time I smell a pipe, it takes me back to him.

My Dad and Jerry early 1980s. Dad and Jerry were best buds since high school and hung out until my dad passed away three years ago. Jerry was always a good friend. That’s me on the dock to the left.

Dad and Jerry on my boat a few years back celebrating a nice Wando redfish.

A shark dad caught at Castle Pinkey one summer day.

The older dad got, the less he could go out in the boat. The end of Folly Beach Coast Guard station turned into one of his favorite fishing spots. We used to go here when I was a kid, but as I got older and couldn’t make those during the week trips, Jerry stepped back in and they became good fishing buddies again. Of all the fishing pictures of my dad, either Jerry or myself took them. :smiley:

This was the last big fish dad ever caught. Raintowles creek striper. Came on a live shrimp on light tackle out of his back yard. He told me this story multiple times. The tide was going out and he had to lay on his belly in the mud to get this big boy up on the bank. Even in his 60s, he was more proud of this fish than it seems like any of his other catc


Fantastic :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I really enjoyed seeing all these, thanks!

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Best thread on the internet.

13ft Whaler with 25hp Johnson

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Duck hunting with dad, Matagorda, TX 1974’ish

My first surfboard - a Hollow WAVE. Hard to ride, but I was proud of it.

13ft Whaler with 25hp Johnson

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Thank you for sharing your memories. My father passed when I was 17 so I really have no pics of times together. But your memories bring up the times we had. Thank you!