Red On The Range...

The girl is scary accurate with whatever she is shooting. She fell in love with her Papaw’s Belgian Hi-Power last week. She has gotten pretty good with her S&W Shield 380 EZ, and she can ring 12" steel plates at 25 yards 14 out of 16 shots on average…:smiley:
She has been giving her Rem 870 20 gauge a workout as well, getting ready for some Marsh Hen hunting this year.

I can’t think of a much better way to bond with your kids. That’s a memory you will take to your grave.
What range y’all at?
I need to find a priv range with in a hour or so from guyton Georgia. I take my grandkids to a DNR range but they’re supposed to be 16. So I have to take them late usually around 5:00 on Fridays and Sundays. There’s usually nobody there then.
Grand kids are 5-7-8&12.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

If you have guns in the house, kids should be taught (at the proper age) how to responsibly handle them. Both of my boys are excellent shots and enjoy going to the range.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Good stuff for sure. My daughter with 22. Bearcat

Karma is 360 degrees

“If fishing were easy it would be called your mom”

Pk as I stated I go when there’s no one there. Mainly for my grandchildren safety.
There is a number of ignorant untrained people (adult) at public ranges all the time. I have been flagged, seen weapons jam and people look down the barrel, people drop their weapons, discharge a weapon into the shooting bench the roof the list goes on. also like bluesky guy says in another post. I’ve seen people walk out on the range while it’s hot and people firing.
I would put my youngest up against any adult on the range as far as safe handling of a weapon.
If you’re going to have weapons your children need to be trained.
Explain to me why it is unsafe for me to take my grandchildren to the range… ???

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

You blatantly disregard the rules DNR has in place
Why do you think that is ok?

16 years old to train a child how to fire and safely handle a weapon is ridiculous. I see people was young kids quite a bit.
If dnr comes out and wants to write me a ticket so be it.
I think it is much more important that the kids know how to handle a weapon.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Fire at will! Don’t you hate rule breakers like the ones that drive 40 in a well marked 35 mph zone? Can’t believe the born before 72 crowd that missed the mandated hunter’s safety training are still alive!

And a Dem loving P-K says obey the law.

Should preach to whom he supports!!


Translator break or is that the vodka typing, Ivan?

Please keep your political blathering In the proper forum, Numb Nutz

Interesting perspective, Off. I think it is much more important that kids that age learn about integrity and the rule of law and order. You’re a bad example Grandpa

It only took me a few minutes to search Georgia DNR Rifle Range Rules.

The idea that 16 year olds and under NOT being allowed to shoot sounded wrong to me, so I actually did the research before commenting on it.

Off The Chain isn’t breaking any Georgia DNR Rifle Range Rules & Regs. He simply misunderstood the one that pertains to children under 17 years old.

#9. All children (16 years old or younger) must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult 18 years old or older.

Thanks for clearing that up Stilhunr. Sounds like PK owes OTC an apology.

I had my 15 year old brother show me how to shoot while Dad was overseas when I was 6. I believe he did a fantastic job instilling safety first. And as Dad later instilled. Treat all Weapons like they are Loaded and never point one at a person unless you are willing to Kill said person. My Grandkids have all shot a weapon and are being taught Gun Safety and how dangerous they are. Never to early to teach a child safety in any aspect of living on this Earth.

Off has reading comprehension on top of integrity issues?

I’m emotionally distraught.
I will need to retreat to my safe room…

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

I actually do have comprehension and memory issues. Due to traumatic head injuries received from my time in the Marine corps.
But actually someone like you was telling me that was the rules while they were complaining about me having my 12-year-old granddaughter on the range. And the funny thing about that was she my granddaughter had more muzzle discipline than the idiot that was complaining to me.
Sorry your thread got hijacked.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

P - K is really a

P - - - K

In reality. Just left out a couple of hyphens.

I remember my Dad taking me to a range when I was 5. The first smell of gunpowder.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman