Photo of deer carcass, what caused it???

This deer was found on a private island near Edisto that I deer hunt on. The deer was half covered up and I found a track in the disturbed dirt. I think it is a cat of some kind. The track is big next to my index finger tip. Notice how deep it is. Could it possibly be a cougar or just a very large bobcat? I estimate the deer weighing 80 to 100 pounds. This was not staged. I found it the morning after this happened because it was not there the day before. The landowners and caretaker are placing motion cameras to see what comes back.

why the hell was it covered up?

I did some research and have decided it was El Chupacabra.

I’d start carrying a pistol with me in the woods if I were you. Yotes hold no candle to these little buggers. Some say DNR transplanted them here back in the 90’s. I hear you can put antifreeze in a deer carcass and it’ll take these bastards out.

The Only Change I Can Believe In


Romeo '10 1/2

I think it may well have been a cat of some sort. The reason being because it was more covered up than buried. I think canines usually dig a whole then bury and feline usually more just covers up. Just my opinion I’m no expert.

Could you tell how the deer was taken down? Any visible wounds?

“The Unsinkable Legend”

[quote]Originally posted by Whaler Dave

Could you tell how the deer was taken down? Any visible wounds?

“The Unsinkable Legend”

That would be of most importance in your investigation. As for the pictures, it is hard to make them out. Looks like some type of cat none the less. I have a huge mountain lion that runs loose on our club as well as bobcats and a panther that was spotted. The mountain lion was caught on camera several times durring the night. I heard that it was brought here and raised illegally up until the time that it escaped.

“Reel Quality Time”
21 Ft. Hydrasport

Take a kid fishing!

Brad I know a lot of people that dont think there are any panthers/cougars in this state. Well other then the cugars that frequent dockside. I have never seen one and wont really believe there here untill i do see one. But around 10 years before dad passed away he and one of firends swore they say a big cat(not a bob cat) near the area you took this pic. Next time I see you youll have to tell me the story.

Bobcat- they do this all the time, they usually start eating from the rear end.

That’s just weird. I dunno

“Strange things are afoot at the Circle K”
-Ted Theodore Logan

My dad talked about sightings and seeing black panthers on occassion growing up over near Walterboro and Smoaks in some of the swamps. I have personally seen some really plus size bobbies in that area. Dunno, not a cat expert.

Mako 262 Twin Yammaha F200s
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Definitely a cat track. Cats retract their claws when they walk, so no little claw marks in front of the tracks, whereas canines leave a nail marks.

Originally posted by Rapchizzle

why the hell was it covered up?

I did some research and have decided it was El Chupacabra.

I’d start carrying a pistol with me in the woods if I were you. Yotes hold no candle to these little buggers. Some say DNR transplanted them here back in the 90’s. I hear you can put antifreeze in a deer carcass and it’ll take these bastards out.

The Only Change I Can Believe In


Romeo '10 1/2

Hounds-men are the big reason yotes are a problem.They decided a fox was not challenging enough,so they started trapping,buying yotes to chase.Coyotes can dig extremely well,and it didn't take long for most to escape.A non-indigenous killing machine has an open buffet here in the lowcountry....not claiming a yote here,just wanted to get it straight about how they ended up in coastal SC.Yotes most of the time prefer newborn fawns,not full grown deer unless maimed.Whatever you do,or have been told,or sounds cool,please don't go pouring antifreeze on a carcass.

i dunno… but you better be packin some heat when you slippin through them woods at daybreak!

Was this found last Wednesday? I ask because one of the guys in my shooting club told me about a similar find near Edisto.

Looking at the photo of the track, I’d have to say that it could have been a bobcat. I have seen some pretty big bobcats on Edisto. However, many years ago, I also saw a puma on Edisto on the road that goes to Botany Bay. I and a friend looked at it broadside through our rifle scopes in broad daylight from around 100 yards away. Absolutely no doubt about what it was.

I found a similar buried deer carcass in Dorchester a long while ago. This was before game cameras were popular (or even invented).

I sure hope you get pictures of whatever it was that buried it. Please post them if you do.

Might be to late now but put a game camera up by the deer. Whatever took it down is sure to come back.

Bolbie- that was a joke on the threads about yote rumors that have been on here! the last two sentences were directed at the Chups anyways.

The Only Change I Can Believe In


Romeo '10 1/2

Was the find near Dawhoo Plantation? One morning I had to swerve to avoid a big ass cat at the base of the bridge right at the entrance to Dawhoo Plantation. He was black with a tail as long as his body.
My father in law was with me and saw it also, so I know I taw a putty tat

It seems to me with all of this talk of black panther sightings that someone would have shot or run over one of these things by now! That also does not seem to be a very large cat track, a mountain lion track would be the size of your palm.

big ole nasty bobcat is what id guess…pretty cool find

Can a bobcat take down a deer that size?

“The Unsinkable Legend”

Bobcat… no doubt.

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
Will Rogers