San Bernardino shooting

I know this is still early in this investigation, but WTF is this world coming to man???

Syed Rizwan Farook, one of two killers in the San Bernardino shooting, was apparently radicalized and in touch with international terrorism suspects, law enforcement officials said on Thursday.

Police found a pipe bomb at the location that had a remote control device that appeared not to have worked, Burguan said. A search of the shooters’ home also revealed 12 pipe bomb-type devices, he said.

one CWP carrier and wonder how much different this could have been…or does California even allow CWP?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I go almost no where anymore without being armed. Sad, I did not use to feel that way.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I find the 2,500 .223 rifle rounds to be even crazier…

Originally posted by FishingDuo

I find the 2,500 .223 rifle rounds to be even crazier…

True. Not nearly enough.

Yep - the refusal to recognize this event as the same thing that happened in Paris a few weeks ago is puzzling. Their home was an IED factory (lucky - they failed use them or the devices failed to work). They had made extensive preparations stockpiling arms and ammunition. The assertions that this was somehow partially motivated by work-place grievances are beyond ludicrous. Mail-order bride from Saudi Arabia. In contact with known terrorists links… etc. etc.

This is like calling an attack on an US embassy where they used mortars and hand grenades a spontaneous street protest over a youtube video.

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Just watch…it will be classified workplace violence.

I know what you mean DF. The wife and I carry almost all the time. I have also gotten into the habit of watching people. I watch them very intently. What are they doing, what are they doing with their hands? Why is that person sitting in a car with the window down and the engine running? When I am in a store I LOOK at each person I encounter. I suppose a srink could have a field day with me and yes I know I am describing paranoia, but I think we all need to be more observant and afraid-- very afraid.


Originally posted by tanksgt

I know what you mean DF. The wife and I carry almost all the time. I have also gotten into the habit of watching people. I watch them very intently. What are they doing, what are they doing with their hands? Why is that person sitting in a car with the window down and the engine running? When I am in a store I LOOK at each person I encounter. I suppose a srink could have a field day with me and yes I know I am describing paranoia, but I think we all need to be more observant and afraid-- very afraid.


You aren’t describing paranoia. You are describing vigilance.

this could have been prevented with better climate change policy.

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

There are twisted evil people in this world. Glad the world has two less murderers. These two have a six month old baby… and did this. What kind of sick perversion goes through a brain to knowingly orphan your child like that?

I will never understand this.

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

What kind of sick perversion goes through a brain to knowingly orphan your child like that?

I will never understand this.

I think it's called "crazy"...
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by 23Sailfish

What kind of sick perversion goes through a brain to knowingly orphan your child like that?

I will never understand this.

I think it's called "crazy"...

Virgins, man! Well, at least for him, or so he thought

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

had this bunch been in charge in the 40’s, we’d be speaking german or japanese today and eating sh*tty food. we’re doomed

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

I agree Mr Pod.

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

Yeah, Obozo is this generation’s Neville Chamberlain.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Smile, be kind and courteous to everyone you meet but, have a plan to kill them if necessary.

They didn’t have much ammo at all, people that think that is an appalling number never have been around a shooter/reloader. Once again though, the signs were there, the information necessary to interdict these people was readily available and yet because of the PC BS ruining this country, no one said anything. Guess we’re lucky they never made it to the second target they reportedly had.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Originally posted by FishingDuo

I find the 2,500 .223 rifle rounds to be even crazier…

You must not be a shooter. I have at least that much in every caliber I own. Why? Remember when SHTF after Newtown? Ammo was ungodly expensive and impossible to find. I will never be without ammo for that very reason. Also, most people who shoot a lot buy in bulk (1000+ rounds at a time) to save money. There’s not a (**() thing wrong with having a bunch of ammo.

For the record, I shot 2500 rounds of 223 THIS YEAR ALONE.

And their “arsenal” (minus bombs and stuff) was VERY mediocre and not even close to what most would consider an arsenal. But that word riles up the masses.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

one CWP carrier and wonder how much different this could have been.

That’s what my wife said. One good man with a gun could have stopped that.

I know what you mean DF. The wife and I carry almost all the time. I have also gotten into the habit of watching people. I watch them very intently. What are they doing, what are they doing with their hands? Why is that person sitting in a car with the window down and the engine running? When I am in a store I LOOK at each person I encounter. I suppose a srink could have a field day with me and yes I know I am describing paranoia, but I think we all need to be more observant and afraid-- very afraid.

We are the same way. I pay attention! Let me suggest a very good book for you to read about this, the title is “Left of Bang”. You can find it on Amazon or Kindle. Well worth the read.

You must not be a shooter. I have at least that much in every caliber I own.

Us too. If I get down to less than 2,000 I order more. My wife and DIL can easily go through 500 a day just playing.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

DF, 1/2 or more of the country have no clue who chamberlain is.

-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Hey Pod! Ain’t he the guy that when some woman accused of being drunk! He replied with (And you Mam, are ugly! The difference being, tomorrow I shall be sober) :wink: