Pit Bulls

Originally posted by on a fishin mission

Dogs by nature are not born vicious. Their owners make them that way. The problem with pits are not the dogs themselves but the people that have irresponsibly breed the dogs to accentuate their aggressive nature. When they were first bred for fighting any dog that exhibited any aggression towards humans were culled, immediately. Pit bulls were once called nurse dogs because of their loyalty to their family, especially children. I have never owned a pit, but have known many over the years that were great dogs and I would not hesitate to have my children around them. They also had responsible owners.
The people that own the dogs pictured are the problems! That guy with the gun should do us all a favor and put it to his own head.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Dogs, like any other animal or human, are born with every type of personality. Vicious being on of them. Some dogs are just flat out mean, mean from day one. Ask me how I know? I owned a lab that was the most nasty, mean & vicious dog walking. He was 100% born that way - and many attempts to fix him by both professional and friends failed miserably.

All animals can be born vicious. Some breeds are worse than others, both in attitude, and physical ability.

A vicious Pug is just an annoying doy - A vicious Pitt is a danger to everyone around it.

Now we have the issues of poor ownership added to the fact dogs can be born mean. Add to that the physical abilites of the Pitt = a dog we have no need for.

ive got a 3yr old female american bulldog that everybody confuses as a pitt – she loves children more than any other dog i have ever owned- anybodys kids not just mine-sleeps in the bed with my 7yr old son almost every night (under it if its storming outside) but because of this stigma against pitts i cant even take her camping with us in the mountains because she would be considered a viciuos breed-- really ticks me off – ive been bit(or threatened to be bit) by those little shaky fuzzball lapdogs a few times in my life but have never had an encounter with a large breed dog – why arent chiauwa (yes i know its not spelled right) outlawed ?–i never met a single one that hasnt wanted to rip my head off if they could jump that high–what im trying to say here is that until you personally know a dog breed dont judge it by others opinions–there are bad dogs in every breed --remember not too many years back when it was the rottweilers and shepards and dobermans getting the bad rap?? now its the bulldogs --maybe those little mexican desert rats will be next :slight_smile: (yes im judging a breed myself but ive never met one i could trust)

89 Yamaha 150

Originally posted by poboy

ive got a 3yr old female american bulldog that everybody confuses as a pitt – she loves children more than any other dog i have ever owned- anybodys kids not just mine-sleeps in the bed with my 7yr old son almost every night (under it if its storming outside) but because of this stigma against pitts i cant even take her camping with us in the mountains because she would be considered a viciuos breed-- really ticks me off – ive been bit(or threatened to be bit) by those little shaky fuzzball lapdogs a few times in my life but have never had an encounter with a large breed dog – why arent chiauwa (yes i know its not spelled right) outlawed ?–i never met a single one that hasnt wanted to rip my head off if they could jump that high–what im trying to say here is that until you personally know a dog breed dont judge it by others opinions–there are bad dogs in every breed --remember not too many years back when it was the rottweilers and shepards and dobermans getting the bad rap?? now its the bulldogs --maybe those little mexican desert rats will be next :slight_smile: (yes im judging a breed myself but ive never met one i could trust)

89 Yamaha 150

How many chihuahas do you know of that put people into facial reconstruction surgery? Doesn't matter what he *wants* to do to you. Again, you tell me why chihuahas are not used in underground dog fighting rings against pit bulls?

By the way, rottweilers and dobermans still have a “bad rap”. Rottweilers are #2 on the “dog bite related fatality” to humans list. When I see a pit bull or rottweiler roll into the dog park, it’s time for me to take my dog home. Dogs get in fights all the time in the dog park. I’m just not interested in risking my lab getting his

Just like any other animal, each individual is different. A lab can be aggressive, a pit bull can be docile and sweet, and so on. However, pit bulls are statically much more likely to cause bodily injury to humans…end of story.

Pat Condon
“Carla Dee”

skins-- not trying to get into a pi$$ing contest with you–dont have time for it–but out of the people i PERSONALLY know 2 have been sent to the emergency room for dogbite by small breed dogs-- and yes one was a child that got bit in the face several times by a chihuaha that “would never hurt anybody”–as far as leaving the dogpark when a bulldog breed or rotty shows up then that is your loss–next time why dont you just put your lab on the lead and watch the “vicious” breed dog for a few minutes-- might suprise you when they run up and try to make freinds with you or your dog–more than likely they will be very well behaved–myself i would never take my dog to a park anyway because you never know if the other dogs are properly cared for or carrying parasites that might infect my dog–as far as the statistics of pitts causing most of the dogbite i cant argue with that but you do need to take into consideration how many other breeds of dogs you dont see in the confined urban settings where most of these attacks take place–not very many pomeranians there–now if you really want to see a “vicious” dog then find somebody that coon hunts and see what happens when the coon hits the ground–did that for many years and have broken up more dogfights under a tree than you can imagine–yall have a good weekend–me and my mean dog are going fishing–trying to teach her to bark when there is a 20#er near the boat :wink:

89 Yamaha 150

I am curious-

Assuming that there is -some- percentage chance that any dog, from Chihuahua to Newfoundland, will cause bodily injury to humans:

What relative percent of risk is acceptable? At what percent are you recommending we make things subject to regulation?

Any dog will bite based on the “fight or flight” natural response to stress. There are breeds of dog that trigger more aggressively to stimulation that is not based on stress, but on an instinctual attack response. The Chow Chow, Doberman Pincher, German Shepard, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Giant Schnauzer, Mastiff, Bouvier des Flanders, Alaskan Malamute, and quite a few more are dog breeds that were specifically bred for that “quick trigger”. My experience with Guard Dogs included many of these breeds, and they were all very good at their “JOB” of swift and devastating attack. The insurance industry is very aware of these breeds, and anyone who owns this type of dog will suffer great financial risk should an incident occur. Trust me…lawyers drool over these cases. The Staffordshire Terrier(Pit Bull) has tremendous jaw muscles that enhance it’s ability to bite and hold on. Thus an excellent breed for dog fighting, as the object of the fight is to render the other dog helpless, or dead. I can tell you that a Giant Schnauzer was one of the most intimidating Guard Dogs that I ever encountered. The size and viciousness of that particular dog scared the jeepers out of me. There are no practical reasons to own one of these breeds as a pet. If you have a ranch or farm, a junkyard, or some similar facility that requires perimeter protection, then they are excellent resources for security. Keep in mind that most Terriers were bred to eradicate vermin from buildings like barns, and are very high energy and quick trigger breeds that will attack and bite squealing, running small children…the smaller ones just don’t have 1,000 pounds of jaw pressure that the Stafforshire does. Choosing a dog should be done carefully, and with due diligence.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Cracker, are you really pulling the race card on me? What's next, I am racist because I think that greyhounds are fast, bloodhounds have a great sense of smell, and I think that great danes are big and clumsy?

Nah, not at all, just making conversation :smiley:

My niece got got her face chewed up bad from a little chihuahua rat dog when she was about 4. Had to have several reconstructive surgeries, and still has the scars at 18.

-now if you really want to see a "vicious" dog then find somebody that coon hunts and see what happens when the coon hits the ground--did that for many years and have broken up more dogfights under a tree than you can imagine-

You ever hunted hogs with dogs? Talk about viscous!!

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Schnauzers are about the most atrocious of them all, except for that one that I met walking in downtown at the Battery. It’s the only schnauzer I’ve ever met that didn’t act like it was the freaking Gestapo.

But they are no a danger to public because they fly long distances if you dispatch the aggressive ones properly with your boot. Pits, not so much.

I’ve been bitten by a chow, chronically chased by a very unkempt and ugg-buttley looking spitz, ran into my own house by a rottweiler (who ended up storing some of my father’s shotgun lead in his ass).

But the number one dog I’ve had display aggression to me is the retriever. Lab, golden, or whatever. There are two in my neighborhood that roam loose. Both of them pinned me against my car once evening. Fortunately my landlord keeps lumber in the carport, and when I grabbed a 2X4, they both hauled tail out. Had I not been in a rental duplex, I would have been waiting on the porch all evening with my shotgun.

But despite all this, a single pit bull can kill a child in extraordinary time. I can think of very few situations where it is wise to own one of these animals. It seems to me to be the equivalent of driving a pickup truck with a 55 gallon drum of nitroglycerine in the back because you find that it improves your badass image.

I find them to be beautiful creatures, but I also find mantis shrimp beautiful. That doesn’t mean we should breed them to 200 pounds and keep them for pets.

Originally posted by skinneej

Here is a story about a woman who owned a chimpanzee for 15 years before it snapped and put her in critical condition. It never showed any aggression up to that point. I bet that she told everyone those first 15 years how sweet the animal was. She even had it trained to open the door for her!


Originally posted by Cracker Larry

While pits have a strong potential for doing harm, is judging them by breed any different than judging people by race?

Yes, very different. Now, I’m assuming you’re being just a little sarcastic/humorous here for fun… but just for S’s and G’s, I’ll opine below… simply because there are people who build their entire careers around these notions. They are the sorts that take great pains in their job, and give them to everybody else :smiley:

If we used your analogy to it’s logical conclusion, you are paralyzed from making any judgement about any animal, because it’s denounced as bigotry by someone, somewhere. This is called “speciesism” and as has been argued by some very influential atheist academics such as Peter Singer. Now, I think Singer is a first class lunatic (despite his impressive academic record, the man is deranged). But the world listens to him when he speaks.

So yes, we can, and should, make judgements on animals based on their breed. Otherwise, you’re going to have freaking schnauzers and poodles for rescue dogs because it’s unethical to choose German Shepherds over them (that dog-racism has to work both ways for it to be anything close to consistent).

We are quite justified in looking at a pit bull and saying “not good, not acceptable, dangerous”. If I see an unattended pit bull in my yard, I should have the right to shoot/kill it immediately, no questions asked. It is no different whatsoever than seeing a tiger, lion, grizzly, komodo dragon, or other top predator in my yard that is a threat to my children. Just as in Florida, you have 12 foot long burmese pythons on the loose. Kill them off, they are a danger. Who cares if it’s someone’s pet? A dead snake is a better option than a man with massive lacerations from the bite of a burmese

Yes, very different. Now, I'm assuming you're being just a little sarcastic/humorous here for fun.

I was [:slight_smile:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Dear Red…I’d love to see you kick a Giant Schnauzer. Or any dog that stands 25" at the shoulder and weighs in at 100+ pounds. I dare say you’ve never been within 20 yards of one in your life, or you wouldn’t make such a ridiculous statement. If you knew anything about dogs you’d know that their are 3 distinct schnauzer breeds listed under the AKC designation…The Giant, The Standard, and the Minature. Google it tough guy.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Originally posted by bossdog1

Dear Red…I’d love to see you kick a Giant Schnauzer. Or any dog that stands 25" at the shoulder and weighs in at 100+ pounds. I dare say you’ve never been within 20 yards of one in your life, or you wouldn’t make such a ridiculous statement. If you knew anything about dogs you’d know that their are 3 distinct schnauzer breeds listed under the AKC designation…The Giant, The Standard, and the Minature. Google it tough guy.

I had typed up a more formal response to this but chose just to delete it and say this. First off, I am biased against schnauzers. I don’t have to explain to you why. I just don’t like them and I have that right.

Second, whether a dog is a schnauzer or not, humans have the right to defend themselves against an attacking animal. Giving a schnauzer a football punt is far more merciful than blowing a hole in them with buck shot. So in that regard, I’m far more merciful to the very breed I dislike the most. If a chow (which I generally like) came into my yard threatening me, he gets buck shot. Perhaps even this mystical “giant schnauzer” would get the same (admittedly, I’ve never met one, and honestly that’s probably a good thing).

I’m just gonna put this right here.


1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by mhebbard

I am not gonna get any sleep tonight. too many nightmares of dogs eating my face

First time I had to go get stitched up was due to one of these little pricks,that was 48 years ago.
Thanks for the memories heb…

I’m sure there will be man hugs for everyone after this cools down.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poboy

ive got a 3yr old female american bulldog that everybody confuses as a pitt – she loves children more than any other dog i have ever owned- anybodys kids not just mine-sleeps in the bed with my 7yr old son almost every night (under it if its storming outside) but because of this stigma against pitts i cant even take her camping with us in the mountains because she would be considered a viciuos breed-- really ticks me off – ive been bit(or threatened to be bit) by those little shaky fuzzball lapdogs a few times in my life but have never had an encounter with a large breed dog – why arent chiauwa (yes i know its not spelled right) outlawed ?–i never met a single one that hasnt wanted to rip my head off if they could jump that high–what im trying to say here is that until you personally know a dog breed dont judge it by others opinions–there are bad dogs in every breed --remember not too many years back when it was the rottweilers and shepards and dobermans getting the bad rap?? now its the bulldogs --maybe those little mexican desert rats will be next :slight_smile: (yes im judging a breed myself but ive never met one i could trust)

89 Yamaha 150

How many chihuahas do you know of that put people into facial reconstruction surgery? Doesn't matter what he *wants* to do to you. Again, you tell me why chihuahas are not used in underground dog fighting rings against pit bulls?

By the way, rottweilers and dobermans still have a “bad rap”. Rottweilers are #2 on the “dog bite related fatality” to humans list. When I see a pit bull or rottweiler

Dammit, not again…

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki


My good friend Raymond (Martin Marine) has a pit bull and 2 beagles. One of the beagles got into a fight with the pit a couple of weeks ago and the little beagle kicked it’s butt, and ripped off an ear. Pit had to go get his ear sewn back on, still has stitches, and it doesn’t mess with the beagle anymore [:0]

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by on a fishin mission
Originally posted by skinneej

Besides, when are you going to tell me how pit bull owners train their dogs to be more vicious? You told me that they weren’t born that way. Please, I am waiting on that answer… Nothing else you say matters to me…

Obviously, you didn’t read the articles I cited, all 3 gave examples.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

So, why would you post the quotes that contradicted your points? I've never heard of that kind of debate tactic before. You threw yourself on the sword. Why would I read your references when you pulled the important quotes from them? Your expectations are a little silly, don't you think?

To answer your question, PitBulls were bred as working game dogs (do some research) They wont quit, they are eager to please, and hard workers probably why they are also used to fight. Not because they are born aggressive but becuase they have more drive than other dogs. One of the previous links i posted explains i believe if not a real google source should help your misconception


From the man himself who uses a pitbull to train other viscous dogs and out of control dogs. Hopefully after reading some of the articles i have posted you will underst