I read through the two pages on this forum, and I have to say you guys are much more cordial than the other forum I’m on. The Adhominem critics over there really pour it on over this proposal. Personally, it makes sense to me, and it is about time the last state in the entire nation finally puts a limit on bucks. After all, we have a limit on almost every fur bearing critter, almost every fish in fresh and saltwater (with variances per area), and almost everything that flies. Why is the most sought after game animal in the state, deer, any different than…lets say a squierrel. Limits work. Limits saved the redfish. Limits produced bigger sea trout. It was not much trouble back in October and November to limit out with 15" fish and better. Limits saved the turkeys from decimation…limits work. I remember when the juncture at Hwy 41 and Hwy 17 all the way to the Wando River was nothing but deer hunting clubs. Now, it is all developed, and the point being that more people are taking up space all over the state where deer used to thrive. There are more hunters, more houses, more stores, more everything than ever before. Although most of that is a good thing, it has pushed deer out of many places they used to live, and coyotes are adding to the hunting pressure. I drive down my road through the middle of a field approximately 200 acres in size. It used to be no probelm seeing 100 deer standing in that filed at night just 6-7 years ago. Now, I’m lucky to see 20 on a good freezing cold night. Where did they go? I seriously doubt coyotes ate them all. I’m putting my money on humans, the ultimate predator, shooting too many of them. Yeap, I’m in favor of the bill too. The coyote is here to stay, and we are going to have to learn to live with them. People have been trying to kill coyotes off out west for ages…they have failed. We will too, so we learn to live with them and kill them when we can. Killing off the coyotes is like trying to kill off ISIS with only air power…not happening even in y
Originally posted by Skeeter22Senator Campsen posted this on his FB page to address the wailing and nashing of teeth over S-454.
In light of some of the comments on the Deer Bill, a little clarification is in order:
The proposed deer bill emanated from DNR?s deer biologists after years of collecting and analyzing in-state data, evaluating laws in other states, and conducting studies such as the Savannah River Site coyote predation and fawn mortality study. Relevant factors cited by DNR biologists include habitat degradation and the transformational impact of coyotes as relatively new and highly efficient deer predators. The DNR Board then endorsed the proposal as part of its legislative agenda. Only then did I introduce the bill at their request. It is not an idea I came up with on my own, so the various ad hominem attacks upon me are largely irrelevant to the merits or demerits of this issue.
DNR went to great lengths to assure the proposal is revenue neutral and not a fee increase. DNR concluded in-state hunters currently spend an average of $15 to purchase three out of a possible four antlerless tags at $5 a piece. Under the proposal a hunter will get four antlerless and four buck tags for that same $15. The cost of participating in the property quota program, which will begin to issue both antlerless and buck tags, will remain the same.
Funds derived from this proposal will be utilized in precisely the same manner current deer tag funds are utilized. Eighty percent will be dedicated to administration of the program, deer management and research. Twenty percent will go to law enforcement. All funds will remain with DNR and not go into the state?s general fund.
In areas where deer overpopulation is a problem, DNR retains its traditional management tools of issuing depredation permits, and liberal quota tags. This enables them to focus upon areas where
I don’t know if I would give him too much credit, skinnej because he is still a politician. Although I am in agreeance, I still reserve a little skepticism of all politicians. However, he is absolutely right about a lot of things. Consequently, his response is rather epic for destroying the naysayer’s fallaciuos claims. It is about time we do something in the state other than the “free for all” no limit on bucks. The bucks will never get much bigger if not as many get to make it past being a 1.5 years old. We have to start somewhere.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
time will tell
Originally posted by King of the Woodstime will tell
Yes Sir. In the meantime, I’m 100% confident this bill will do far more good for the deer than not. It is always better to err on the side of caution (unless we are talking about killing ISIS but this is not the case). Even if the proposal does not make it this time around, limits on our bucks is inevitable, and it is going to happen at some point regardless if only to account for human population growth. People are completely kidding themselves by thinking the “no buck limit” will continue indefinately.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Let’s just call it like it is…the redneck, brown-is-down game hogs have had it their way for too long. They can keep doing their game hog practices but now it will be illegal and they will pay the piper eventually. I will also say that this bill is another nail in the coffin of the dog-hunter, which is most certainly a great thing.
The first rule of fight club is…
Originally posted by WarblerLet’s just call it like it is…the redneck, brown-is-down game hogs have had it their way for too long. They can keep doing their game hog practices but now it will be illegal and they will pay the piper eventually. I will also say that this bill is another nail in the coffin of the dog-hunter, which is most certainly a great thing.
The first rule of fight club is…
Certainly, the “whacking and stacking” has DRN’s attention in conjunction with habitat loss and the coyotes. There is nothing to indicate the demise of dog hunting in the bill. However, logically, a person could deduce that the measures will possibly impact dog hunting in some fashion. I personally do not have a problem with the dog hunting method, but I have a very big problem with it when it is done illegally, trespassing, or skirting the rules to run the dogs through bigger tracts of land. I especially have great disdain for dog hunters that run their dogs right through the middle of my land while I’m in the tree stand and ruining my hunt on my own property, which happens far too often. Those hunters claim they turned the dogs out 10 miles away, but there they are again the next day. Perhaps, dog hunting is placed in the “whacking and stacking” category as well since the method exercises less discretion and observation of the deer (generally speaking) or to stop the dogs. That would certainly make sense in drawing a conclusion from a bill that states nothing about limiting dog hunting. In the end, dog hunting is on its way out the door anyway. From private landowners being tired of the trespassing to the WMA dog days being significantly shortened and the gates/most gates locked, I feel certain the dog hunting days are numbered.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Dog hunting is most definitely on its way out and that can’t happen soon enough.
The first rule of fight club is…
it is what it is
from the dictionary
A phrase that seems to simply state the obvious but actually implies helplessness.
A phrase that seems to simply state the obvious but actually means “it will be what it is,” as in “it ain’t gonna change, so deal with it or don’t.” See also tough ****, oh well, cry me a river
quote:Well, I suppose we agree to disagree. But, as you adequetly put..."time will tell." So far, time has told a story of rapid decline in hunting deer with dogs across the WMA's and a shift more in favor of stand hunting on private land.
Originally posted by King of the Woodsit is what it is
from the dictionary
A phrase that seems to simply state the obvious but actually implies helplessness.
A phrase that seems to simply state the obvious but actually means “it will be what it is,” as in “it ain’t gonna change, so deal with it or don’t.” See also tough ****, oh well, cry me a river
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Originally posted by WarblerLet’s just call it like it is…the redneck, brown-is-down game hogs have had it their way for too long. They can keep doing their game hog practices but now it will be illegal and they will pay the piper eventually. I will also say that this bill is another nail in the coffin of the dog-hunter, which is most certainly a great thing.
The first rule of fight club is…
Wondered when someone would bring in dog hunting on this topic.
Just so you know not all dog hunters are evil. I truly hope dog hunting never ends. It is such an awesome tradition and sport that so many have abused to give it a black eye.
A lot of the brown down come from those that slink through the night on others property with a flashlight and no dogs. That needs more DNR help to stop, which does cost money.
quote:I agree. I just wish more dog hunters around me would do it the right way instead of inviting themselves to my property and my nieghbors whenever they feel like Iit. Sad but true. Otherwise, dog hunting is fine. I didn't buy my property so whoever pleases can use it as their own without my permission.
Originally posted by Fred67quote:
Originally posted by WarblerLet’s just call it like it is…the redneck, brown-is-down game hogs have had it their way for too long. They can keep doing their game hog practices but now it will be illegal and they will pay the piper eventually. I will also say that this bill is another nail in the coffin of the dog-hunter, which is most certainly a great thing.
The first rule of fight club is…
Wondered when someone would bring in dog hunting on this topic.
Just so you know not all dog hunters are evil. I truly hope dog hunting never ends. It is such an awesome tradition and sport that so many have abused to give it a black eye.
A lot of the brown down come from those that slink through the night on others property with a flashlight and no dogs. That needs more DNR help to stop, which does cost money.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
quote:Understand the skepticism, but he did say that the bill emanated from DNR, so it's not something he dreamed up on his own. I've had the opportunity to meet Campsen and can tell you that he is a stand up advocate of sportsman's rights.
Originally posted by Skeeter22I don’t know if I would give him too much credit, skinnej because he is still a politician. Although I am in agreeance, I still reserve a little skepticism of all politicians. However, he is absolutely right about a lot of things. Consequently, his response is rather epic for destroying the naysayer’s fallaciuos claims. It is about time we do something in the state other than the “free for all” no limit on bucks. The bucks will never get much bigger if not as many get to make it past being a 1.5 years old.
We have to start somewhere.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Cool. I have never met him, so meeting a person face-to-face tells you much more about them. I understand better about where you are coming from now.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Originally posted by Skeeter22quote:I agree. I just wish more dog hunters around me would do it the right way instead of inviting themselves to my property and my nieghbors whenever they feel like Iit. Sad but true. Otherwise, dog hunting is fine.
Originally posted by Fred67quote:
Originally posted by WarblerLet’s just call it like it is…the redneck, brown-is-down game hogs have had it their way for too long. They can keep doing their game hog practices but now it will be illegal and they will pay the piper eventually. I will also say that this bill is another nail in the coffin of the dog-hunter, which is most certainly a great thing.
The first rule of fight club is…
Wondered when someone would bring in dog hunting on this topic.
Just so you know not all dog hunters are evil. I truly hope dog hunting never ends. It is such an awesome tradition and sport that so many have abused to give it a black eye.
A lot of the brown down come from those that slink through the night on others property with a flashlight and no dogs. That needs more DNR help to stop, which does cost money.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
I could care less about dog hunters at this point, regardless of the history. They’ve had ample time to police themselves and have proved time and again that they’re incapable of it. “F” 'em…hard. And night hunters, renega
I’ll put on the popcorn, good night for it
So do you really think this is a more sporting method to kill a deer than dog hunting? That is like shooting paper to me, not hunting, but I’m not putting it down, to each their own and there are plenty of deer for all.
Pay for a set up like that and yall fuss about a $15 fee for 8 deer tags? I don’t get it.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
dog huntin is A Southern Tradition! it was my 1st hunt as a kid . always gave me the goosebumps and good memories
Originally posted by Cracker LarryI’ll put on the popcorn, good night for it
So do you really think this is a more sporting method to kill a deer than dog hunting? That is like shooting paper to me, not hunting, but I’m not putting it down, to each their own and there are plenty of deer for all.
Pay for a set up like that and yall fuss about a $15 fee for 8 deer tags? I don’t get it.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
Cracker, I have no problem with the $15. I’m in favor of the bill. That is my stand and my property. Dog hunters have no right to drive their dogs through it without my permission, which they do every season. I have the right to be left alone on my property. That is my complaint and always has been. And yet, i’m constantly catching deer dogs on my property and even in my dang trash can. Because there are literally thousands of acres around me that do not dog hunt, no dogs or dog hunters should be there nor do they have any business there. But, there they are again the next day (ironically, the same ones Warbler is talking about that can’t put a complete sentence together). They are simply 100 percent wrong everytime.
You are impying things that I have not said and using my pictures from another post for the sake of stiring the pot. Have the dog hunting. I don’t really care, but you are NOT gonna have it on my property!
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
Creek Snake,look what you done started
Originally posted by king of the pierCreek Snake,look what you done started
He started a good thread, and it was a good discussion of 8 tags vs no limit. Then, we migrated to how it will affect dog hunting. In the process, some decided to spin the discussion for the sake of causing deception, and apparently, they intend on making It justifiable to trespass on another person’s land or at least implied. This is precisely why the deer population is declining and dog hunting has been steadily declining. Warbler could have taken it a little easier in the open forum as I did, but he is entitled to have his own ideas about it as well. Ironically, im the one who is put on the spot by the use of my pictures from another thread for no apparent reason but to stir the pot. Good job Cracker. Nobody here is smart enough to figure that one out. Maybe you should go read what I wrote before you use my stuff to imply things I did not write.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101