Port Royal or Calibogue?

For those of you who head offshore out of Hilton Head, do you have a preference on whether you head out of the north side through Port Royal or the south side through the calibogue? Calibougue is closer for me however I ask because the south side is considerably more shallow heading out and seems more choppy than port royal on those eastern or northerly wind days.

To me, it would more depend on where I was on Hilton Head and how long I had to idle past the No Wake zones. Calibogue is usually an easy run out and no worse than Port Royal IMO. Neither is any fun in a NE wind.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Calibogue, I would waste an extra thirty minutes to go Port Royal from Broad Creek. It is fairly easy to navigate after a few times out, there are some big slots that don’t go shallower than 8 or 9 ft.

‘90 Maverick 18.5’ Master Angler/'03 Evinrude 150
'14 Hydra Sports 3400/ 2 350 Yammys