Photo of deer carcass, what caused it???

Potmouse and Sprig, you are correct sirs! My bad.

Originally posted by Uglystik

We have seen a Black Panther out in Awendaw where I grew up. 6 people have seen it that I know of. All black, 5 foot long or so, and the tail looked like it was as long as the body, if not more. One leap, and it was across the road and gone out of sight. Pretty rare sight, but I assure you, that they are around in atlest small numbers. There is also a Gray Wolf that has been spotted by me and my dad on Halfway Creek Road in Awendaw two days in a row. Have not seen him since. I assume he was from the Seewee Gray wolf exibit, but who knows.

I work so that I may boat!
I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me!

A big yote looks just like a wolf.
Originally posted by Uglystik

We have seen a Black Panther out in Awendaw where I grew up. 6 people have seen it that I know of. All black, 5 foot long or so, and the tail looked like it was as long as the body, if not more. One leap, and it was across the road and gone out of sight. Pretty rare sight, but I assure you, that they are around in atlest small numbers. There is also a Gray Wolf that has been spotted by me and my dad on Halfway Creek Road in Awendaw two days in a row. Have not seen him since. I assume he was from the Seewee Gray wolf exibit, but who knows.

I work so that I may boat!
I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me!

Let me preface…

I am not calling you a liar.

I have seen cougars who were such a dark bronze that even looking at them sitting still you may confuse it for black. You said yourself the cat bounded across the road and was gone in a split second. I’d be willing to bet it was just a darker colored cougar.

i’d be willing to bet that it was a dog.

I’d be willing to say if a person saw a dog he would say he saw a dog. If he said he saw a cat he more than likely saw a cat. I tend to believe any sensible adult that loves to hunt. Deer season he saw a deer, turkey season he saw a turkey, why would someone want to lie about seeing a cat? We know what we see. Search the net for big cat sightings in the upstate, there has been dozens recently.
later the catman

The sign should read

When I was younger I went on a dove hunt with my dad in the Florence area. There was an old tobacco barn where we met up before the hunt that one of the guys was keeping a mt. lion in. He must have had it since it was little because he brought it out on a leash, but he also had a pistol on his side. This was a long time ago, but the memory has stuck with me. The cat was bigger than me. I can see how easy they could escape and turn wild again and eventually start to thrive just like the yotes. Not to far fetched. If there are as many sightings as people say their are, someone knows someone who has killed one.

I saw a deer up in a tree in Awendaw a few years ago



i saw a buffalo fly across a field one day while dove hunting. i know it was a buffalo because ive always heard of “buffalo wings”. so it came to me hand and hand, buffalos fly? dam i wish i coulda shot it, i love nothing more than some spicy “buffalo” wings!

More Big Cat Sightings in S.C.:
Marlboro County, Charleston District, North Myrtle Beach, Sullivan’s Island, Lake Wateree, Holly Hill, plus others. See and read comments on site.

also see (copy): big cat sightings in the upstate sc


There were also reports of a lizard man running around at one time; also seen by many people, but i do not believe there reports any more than those of a black panther.

Could the markings on that tree be from a black bear,That tree is hollowed out could have easily been a bee hive in that hollow and he tried to work it.We have seen that before.As far as cougars I have been a land manager for a good number of years and have never seen one nor has anyone ever produced one photo,hair or truely identifiable track…ever. Dont know for sure just sayin.

Some days your the bug,Some days your the windshield
22’Champion bay f225 yami

Patterson said he also knew a retired security guard who saw one at Bargains Food Store near a trash bin that contained meat scraps from the butcher.

“He said he walked toward the Dumpster and out jumped this cat, the biggest, blackest cat he had seen in his life. He said he never told anybody about that,” Patterson said.

This is great, now they are dumpster diving.
My bad these are bears, for a minute I thought they were… nevermind.


The LIZZARD MAN is for REAL, I know b/c I had one of the T-shirts. He used to live around that land your boy hunts down 61. Unfortunately he’s dead now, I killed him.



1984 14’ alumacraft
2004 yamaha 25

I know there are a lot of non believers when it comes to the idea of big cats in the wild here in S.C., but you should never say never to the possibility. I had a big cat encounter in 2003 in the upstate myself and I have a lot of my neighbors that have seen them also. One day someone will record an encounter and the naysayers will have to reconsider. So untill then pack a little heat when you head out to the woods. Tell us about your sightings.

The sign should read

i am not totally doubting a sighting of a cougar(tan in color) i just do not believe anyone who claims to have seen a black one. I don’t think there has ever been a black one killed anywhere.

There will still be naysayers even if someone brings in a dead one. Game camera photos will be dismissed as “photochops”.

Frankly, if I had hard evidence, I’d simply keep it to myself because nothing good would come from proving that big cats exist in SC. Perhaps that is also DNR’s stance.

Whether they exist or not, it really is a bit silly to recommend to people to “pack heat” when they enter the woods to be safe from cats. How many people have been bothered by cougars in Florida, where even the naysayers admit they might still exist?

there is no doubt that they exist in southern florida, they are photographed pretty regularly.

You may find this hard to believe but I think your thoughts of a cat are correct. As of what kind, when I was stationed in Chas my boss told me of a cat “Jackelmundy” Spelling I am not sure of but this cat is some how related to the panther family. I thought he was full of it till, I was out running in the early morning hours and I spotted a large cat which I thought was about the size of a mountain lion but it was all black. I mentioned it to some of my Marines and they said yeah thats a Jackelmundy. It could be one of those maybe,

2008/225CC KEYWEST

I think you are refering to a jaguarundi, however they only weigh about twelve pounds.

Well guys the answer to my original post has been answered by a trail cam. I talked with the island caretaker today at the tool sale and he told me that he found out what covered the deer up. I asked him for the images so hopefully he will get those to me soon. Are you ready for the answer?..Bobcat, definitely. He told me that the bobcat did come back to the dead deer and he has it on film. I am so glad this riddle is solved. Now maybe this page can finally end. I really thought there was a possibility of a cougar but I am glad it was proven which cat it was. BOBCAT

This page shouldn’t end until you post the pictures. Not that I’m on either side of the fence on this cat deal, but I simply want to see the pics.