
that’s beautiful Defreedom

Thank you Sir.

dude you have inspired me look into wood work. My older brother just retired and got a home mill. I just gave him some nice red maple and looking for more stuff for him. Just like steel I’ve let go to the scrap yard , I wish I would have kept a lot of the wood I’ve seen wasted. My father in law has a 18" plainer and a ton of other stuff… All mine in the appropriate time. that said I hope he outlive me!!!

If you have any sources for wood, I’d go for it. I occasionally find some decent wood here and there, but I buy most of mine. Just like everything else, the cost of wood has skyrocketed. Especially your more desirable woods like walnut, cherry, ambrosia maple, etc. The exotic stuff is really pricey.

When you get home and the light fixture is steady dripping water onto your dining room table

So I took the shop vac to the overflow pipe for the air handler, pulled out some nasty stuff but it stopped running like the pan wasn’t full

Go up in attic at a million degrees and the first pvc union down from the pan had separated when the line filled up and got heavy, the rest of it is in my insulation, rock, etc right now

So, we dry out and find a nice cool morning to go apply some pvc glue once I buy some… and then eventually we get to hang new ceiling rock!

And because I missed the last installation before this, that is some gorgeous work, DF!

I’d remove the wet insulation, and give the drywall a chance to dry out.

Might not be as bad as you think?

Yep, insulation out, and fan blowing up from table wouldn’t hurt. Rock looks like it may be good…

Good luck.


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Dang, Doug, that is some awesome work!!!

You have skillzzz.



Thanks gentlemen! It is mental health therapy for me.

Hey Barbawang. I feel your pain. Came home from a long Keys vacation and had the same fiasco happen in our upstairs unit. The drain clogged and the sensor on the pan failed so needless to say, water ran all over the ceiling in our son’s room for about a week.

We had to replace the ceiling in his room and the bathroom next to his room, carpet and part of the wood floor in the adjacent hallway.

My HVAC guy showed me how to do a “flush” on the drainpipe and I now do it a few times a year. Don’t want that happening again.

Pouring some bleach into your pan, every couple of months, will stop the growth of algae in your drain pipes.

Try to shop vac those drain lines at least once a year too.

You can also stick a garden hose into the pipe, turn the water on and let it run as far up as it will go (mine won’t go all the way up into the attic). Remove the hose and as the water comes out, it creates a vacuum that sucks all the gunk out. It is amazing the crud that comes out.


Work smarter, not harder, Bruh

And…they work better than liquid bleach

Done and hung

That swing looks great. We have one that is about 30 or so year sold made out of oak. Despite putting water seal on it many times, it is showing its age. I have plans to make my wife a new one, probably out of Cypress.

The wife is using me for decorations this year ha

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Oh boy… little upgrade rebuild… I’ll probably start on em tomorrow

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Back in the saddle