An otter should look like a little cat.
The poop has hit the fan.
An otter should look like a little cat.
The poop has hit the fan.
The otter looks nothing like the cougar.
“Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.”
quote:Bull on that photo.Thats been around for quite some time.That deer would have to be blind,deaf and its nose cut off to not notice
Originally posted by edistobradEver been walking through the woods at night and had that sensation that something was following you?
It’s rather spooky when you consider that deer can hear “us” from so far away. And then wonder at how quiet a cat must be if this can happen.
This picture is from Montana where someone set out a motion sensor camera to see if any big bucks were passing in the area.
quote:Bull on that photo.Thats been around for quite some time.That deer would have to be blind,deaf and its nose cut off to not notice [/quote]
Originally posted by Bolbie
I copied and pasted an email sent to me by a friend. No need to use such harsh language on the web. That just only shows a lack of respect toward others.
“Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.”
1984 14’ alumacraft
2004 yamaha 25
Looks a lot like me some 64 years ago.
I learned a long time ago,you have to have pretty thick skin to participate in threads like this. Now now lets not say things like that, my grandson likes to read these threads.
I’ve been chasing BIG CATS for quite a long time and I did see that same photo, the first time in 05.
Now lets here those cat tails.(tales)
To answer your question from 6 pages ago: a bobcat.
edistobrad, I bet , when you first posted those pics of the deer carcass , you never dreamed it would still be going strong 4 + weeks later ,with over 5,100 views. GOOD TOPIC (big cats) I hope it hangs on a few more weeks and you get more cat sighting reports.
Some of the replies were a bit obtuse to say the least. Everyone has an opinion and like most a turd will come out on occasions.
later catman
The sign should read
The big cat or long tailed cat topics have been on here in the past years with many pages and people talking about seeing them in the past and yet no real photographic proof and DNR backing it up with published documents that I know of. I knew that I would get those same people predicting a big cat, me included at one point. That track I saw looked bigger than a bobcat, but the photo does not lie. It was a bobcat. I honestly did see a cougar on a dirt road off of the Edisto River near Branchville about 20 years ago during my college years. It was taking a “poopie” on a 90 degree turn in the dirt road when I approached it by car. As soon as we saw each other, it leaped away into the underbrush and passed it by and kept riding. I did not even stop, it startled me too much. But I do know what I saw and will swear it was a cougar for rest of my life. That is my only cougar sighting story to mention. I mentioned this same story in those cat topics of the past
If you want pages on here, write about snakes, cougars, or meat wagons.
EdistoBrad, The cougar you saw 20 years ago has been dead for a while now, however it’s decedents are still here and doing great.
Have you ever logged onto the SCDNR Wildlife Forum?? Lots and lots of sightings from all across the state. Keep the pot hot and one day some one will bring a cat to the news media first.
S.C. History books will tell their story.
To live another day.
Any more Cat Chat???
The sign should read
Big Black Cat… I’ve been told of cats being seen in Augusta, Ga… North Augusta, SC… Edgefield, SC… Silver Street, SC… McCormick, SC… Troy, SC… Greenwood, SC… Anderson, SC… Laurens, SC… Most all counties in the upstate… Plus a lot in the low country… also some along the coast… You tell us why these cats are seen in so many places, but yet there’s proof.
Any other cat tales you want to tell???
anyone ???
The sign should read
There was another cougar sighting, this time one was sighted in the Toccoa Ga. area on Black mountain Rd. The Toccoa Record Newspaper had a good story about the sighting, tracks were found and they also posted a trail cam pic of the cougar on Black Mountain Rd. (5-14-09)
They are being seen more and more.
Hi, In the late 80`s I lived on yonges island, a big cat (over 70 lbs) attacked or defended itself against 3 of my rottweilers. I found the big cat surrounded by the rotties, one rotty had a paw swipe across its face. The cat had a broken back leg and a cut throat by the time i got there.I stopped the attack and went back to get a flash light and put the dogs up.When I returned, the cat had jumped the fence and was on the other side. I put the light on it and could see its throat wound and muzzle. The muzzle was white, and outlined in black.The cat also had a long tail. The cat was as big as my female rotty. It looked like a cross between a bobcat and a mt. lion/leopard. Word has it that barnum and bailey had a train wreck in the hollywood/ravenel area 25 or 30 yrs ago and many big cats got loose n not found. I say you will get a pic of a big cat when you set up the cameras and it wont be a normal bobcat.
We have 3 wild view cameras out currently. Two of the cameras haven’t been checked out in about 4 months. Hope to see something on one of them. Property owner has seen a black cat in that area , 3 times.
later catman
The sign should read
I will make a wager that you do not get the first picture of cai " large black cat", even if they were left out for 12 months!
flyinghigh, SCETV program host put out two cameras about five months ago ,he told me his batteries would last about one year. The show about Panther(cougar) here in SC will air on 1-17-10.
I don’t wager, thanks anyway:smiley:
later catman
The sign should read
another cat seen in Abbeville, the cat was seen in same area where horse was killed a while back.(cat was seen in pasture with horse as horse was trying to get away)
later catman
The sign should read