I’ve never tried targeting sheepshead before: the only one I’ve ever snagged was a monster in a cast net when I was young. I’ve heard chumming the water around rocks/jetties/docks with smashed mussels or other crustecians is a good start. Anyone know of active spots/methods to try? I don’t have access to a boat at the moment so I’d be fishing from the shore. This is something totally new to me. Any help would be great!
“You can’t buy happiness. But you can buy fishing tackle, which is pretty much the same thing.”
Mt Pleasant pier. There’s this one guy out there that seems to wear them out in the cooler months. Carolina rig. He fish’s with 2 to 3oz egg weights depending on how rough the tide is. 18", 20lb test mono leader and somehow manages to hook a mussel with a 1/0 owner circle hook. I think he clips one of the edges of the mussel with pliers and puts the entire hook in. You can chum every now and then with some cluster oysters or barnacles. Just put them inside of a towel and break them with a hammer and dump them near where you’re fishing. Don’t chum to much cause they will get full.
Drop all the way down to the bottom and pull the weight up about 3 inches.
The trick is to watch your line(s). If one starts to go side ways or slightly under the pier to set the hook by simply lifting the rod up and let the circle hook do it’s magic.
Seems the best time is on a rising tide.
Hope this helps…I’ll be out there throughout the winter on the weekends.