Since MAD Charleston

Since the MAD event held on Nov 14 there has been a strong interest
shown by several of the surf/pier gang to be able to participate
in the event by taking some of the heros’ surf or pier fishing.
This interest shown is greatly appreciated and has not fell on
deaf ears . There are a lot of logistics that must be addressed
in order for the event to include hosts and activities. We can never
do or express enough the gratitude these men and women of our armed forces deserve. So let me answer by saying i’ll continue to work to include all possible ways to say “THANKS” to the troops , keep following all the MAD posts and we’ll see what happens !!!

Thanks again for the interest…(( when you meet a vet or soldier
shake their hand and say thanks)) it’ll mean more than you realize!!!
George McDonald MAD Charleston


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Great cause and great event, I would encourage people to click on web site its a good read, lots of good information on it, if you need any help ,with anything, between now and then please pm me, seriously. If you open up the field and surf fishing is an option it would be an honor to take some of the service men fishing, count me in , the least I could do, they work for us every day, we could give up “one” in return.:slightly_smiling_face: