Pit Bulls

Cracker, I have not once said in this thread that I want to outlaw them. I’m just pointing out that there really is something to the pit bull stereotype with not only the breed, but the breed of human that owns them, and that people who believe otherwise are denying the truth.

I keep hearing this argument, “Hey, I know a pit bull that kissed a kitty one time”… There are exceptions to all stereotypes. As a matter of fact, most stereotypes probably don’t represent 50% of the population they are describing. We can all name examples where a stereotype doesn’t fit.

But, that’s what a stereotype is. It doesn’t apply to each and every single person or animal in that “group”. It’s a generalization that does not promise to hold true to every item in the set. That doesn’t mean there isn’t something to it though at a general level…

Also, I am not sure about your example about retrievers who never fetched a duck. No one has ever made a point that if you buy a labrador retriever, that you will have a world class hunting dog. Labradors take a truck load of training to make them into a world class hunting dog. But the reason why people choose labs is because they have a genetic advantage and instincts that help stem the learning curve. How much training do you really need to give a deer dog? Just throw his ass in the woods with the pack. Many will pick it up from instincts alone. That’s why breeding is important…

Here is a story about a woman who owned a chimpanzee for 15 years before it snapped and put her in critical condition. It never showed any aggression up to that point. I bet that she told everyone those first 15 years how sweet the animal was. She even had it trained to open the door for her!


I'm just pointing out that there really is something to the pit bull stereotype with not only the breed, but the breed of human that owns them, and that people who believe otherwise are denying the truth.

Agree with that too, up to a point, but my brother is as gentle as his pit, more so, and much more gentle than I am. He is much less likely to be volatile than his dog is, whereas I recognize that I’m more volatile than my dog is. Hope so, my dog ain’t likely to save me from anything :smiley:

While pits have a strong potential for doing harm, is judging them by breed any different than judging people by race?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

As I mentioned earlier, pit bulls are illegal in Miami.

That’s about the only thing illegal in Miami :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Cracker, I have not once said in this thread that I want to outlaw them.

Then what exactly are you saying that we should do about owning pits?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Every dog pretty much returns to it's natural instincts when not trained properly.

So will people, when put in the circumstances where we have to. Nothing can revert to natural animal instincts faster than man can. Have you ever seen what men living like animals in the jungle will do to each other?

There is a very fine line that separates us all.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Cracker you really argue too politely

Here is a story about a woman who owned a chimpanzee for 15 years before it snapped and put her in critical condition. It never showed any aggression up to that point. I bet that she told everyone those first 15 years how sweet the animal was

I’m sure you read the news once in a while. People’s own children do this to them too once in a while. Shoot, stab, beat, set on fire… But then other times it’s the parent’s who do it to the kids. We are no further removed from the animal species than a pit terrier. All are capable of killing.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Cracker you really argue too politely

It’s my Southern raising :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I am not gonna get any sleep tonight. too many nightmares of dogs eating my face

I’m way more scared of my wife’s Chihuahua than most pits I’ve been around.:slight_smile: If he was 50lbs I’d be absolutely terrified!!

I would never own one of those animals and won’t let my daughter go to someone’s house where one was living.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

I am not gonna get any sleep tonight. too many nightmares of dogs eating my face

I’ve got to keep a close watch on mine too. He might rip my throat out in my sleep[:0] I doubt it though :smiley:

In short, I think you should need a license to have any large dog, not just a pit bull.

Most people would call him a large dog. I wonder why I should need an additional license to own a “large” dog, as I already pay a county license fee and rabies tax fee :question: Who should I pay this " large dog license" to:question: Why :question::question: Maybe the license fee should be higher if he looks mean, less if he don’t :question:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Cracker, you should be more afraid of that Bear watching you from that night stand[:0]:wink:

Originally posted by on a fishin mission

1)Dogs by nature are not born vicious. Their owners make them that way.

  1. The problem with pits are not the dogs themselves but the people that have irresponsibly breed the dogs to accentuate their aggressive nature.

  2. When they were first bred for fighting any dog that exhibited any aggression towards humans were culled, immediately.

  1. Dogs by natures true design are vary vicious in the sense of their true heritage which puts all dogs being domesticated from the wolf and then breed to suit man’s desire. Man selectively breeding in herding, protection, fighting sport, prey capture, retrieval, and what ever else we wanted to just include a gentle companion.

On the owners making dogs “that way” I agree to an extent that certain breeds(pit bulls) can be “made”/ trained/ or just instinctually be more aggressive. I also know that ANY dog breed can have a throw back or “natural” tendency for aggression. Pit Bulls were breed by man to be a “bad ass” and have a greater risk for the aggression factor. FACT. some are good but all have a greater risk for aggression to their owner. I won’t own one.

  1. Edisto, you answered your self. Pits have the aggression built into them just waiting for release. Mostly by dumbasses.

  2. Not so, any aggression towards another human besides the owner was and still is praised in the dog fighting and protection area.

All animals were “wild” at one time. If you want lets relate dogs to cows. Did you know that there are breed of cows that are more aggressive than others?

Originally posted by Easy

Cracker, you should be more afraid of that Bear watching you from that night stand[:0]:wink:

Ha! It is pretty creepy!

Again with the slamming of Pits. Every Breed of dog has bitten someone and/or has been in a dog fight. Just because someone is uneducated to a breed of dog makes them a expert on them. Skinny I remember last time you brought this up you pretty much said that one of my dogs Sable a Lab has it in her to be aggessive, well just to let you know here it is about 2 years later and she is still the same sweet old puppy dog that she has been since she was 7 weeks old, my grandkids cant even piss her off. Even when she had puppies nothing pissed her off. I have a rescue that was abused very much and he is now a Junior Hunter and is not aggressive towards anyone or any other dog?? hummmmm seems like some might be off a little bit in their assumptions.
A dogs demeanor and agression comes from breeding (it also comes from the breed, which I will admit) but you can take a little ole pug and make it the meanest dog on the planet with piss poor breeding. I know that Pit rank the highest in bites, maulings, and harm to people but dont you think that most of the blame should be put towards the “Scumbags” that breed these haphazardly. With no regards to the breed itself and not carring what kind of traits they are speading. I put thousands of dollars into my dogs for testing and lab work before breeding, that is the sign of a responsibe dog owner.

Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!

Just answer one question… Why do dog fighters choose pit bulls? Are these the only dogs that can be trained to fight?

Originally posted by haz-r-dous1

Skinny I remember last time you brought this up you pretty much said that one of my dogs Sable a Lab has it in her to be aggessive, well just to let you know here it is about 2 years later and she is still the same sweet old puppy dog that she has been since she was 7 weeks old

Do I really even need to respond to this?
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

While pits have a strong potential for doing harm, is judging them by breed any different than judging people by race?

Cracker, are you really pulling the race card on me? What's next, I am racist because I think that greyhounds are fast, bloodhounds have a great sense of smell, and I think that great danes are big and clumsy?

If your insurance company finds out you have a pitt bull, say goodbye to your homeowner insurance.

On dog injuries, there are a lot of dogs that bite for whatever reason and no dog bite injury is to be taken lightly. But there are few dogs that have the ability to kill like a pitt bull.

If my choice of getting bit on the shin by a dachshund vs getting my face ripped off by a pitt bull, I’ll take the dachshund.

As for me, I’ll keep my shelties - sweet, loyal, smart, gentle and a bit aloof around strangers.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 18 year old ( has decided being with parents isn’t cool)
1 - 15 year old (still does not mind hanging with the 'rents)
1 - wife (The Warden)