Question for someone "in-the-know"

Hey everyone. I know this may be something like fight club… Don’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist, etc. But I want some good fish for my dinner table and my freezer, and ive heard so much about cobia being such a good eating fish that I want to eat one. What’s the skinny on cobia in south Carolina? Do they catch them at Folly Pier along with the kings (that don’t exist either)? If someone has some good intel and wouldn’t mind sharing, please PM me. I know there isn’t much time left with the change in the laws. I’m headed to folly to hunt sharks next weekend and I would spend a day or two at the pier if its worth bothering.

Everywhere I have fished, folks often target channel marker buoys for cobia. I’ve never seen one caught at a pier, but that does not mean that never happens.
