
Rounded up the family and hit the beach yesterday. Went out and was able to get plenty of good bait in the cast net from fresh shrimp, crab, and some horse mullet. We got out at dead low tide with no wind the water was completely flat and was dirty as heck from all the run off from recent rain. Slow going for about two hours but then the wind picked up some and it started to look a little better with the incomming tide. Large bait pods began popping on the surface and that lasted for hours. Bait was rolling everywhere. We chunked large fresh cut mullet and crab hoping for some reds but they never came. A couple of hours into it rods began to slam over and it turned into a giant ray fest. We landed around 10 with the allot of them being huge. A couple with close to 4 ft wing spans. One after the next for three hours the crew was locked down in a tug of war battle that would not stop. Little Pete got to work on his skills and was tested for hours. My wife stepped up and beached a couple as well. At one point we had a triple on with the whole family standing together as one enjoying what the ocean had to offer us. They weren’t what we were looking for but we were grateful for the non-stop action that proved to test all. The rigs, anglers and cabo reels held their own for what was a brutal battle against the hammering of one giant ray after the next. Caught 3 small sharks and mess of whiting. With sore arms and a tuckered out family we headed back home and will live to fight another day.:smiley:


Great looking time and pics Pete… Looks as if little Petes got his hands full , but why not include all the family??? Where’s my Girl Gracie???

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Me appologies Gail. Here is your girl:smiley:

Nice rays those are big. We were at sulivans around station 19 and caught just a few whiting. Then we went behind ft moultrie todat for the first time but ended up walking down towrds station 20. Caught a pompano whiting stingray and a lady fish at the end. We stayed till around 8pm high tide tried to walk back to our car and couldnt because the tide was to the rocks!

Good read and post. Thank you

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

This doesn’t change a thing, she is still going to hammer fist you.

You seem tense

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

Those things are ginormous!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?