SCIENCE Series #1: Existence?

I think yall have been out in the heat too long.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Fred67

Secondly, anything anyone else posts that disagrees with the direction you are taking this will be wrong.

That’s very negative of you to say… You are only wrong if you are wrong… It’s also curious as to why you think this needs to be said on this thread. Can we not have a discussion without you bringing baggage from another thread? Is it that you just like to argue?

Not doing anything you have not done. So we are both guilty. If I’ve offended you, I am truly sorry. </font id=“size2”></font id=“blue”>

Lastly the answer is "Faith". You'll get there and lose those hot tub dreams. :smiley:
You are jumping to conclusions, and we haven't even finished page #1. How do you know that I am not talking about faith? I said this was a "series". All science points to God. Science and God are NOT mutually exclusive as many would like to believe. How do you know that I am not "there" (as in faith)? And you are definitely wrong that people with faith can't have "hot tub dreams". The life of the Christian is a battle with the flesh... I have faith... You say that I like to argue, but it's you who are the one who has a selective memory to the point where I question your honesty about what you actually recollect.

Was I jumping to conclusions? if so I apologize again.<

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

That kids parents should whip his arse! but it is funny!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I think we are all one big math experiment by someone/something

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

I think we are all one big math experiment by someone/something


And, I am starting to believed the someone/something was taught common core… There is a lot of just stupid people in the World… I mean, how else can you explain someone like RBF…


“Make America Sane Again.”

I believe I live in a pineapple under the sea…

May all your favorite bands stay together…

Originally posted by Fred67

What I question is if Man survives for another thousand or two years how much will we expand our Brains, or will modern technology and free Ice cream turn them into mush. My feelings is the Brain is like any other muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. I feel majority of modern man is not forced to use it do to modern technology. How many kids do you see working a cash register able to count change?

Truce Skinny! Like you said too much Trump and Hilary stuff going on.:smiley: Faith my friend!

I accept your truce. I'm not a grudge holder. It takes too much effort. I think maybe you confuse me "ribbing" you sometimes as a personal attack. I actually like you Mr Fred.

Now, let’s get on with the topic…

I COMPLETELY agree with your premise that the AVERAGE human could possibly be getting less intelligent due to his\her dependence on technology. Complex problem solving is most definitely a skill that can\will be improved with practice. If all of the complex problems are already solved, then how does a human use this “muscle”? Unless they learn it in school and the curriculum improves to make up for this deficit (which is unlikely that it could), then it’s entirely plausible that this “muscle” is getting weaker generation by generation. That being said, there are still some brilliant minds out there, so all hope is not lost. On the flip side, for those people who are truly envelope pushers, technology can solve the “tedious” part of the equation, so theoretically they could focus on the more challenging parts. So, I also find it plausible that while the AVERAGE person get’s “dumber”, that maybe the intellectuals get more intellectual (or at least could). Then another might propose that because life expectancies are longer, someone would have

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I believe I live in a pineapple under the sea…

May all your favorite bands stay together…

I think you meant a van down by the river...
Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

I think we are all one big math experiment by someone/something

Agreed that mathematics\physics certainly plays a front and center role in our existence. Certainly it is a foundational pillar\building block for our existence.
Originally posted by skinneej All science points to God.

Screw it I’ll play.

That seems pretty absolute about something you can’t actually prove. If all science pointed to God, then all scientists would believe in God, assuming it’s that obvious.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by skinneej All science points to God.

Screw it I’ll play.

That seems pretty absolute about something you can’t actually prove. If all science pointed to God, then all scientists would believe in God, assuming it’s that obvious.

Well most scientists START OUT with the premise that there is no "god\God" and look for any reason to explain away God, based on their INITIAL assumption. In other words, I say, "EdistoDaniel, ASSUMING there is no God, explain why the physical properties of the universe are perfectly tuned for the cosmos to even exist (like trillions to 1 odds)". And then, you come up with some theory about "multiple universes", etc. to reconcile for statistical impossibilities that smack you in the grill...

In other words, scientists start out with a strong confirmation bias that there is NO God. They are chastised for using “God” as an explanation. They are called “unimaginative”, “lazy”, “stupid” for even hinting theological implications. So, you tell me why all scientists don’t believe in God (some do by the way, but not all)…

ED, anyway, what are your thoughts on the original topic? Assuming you don’t have to talk about God, what are your thoughts on our “reality” or “existence”?

Man, if only I had been “homeschooled”, I could get my head around this stuff.


(stirring the pot. oh, yes I did!)

Originally posted by jisuho

Man, if only I had been “homeschooled”, I could get my head around this stuff.


(stirring the pot. oh, yes I did!)

I went to public skewl... Downtown Charleston...

SJ, are you on board this?


“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

Originally posted by skinneej

ED, anyway, what are your thoughts on the original topic? Assuming you don’t have to talk about God, what are your thoughts on our “reality” or “existence”?

Too many questions for a Thursday. I can’t type GC style monologues on here. Need more info about the special relativity question to answer. I know that the for determining relative velocities between two approaching objects is not a+b=c, it’s:

v1 + v2

v1 x v2
(Had to google it, been a long time since physics)
so you’d never go over the speed of light, so you wouldn’t see into the future. But I’m not sure what you’re asking.

I believe RBF will need his Flummoxed Capacitor to enter another reality…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by skinneej

ED, anyway, what are your thoughts on the original topic? Assuming you don’t have to talk about God, what are your thoughts on our “reality” or “existence”?

Too many questions for a Thursday. I can’t type GC style monologues on here. Need more info about the special relativity question to answer. I know that the for determining relative velocities between two approaching objects is not a+b=c, it’s:

v1 + v2

v1 x v2
(Had to google it, been a long time since physics)
so you’d never go over the speed of light, so you wouldn’t see into the future. But I’m not sure what you’re asking.

You don't need to go over the speed of light. It's a factor of how far apart you are and motion... Here is a video that explains the theory... Involves an "alien" being a huge distance away, but moving only relatively slowly...

all of the answers you need are found here:

“Whoops, I did it again!”

BTW, I move at the speed of thought.
