Pit Bulls

you will understand a dog no matter what breed is a product of its environment

Just like people

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I think the problem is that they have become the choice of dog for guys that want to impress people with how tough their dog is. These guys generally do not know how to train nor treat a dog and this is where the problem comes in. I watched a young female bring a pit to a dog park recently. She had him on a leash with a muzzle. She let him loose with the other dogs and within 15 minutes he was in a fight and I watched him chase another dog down, roll him and begin to attack. He had to be pulled off of the other dog and she put his leash and muzzle back on him and took him away. There were probably 50 dogs of all kind in that park and not one fight until this one showed up. I am not blaming the breed I am blaming the ignorant owner, but am not sure how you keep these dogs out of that type of culture.

This is an old topic, but since someone brought it back up… I would like to say…

Sorry guys, send your chihuahua after me. I’ll take my chances… Especially if there is a goal post near by. I’m guessing I could get it to fly about 30 yards or so…

I just can’t believe that any of you would take your chances with an angry pitbull over an angry chihuahua.

That’s like saying that you would rather get shot at point blank range by a .308 than a bb gun depending on who was shooting the gun.

Originally posted by allhungup

Completely ignorant. Skinneej, You have become emotional based on your personal opinion and lack of experience with a dog that you have heard about that makes your argument invalid already. Your mention of facial reconstruction surgery is also silly you should know that a small dog will not do the same damage but turns out many of the posters on here that have experiences with both dog breeds all seem to of been bit by the lap dog. i also have a large hole in my leg from getting bit by husky when i was a child if that had been my face i probably wouldn’t have one and a nice scar on my wrist from a chihuahua. As for your references… use real data. Also you keep bringing up that they are bred to fight. Yes a lot of them are but do you know any dog fighters or heard of any? Me either! Many Many breeds are used but due to the dogs strength and easy accessibility they are used more frequently. I personally have had many experiences with the Pit bull breed and have nothing but positive things to say. Just because when someone is bit more damage is done by particular breeds normally from their handling and training does not mean a certain breed is worse than another. pay close attention to the links Some are very subjective(like yours) others are real data from real sources


-Looks like labs make the top(I own 2 Labs) Should we outlaw them now?




Do your research


PS, I can’t remember why I posted this originally over a year ago, but it was probably because I got tired of people putting up pictures of pit bulls licking baby ducks on facebook in an attempt to “prove” that they are no more dangerous than any other dog. My post is NOT an argument to “outlaw” them. It’s just for pit bull owners to admit the truth about them. I will say that a .308 is more lethal than a BB gun, but that doesn’t mean I want to “outlaw” a .308. I’m just looking to see if anyone still wants to dispute that fact, by putting a picture on facebook of a baby playing with a loaded .308 to claim it’s no more dangerous than a baby playing with a BB gun. Busting apart silly logic is my goal, not laws…

We have 2 Chihuahuas and a German Shepherd. I’ll take my chances with the German Shepherd any day… and so will the guy who reads our power meter!

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Originally posted by tigerfin

We have 2 Chihuahuas and a German Shepherd. I’ll take my chances with the German Shepherd any day… and so will the guy who reads our power meter!

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

This is a biased choice based on personalities of a specific dog that you know, which is a red herring argument.

What about a police trained German Shepherd vs a police trained Chihuahua chasing you across the lawn? Which one is more likely to bring you to justice?

It was a joke, but that would be funny to see! The little guys are just instigators for the big dog. I’d hate to see what happened to someone if they tried to break in my house at night. I guarantee there would be blood spilled…

Just trying to lighten the mood is all…

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Originally posted by tigerfin

It was a joke, but that would be funny to see! The little guys are just instigators for the big dog. I’d hate to see what happened to someone if they tried to break in my house at night. I guarantee there would be blood spilled…

Just trying to lighten the mood is all…

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Fair enough. I was just trying to picture the police force switching over to chihuahuas to save on the monthly dog food bill. They make better attack dogs anyway! :smiley: Imagine the imagery we get from the tv show "cops" as a 6 lb chihuahua takes down a 250 lb assailant fleeing the scene of a crime. That's classic programming...
I just can't believe that any of you would take your chances with an angry pitbull over an angry chihuahua.

I’m sure not saying that, if either is mad I’d rather take on the little guy and drop kick it over the fence too, but a 4 year old girl doesn’t have that option. The little dog is just as likely to cause harm to her.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

What about a police trained German Shepherd vs a police trained Chihuahua chasing you across the lawn? Which one is more likely to bring you to justice?

My closest neighbor who lives at the end of our driveway works for the Feds and manages a warrior dog retirement, rest, rehab and training facility on 22 acres. She has 7 dogs right now, 6 have badges and some have medals and Purple Hearts. They are soldiers, not pets. They don’t speak English either. All of them outweigh me, any of them could kill me at will. They don’t. I get on the ground and play with them.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
What about a police trained German Shepherd vs a police trained Chihuahua chasing you across the lawn? Which one is more likely to bring you to justice?

My closest neighbor who lives at the end of our driveway works for the Feds and manages a warrior dog retirement, rest, rehab and training facility on 22 acres. She has 7 dogs right now, 6 have badges and some have medals and Purple Hearts. They are soldiers, not pets. They don’t speak English either. All of them outweigh me, any of them could kill me at will. They don’t. I get on the ground and play with them.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Yes, I understand that they are well trained. I'm just asking if they were all chihuahuas, do you still think that they would possess the capability to "kill [you] at will"? People keep saying that chihuahuas are more dangerous than these big dogs... I just don't see it that way. Pit bulls have killed way more people than chihuahuas.
Originally posted by Cracker Larry
I just can't believe that any of you would take your chances with an angry pitbull over an angry chihuahua.

I’m sure not saying that, if either is mad I’d rather take on the little guy and drop kick it over the fence too, but a 4 year old girl doesn’t have that option. The little dog is just as likely to cause harm to her.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

4 year old girl still has a better chance of surviving a Chihuahua attack than a pit bull... No question!

You keep going back to the fatality rate for pit bull attacks, this still goes back to the point that these dogs are mishandled and mistreated more by definition based on their capabilities. Because more poor excuses for people own them. You are more likely to be bit by other breeds but because these dogs were bred to be strong willing and will fight to the death yes you could say that they cause more fatalities. But whats the point? that doesn’t make the vicious or bad dogs WE DID THAT to them now bc of the media hype and since you like the statistics as previously said you can also say that people are more likely to report general bites from a vicious breed than from another and thats a fact. Also many of the bites and fatalities are not technically pitbulls or pure bread they are pit bull type as stated in the statistics which is a very long list of generally mixed breed dogs alot of which have nothing to do with an actual pit

Examples of properly trained or socialized pitbulls, Its all about how an animal (or person) is raised expose them, love them, and respect them.








If I were looking to purchase a home and the neighbor had a Pit, that would be enough for me to say no.

Not about me, but wife and kids.



Originally posted by DoubleN

If I were looking to purchase a home and the neighbor had a Pit, that would be enough for me to say no.

Not about me, but wife and kids.




Originally posted by allhungup

You keep going back to the fatality rate for pit bull attacks, this still goes back to the point that these dogs are mishandled and mistreated more by definition based on their capabilities. Because more poor excuses for people own them. You are more likely to be bit by other breeds but because these dogs were bred to be strong willing and will fight to the death yes you could say that they cause more fatalities. But whats the point?

So you agree then? The point is that I am tired of seeing people post pictures of pit bulls licking little duckies and trying to claim that chihuahuas are more dangerous than pit bulls. That logic is flawed, and I am just calling it out.

that doesn't make the vicious or bad dogs WE DID THAT to them

I never said it was their own fault. As mentioned earlier, they were bred that way. I’m not sure I am truly interested in the “cause”. It “is what it is”, no matter what the cause is.

now bc of the media hype and since you like the statistics as previously said you can also say that people are more likely to report general bites from a vicious breed than from another and thats a fact

How do you know this is a “fact”? I don’t know what the law is here, but in many cities, if you go to the hospital, you are required by law to fill out a bite incident report no matter what the species is. Even if it is your own dog biting you…


Heres my man killer! She goes by the name of Daisy to trick her victims…

Here she is attacking my wife.

Sorry skinneej, I doubt I can get her to lick a duckie. Shes like me, ducks are food.
I don’t trust any dog until I know it and it knows me. I always think its funny that people will go up and pet a dog they’ve never seen before. I take Daisy everywhere with me to try and expose her to everything and everyone. You do come in contact with a lot of people who are skittish around her. My nephews who are 7 and 9 loved her when I brought her over for the first few times. Now they’re scared of her and wont come near her because my mother keeps telling them how dangerous pit bulls are. The only dog I’ve ever had that would bite people is one I got right before I went off to college. Me not being around that dog and not exposing it to the world caused it to bite people some how(im guessing). So everyday when I get off work I let both of my dogs out to spend time with them.

I won’t post anymore pics of her. But I love my Daisy. Heres my photobucket if anybodys wants to see more pics of my doggies…:smiley:

BREEZE1, are you saying that you are 100% sure that if the dog got loose one day, went roaming around the neighborhood, that there is absolutely nothing that could scare her into a defensive position where she might bite to defend herself, where she perceived a something as a threat?