Petrino to Louisville

If Miami’s ruining back comes back healthy, they should be pretty good.

Virginia Tech could win ten games too. You never know with Beamers boys. Unfortunately for the Tigers, famous jameis has to come back in 2014. With Taj and Sammy leaving for the NFL, it’s going to be tough to compete with the defending national champions.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by Fishb8

So the Atlantic will swamp the coastal again.

Fishy fish please go reread my original post. As I said the Atlantic will be that much more tough to win. :smiley:

Cape there at rumors they are talking this offseason about splitting up fsu and Clemson. The ACCCG has been so bad the last few years (fritz insert ticket price comment here )

Ricky I would give us a 20% chance if beating fsu 5 out of 10 times. :wink:

This year or last year?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

If Miami’s ruining back comes back healthy, they should be pretty good.

Virginia Tech could win ten games too. You never know with Beamers boys. Unfortunately for the Tigers, famous jameis has to come back in 2014. With Taj and Sammy leaving for the NFL, it’s going to be tough to compete with the defending national champions.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Beamer is easily the most overrated coach in college football (and he isn’t even rated that highly). I have never seen someone get so much mileage of out one incredible athlete (Vick). VTech has been mediocre for a long time and will remain mediocre so long as they have a coach that is best known for special teams.

You guys also keep talking about Arkansas, but right before that he was at… LOUISVILLE. Won the Orange Bowl there. Is already familiar with recruiting to that school.

The ACC upgraded enormously with Louisville, especially with Petrino running the show. Now they need to balance the divisions. Miami will be good again, but everyone else in the Coastal… woof.

Originally posted by SirSpear
Originally posted by 23Sailfish

If Miami’s ruining back comes back healthy, they should be pretty good.

Virginia Tech could win ten games too. You never know with Beamers boys. Unfortunately for the Tigers, famous jameis has to come back in 2014. With Taj and Sammy leaving for the NFL, it’s going to be tough to compete with the defending national champions.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Beamer is easily the most overrated coach in college football (and he isn’t even rated that highly). I have never seen someone get so much mileage of out one incredible athlete (Vick). VTech has been mediocre for a long time and will remain mediocre so long as they have a coach that is best known for special teams.

You guys also keep talking about Arkansas, but right before that he was at… LOUISVILLE. Won the Orange Bowl there. Is already familiar with recruiting to that school.

The ACC upgraded enormously with Louisville, especially with Petrino running the show. Now they need to balance the divisions. Miami will be good again, but everyone else in the Coastal… woof.

I don’t know…I’m hoping the Tarheels can surprise people this year in the Coastal and at least challenge for it. After the awful 1-5 start, we did win 6 of our last 7 including our bowl game, with the only loss in the last stretch being to Duke by 2 points. (I ‘hate’ Duke, but they did play well this year and Cutcliffe did a really nice job with that team.) Either way