Parley results

Just asking… I haven’t seen a results post for the last 2 weeks, am I missing them?
If not posted, fine I know this isn’t the most important thing in the world. Against just checking.

Maybe it has become a do it yourself parlay?

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I’ve been trying for the last two days. It finally let me do it today.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

and now I can’t post week #8. I’m done for a while.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

The iWatch is a challenge…:smiley:

Between me sucking at making picks and the struggles of accessing the site lately I have quit the 2019-2020 pickem. Good luck to those still playing.

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Understand. Thanks.

Jeez, if I quit just because I sucked, I’d never play again. Come on Fritz don’t quit.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?