Shark fishing locations

Now that the water temp is edging up to near 65 degrees I’m heading out tomorrow to try to get a few sharks on my line. I’m a little new to shark fishing however. I’m thinking of fishing from the north end of IoP by Dewee inlet but I hear that lighthouse inlet produces too. Do y’all have any other spots in mind? I’m hoping for some blacktips, using a penn fierce 10000 baitrunner, 65lb test braid with 150lb mono shock leader, 300lb mono shark leader and 250lb cable bite leader.

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Bonzo72

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I read that thread and have been considering the options. I was just curious if there were any other locations not yet mentioned.

All the beaches produce sharks some more than others and certain spots on the beach will produce better as well, just like any other fishing location. Some people like inlets. The thought behind it is more water movement means more fish passing by and a shorter distance to deep water and usually calmer surf. Every one has there preferences.

Im new to sharking as well. Just started last year. Fish in front of sullys lighthouse or walk down from the lighthouse till it starts to bend and fish fish straight out. My best spots last year

Post your spots and watch people be there everytime you want to fish.

That happened to me last year but i dont mind.

Update: Went to Sully’s past the lighthouse. Caught nothing besides a nasty sunburn but enjoyed myself nonetheless. I think the water isn’t warm enough yet and the blacktips are still in Florida. Good thing I’m headed to Fort Lauderdale in three weeks!