
Someone shoot me…

Just put me out of my mystery already… I’d almost rather dig a ditch. Ok I’ll stop crying. Back to it and maybe I’ll get to wet a line tomorrow!

Painting suuuuuucks!

Most of my day was pulling and installing new control cables for a Honda 90. Majority of screws had never been turned in 17yrs, lotta PB blaster and repeated attempts. I have a full hydraulic steering kit to install, but not messing with it till after the family trip I’m prepping for.

Now it’s on to trailer lights, guide posts, hubs, wheel and tire, etc… and it HAS to be ready on Father’s Day! If the collapsing leaf springs make it 500 more miles I need a new axle when we get back too.

Bust out another thousand….

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This one’s for @EricP

Thank you again!

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Looks like you’re using a left handed paint brush, in your right hand?

Man I feel your pain. You almost have to be a contortionist. I need to get off my butt and chase some dead wires.

Stump,you must have done something awful bad.
Barb, I hope you got a little spear gun for them flounder when you’re gathering scallops. I wish I was able to do that but I’m gonna be after them red bellies.

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4-13-67 we are april babies… got a 75 in a 60 at Sheldon… a Yemassee city cop!! Didn’t know they had jurisdiction that far out… court date 6-20… hoping for a break. Old boy didn’t give me any break, and the wife is convinced She saw me under 70…

Yemassee will change the ticket from a moving violation. But it will raise the fine. I had a 60 and a 45. That’s a 4-point ticket and the fines was around $125… I think I paid somewhere around $225 with no points. But do not accept a careless driving. That carries no driver’s license points. But it does carry insurance points.

You in a heap of trouble boy

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It’s really cool to see all of the skills folks here at CF have. I have tried to teach my kids some basic auto repair skills (oil changes, brake jobs, radiator/water pump replacement) but it seems like fewer people are interested in DIY stuff anymore.

Thanks D, I’m cheap and other people’s labor costs a lot of money!

That was a new job for me, the thing I’m worst with is electrical

A little better at making fixed SS connections

Mr S, funny you said that last night while I was out stickin’, we going the opposite direction with the family trip this time. I’ll be posting on that soon too


Great info. I’d gladly pay more for no points. So ask / beg Judge for an increase but no Careless driving. Do you remember what they called it so it won’t go on insurance? Thanks in advance.

When they hand me the ticket. I ask them if I go to the trouble to come to court can you help me out with the ticket/points.
I would find the officer at the courthouse before you go in front of the judge. Ask him if there’s any way he could change that ticket to a non-moving violation. He will probably say that’s up to the judge. Then ask him if it’s cool with him if you ask the judge.
The judge usually looks over to the officer for a nod.
The one I got in yemassee I didn’t even have to go to court for. He wrote a phone number on the ticket and told me to call it Monday. The wife called the courthouse. They gave her a code to put on money order. And of course boosted the fine.

Most small towns are more than willing to do that. I may be wrong. But I think moving violations part of that money goes to the state. But I believe things like not having your driver’s license or registration in your possession they get to keep all that money.

50 foot retaining wall

$1896 All In not countig my labor

Pretty sure thats my last one

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Puppy approved :+1:.

I bought this 91 fat boy and a 99 road King has a package deal. Got the road king cleaned up and running no money just a couple hours labor. Sold it and pretty much paid for both bikes.
This fat boy runs great. Only thing they spray bombed it.

By the time it’s all said and done I’m thinking about 6 hours labor.

I’m kind of like a monkey I like shiny stuff.

They want like $35 for the Allen socket to take this cap off. Welded a nut on a 3/4 inch bolt.

They want like $40 for the tool that presses the seal in.

I have more money in this rim, brake calipers and sliders and I did my first Harley.

Son of a @#¥€
Brand new tire.

Nothing like a stray felt button to ruin your day!

Dang, that sucks.

New family member

My favorite so far