Sharks teeth

Anyone know where to find sharks teeth on Edisto thanks

Anywhere on the beach. They will be small, black and shiny. Larger teeth can be found in the ICW dredge spoils.


Have seen some nice ones found on Otter!

New teeth are little and white and a lot more common but you can find some big black (fossilized) teeth.

Thanks for response . I guess otter by boat towards st Helena sound , is that correct

Down on the beach at the curve (end of point street) is good too.

Ya, take the Asahapo to the sound and go up the sound side and anchor on the beach at the duckblind! Walk up the beach but watch your boat!

Just wanna make sure I got it right. Heading out of big bay make a left at fen wick cut the head towards st Helena sound and beach is on left once in the bay . Is that correct . Thanks