Photo of deer carcass, what caused it???

We saw a black cat 80 to 90 lbs on July 4 on the farm in Williamsburg county. I have been seing them from time to time all my life, but I only hear them when I have a gun. To be honest with you they scare the crap out of me when I hear them, its an awful sound. I will set out some cameras and see what comes out. But they are here and have been as long as I can remeber.

Local Boy, Just having fun.

:smiley: Local Boy , that was another puuurrrfect post. There has been dozens of encounters across our state this year. Still no picture. One day soon some one will check their trail cam and have a pic and bring it to the news media for all to see. If the cat was black and it was authenticated, that person would be the first ever and they would be in the history books forever. Some media have offered to pay for such in the past. Almost every News office in S.C. has had reports of BIG BLACK CAT sightings reported to them.

Any one want to tell their cat tale?

later catman

The sign should read

:smiley:A good show on tonight about Big Black Cats.

The History Channel @ 9:00

Lions in your backyard.

Later catman

The sign should read

We had a similar event in Branchville…Found obvious drag marks across a plowed field.

Followed the drag marks to find deer covered up with brush and sticks.

We placed a game camera that night and got 2 shots of a bobcat and 1000 photos of buzzards the next day.

Big cat there!

I used to hunt in Boggy Swamp just outside Andrews. There were usually 1 or 2 sightings every year. Supposedly a pair, one very dark charcoal colored and one tan. I never personally saw them but I trust several of the guys to be truthful. I did have an encounter with black bears and frequently saw clawed up trees.
Great thread…keep it up!

My hunting club is in cottagville on the edisto and my dad hass seen a big cat (darker and bigger than a bobcat) on the same club a few weeks later the deer dogs treed a big black cat. Unfortunately the man got scared, grabbed the dogs and ran.

Rootspook- were there no tracks to photo in the plowed field?

Originally posted by flyinghigh

Rootspook- were there no tracks to photo in the plowed field?

No when the deer was drug it coverd up the tracks. We spent a while looking nothing…not able to see any tracks around where the deer was coverd up bc of the heavy ground cover

I should add that it was a plowed power line right-of-way, i.e. 10yd wide. The site of the attack, as we could best guess, was on the other side of the right-of-way near the access road

large cougar type cat seen in Athens Ga. area this week.


A close friend told me he saw one this summer, just north of of hwy 45 on the coast. Black 80 to 90 lbs tail as long as the body he said. Sounds like the same type I havve seen for years now in Williamsburg County.

Local Boy, Just having fun.

Do you hunt or lease land near Branchville? There was a rabid bobcat attack in Branchville this summer off of Calhoun Road. From your photo image of the bobcat, it looks to be very large. Very nice pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Yeah we hunt in Branchville… a friend’s place. The pics were shot 10/14/04. Your pics at the beginning brought back some memories of all of the thoughts that went through our minds when we found that deer covered up. Thanks for starting that thread.

:smiley: check this out…

later catman

The sign should read

if they are in ga they should or be here.

i lived in Seale Alabama which is less then 20 miles from columbus GA…i will see about getting up the pics but there are alot of panthers in alabama and in GA you just dont see them…I wouldnt doubt they are around here.

According to the Griffin Daily News Paper there was a Panther encounter this week.

click on home and see story in center of page, recent headlines,Griffin woman reports panther sighting. enjoy

later catman

The sign should read


YouTube Panther sighting Macon Ga.

also see Monsterquest tonight:

Panther in your backyard

later catman

The sign should read


The sign should read

bump… stir the pot.:smiley:

later catman

The sign should read