Red On The Range...

Since you brought it up… Can you show us where in the 2nd amendment it states people can own a gun? It explicitly states “keep”, not own… The constitution calls out for property ownership many others times, so why not in the 2nd amendment?

Kinda makes sense when you consider what the 2nd amendment is predicated on which is a “well regulated militia.” Take a look at Federal papers 29 and you’ll see the intent wasn’t for individuals to own and govern the arms themselves… Back then the states tracked who had guns and if you were in a militia, you were punished for showing up with a non functioning arm. In the beginning many of the arms used were owned by individuals, but as stated in the Federalist papers 29 it was the long term intent to use government owned and supplied arms for the “well regulated militias”, and doesn’t mention the individuals right to “own”, just to “keep”…

I support gun ownership, and believe it falls under a “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” argument… The 2nd amendment is a weak argument, but people won’t let it go because they have already started arguing the 2nd and are dug in and afraid to argue the better one…


I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Trust me, if MS 13 lands on your doorstep they will take your guns and anything else they want, and you won’t be able to do anything about it… You might get 1 shot, and then you’ll be swiss cheese…

Ms13 ain’t ■■■■,they don’t want to come down to the lowcountry and mess with these houndsmen,cuz we’re them old boys raised on shotguns.

They’d have you on your knees begging for your life in less than 2 seconds…

Reality is if you do survive the first attack, there will be hundreds/thousands more coming for you at every angle and opportunity to settle the score…

Again, same result… Swiss Cheese…

Oh yeah, let the houndsmen come and MS 13 will have a cook out and be eating them dogs before they are done…

Here is sman and the houndsmen when confronted with MS 13…


Ha,you’re a scary little sob,you must not be from round here son.

Just a bunch of bluster… Wouldn’t even be a contest…

Tell you what, why don’t you prove me wrong and go start something with MS 13… If not, you beez full of it… Go ahead, show us how tough you really are… Until then, just bluster…


One of my boys was good friends with Ronnie,he wouldn’t take any ■■■■ off ms13 either.

Let’s all know how it works out calling Ronnie for help… If you mess with ms 13 you’ll be able to chat with ole Ronnie soon after…


MS-13’s nothing but a bunch of little punks. They’re like a pack of hyenas. If it ain’t 10 or 15 of them they we’ll run and hide. Seen it first hand.
When I was at camp Pendleton my bunk y was from the barrio. He was in a gang called lomas.
We had a 4-day pass I went to Franco’s home with him for the weekend. Interesting culture, different world leave it at that.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Yep, my point exactly… Mess with them even on your property, and you are guaranteed a revisit from many more… They simply have more that are willing to die to settle a score, and they won’t stop until they eliminate you. It’s all about street cred with them, and they won’t ever stopped until you and your family are swiss cheese… If they don’t kill you they are considered weak, and that doesn’t work on the streets…

I personally don’t recommend calling Ronnie for help as sman seems to want to do…

Next thing you know ole sman will be threatening ms 13 with spitting beach nut in their eyes or something else silly…

Richard you’ve been watching too much TV.

Never got to see Lynyrd Skynyrd in concert.
Did see Johnny Van zant at the purple Gator and partied with the band.
Party like a Rockstar!!!
Alcohol,cocaine and girls flowed freely.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

I believe you and others have been watching too many repeats of the Rambo franchise…:wink: It won’t work out for y’all like it did John J.

If it makes you feel better holding on to a false sense of security, hey have at it… Statistically speaking, if you encounter ms 13 you’ll be swiss cheese in no time…


And here comes the liberal Trump hater spreading fear that We can’t take on Ms-13 thugs. B.S. No way they would come to my door step or many others. they are p@ssy thugs that are not going to attack anything that has a chance of bringing in the law and exposing them. It would be a slaughter with those I associate with. You twist to think you know people when you really don’t.

As for ordering pizza, most everyone orders pizza. But the Boxes don’t come with targets on them. Unlike those from Alaska. Or if they do I haven’t seen any.

Here’s a cool thought… How about if all the thugs in Chicago had pizza boxes with targets on them and they actually learned how to acquire proper sight alignment and Sight picture? Then instead of 60 shootings a weekend and only 3 deaths we might change it to 57 deaths and 3 woundings. talk about lives mattering… I’ll bet a few months of that and crime would begin to slow down in our democratic cities.


Sorry, not a liberal… Just a Never-Drumpfer… There are many of us true conservatives that despise Drumpf…

You mess with ms 13 and your new cheesy brothers name will be changed from Alfredo to Swissy Boi


Don’t push it Dick or I’ll give you a war you won’t believe.Let it go,Let it go.

Haha, I beez scurred fo sho…

You’d be easy to win against in a war… Way too predictable, and easy to manipulate…

Thanks for the idle threat though, got a nice chortle outta that one…


I’m not claiming to be any kind of bad ass… I’m not, But I don’t take thugs well. I will state a simple fact. Members of groups like MS-13 understand one thing. Superior force. Trump has called them out numerous times as the thugs they are. If we could get the Mexican Government on board and launch an all out attack against them, they would fold like trash in a furnace. I’m not scared of them and NO AMERICAN should be, or any other human. That’s more reason for border security and keeping illegals out of OUR country. Can we not agree on this?? Or is your hate for Trump too strong to admit we need Border security?

Edit: Thank GOD for citizens like stlhunr teaching our Youth proper gun safety and Use.

Your memory is terrible… As I have mentioned many times before we need border security, just not a wall like what is being built… Better alternatives for security as I have mentioned many times previously in detail…



I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day