Sheepshead Rigs

I have been looking around on the web for some help with rigs and hook sizes for sheepshead. I have fed a few but never got one on our side of the water. Seems like their are all kind of ideas. Any help would be great and very much appreciated. I’ll be fishing out of a yak. I thought about a drop shot rig with a 2 octopus hook. Just an idea. Thanks for any help and have a great Easter

gease no one has been responding to these types of questions lately

“Lock em’ down”

I use a 1/2 sinker, one bead ahead of the sinker to a swivel. and about 6-10" of leader to a #2. I drop my rigs straight down until my sinker hits, then I raise my tip up approximately the same distance as my leader, that way my bait is hovering right above the rocks, oysters or whatever structure i’m fishing. we get some good ones. you an see my prof pic. She was 9 pounds

“Lock em’ down”

Hey thanks USMC mac84! I think I am going to try tomarrow rain or not! Does tides make a difference? HMLA-269 Gun Runner 92-99

X2 on the rig. I used to use treble hooks. Not sure if they are legal anymore. 1 hour before and 1 hour after the tide is the best. You want the rig to be straight up and down.

Thanks Timfish!

Sheepshead fishing is one of my favorite types of fishing and I have been doing it for many years. I almost always fish the jetties at Winyah Bay (Georgetown)and they are very productive. What I do is simple. I tie a #4 wide bend hook directly to my line and a few inches above it crimp on a split shot (#3 I believe). The current determines how many split shot I use. Slack current I use 1 and add as necessary but never more than 3 total. Fish as straight down as you can and only cast out if you need to. If you cast, don’t do it very far because you will get too much line twist since this rig does not have a swivel. This type rig eliminates hardware that may numb the feel of a sheepshead tap. The other posts on here are right on as well. Best of luck and as always be safe around structure.

Hey jettyfish, thanks for the help! I just got back from buying hooks yall sugested, i wanted to make it out now to fish swing on tide but family will be down anytime so I will have to try it another day. Like I said I will be fishing out of my ws ride so I can really weave in and out of dock structure really well. My game plan was to fish the May river docks looking for older pillings with barnicales. Do u think I am on the right track? Thanks again

Hey, thanks for all your help! I made it out this morning and fished from the yak for about 1 1/2 hours. I cought 4 this one being my best. Great day for me since this is the first time for me actually catching a few.

Originally posted by Southern Ride

Hey, thanks for all your help! I made it out this morning and fished from the yak for about 1 1/2 hours. I cought 4 this one being my best. Great day for me since this is the first time for me actually catching a few.

Awesome. Was that in Beaufort?


That’s great man!! Good catch. Sheepshead can be tricky, you can ask 10 different people for tips and get 10 different tactics.

“Lock em’ down”

Good job, another one hooked!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire