Snake handling

Mac Daddy’s excellent thread regarding the pagan Easter holiday vs. the true Resurrection celebration got me to thinking. Based on the level of religiousness shown in that and other threads, I’m sure some of y’all feel compelled to take up serpents, speak in tongues, etc., as commanded by a certain part of the Bible. Just wondering if y’all could share some experiences from that type of worship. Thanks.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Not sure this is what you are looking for but here goes. ,

I’ll let a King snake pass by, but all others get a prejudicial death sentence. I’ve been called a names for killing snakes, but that’s ok with me. I’ll still kill em.

Warbler, are you placing any restrictions on who can comment or is everyone welcome?

Fred67 and to all.

I understand the “I ain’t liking no snake at all…” but I would ask that you reconsider.

There are far far far more snakes that are completely harmless than ones that can hurt you. I am not hugging trees here or any of that, but snakes play a very important roll in keeping things in balance.

What’s more dangerous?

Picking up an unknown snake in the woods or getting stopped by the NCPD?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

What’s more dangerous?

Picking up an unknown snake in the woods or getting stopped by the NCPD?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Double D.

I’ve heard of those religions who play with snakes and speak in tongues, never witnessed it myself and pretty sure that I don’t want to. But to each their own.

As for snakes, we live in the swamp and snakes are almost an every day occurrence around here when the weather gets warm. Dang things are everywhere. I always keep a handgun with me when I’m working, and recently swapped my 9mm winter pistol for my .357 summer revolver. I keep it loaded with a couple rounds of rat shot first out for poisonous snakes. All non-poisonous snakes get a free pass through here. No need to kill what doesn’t need killing. Even the dogs enjoy playing with the snakes. But I’ve lost 2 dogs to rattlesnakes, so they can’t stay. Most others good with me.

Here is a picture of me handling a snake. My wife found it in the flower bed and screamed. I handled it like a man, rescued her from the dragon and released it over the fence. It was terrifying :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

You could always Google for an answer.

Cracker, you sure did Man UP on that one[:0]:smiley::smiley:

HAHA. I’ve never known anyone who blends snake handling with religion (and don’t think Jesus meant for people to take the pertinent versus as prescriptive), but I can tell Larry that all of those above are non-venomous.

The first is a hognose, the second is a rat snake, and the third is looks like red-bellied or brown snake–a neat little critter that eats worms.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Easy, sometimes ya just got to put on your big boy pants and do what needs doing :smiley::smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I can tell Larry that all of those above are non-venomous.

You ain’t got to tell me that, thank ya though. I live with these critters and know what they are:wink: And that’s why they get a free pass. I don’t bother anything that won’t bother me or mine.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Last one I ran across was trying to find a winter home next to my house slab! I was raking leaves away from the base of the slab and the pile started moving! I’m sorry to say that the Copper Head, didn’t make it through the Winter!:wink: Larry I’m sorry that that 4X4 post landed on that snake, couple of times:smiley:

the second is a rat snake,

The second is actually a pair of yellow rat snakes, who were breeding, or making love, or doing whatever you call it when 2 snakes do it in the middle of the yard. Both of them were about 5’ long. Amazing thing to watch. Even the dogs enjoyed the show.

Almost as cool as watching geckos :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Ah! Country Porn:wink:

Originally posted by Slowpoke

Warbler, are you placing any restrictions on who can comment or is everyone welcome?

No restrictions. What got me thinking about this is that TV show, “Snake Salvation.” I came across it on NetFlix the other night and, wow. It’s about two preachers and their churches in Kentucky and Tennessee. They and their congregation handle snakes, speak in tongues, play with fire, etc. I’ve never heard about it in SC and was just curious if anyone had any experience with it or at least knew about it around these parts.

By the way, when I looked up some info about the show on the internet, I discovered that one of the pastors got bit during a service and died…refused medical treatment.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Warbler
Originally posted by Slowpoke

Warbler, are you placing any restrictions on who can comment or is everyone welcome?

No restrictions. What got me thinking about this is that TV show, “Snake Salvation.” I came across it on NetFlix the other night and, wow. It’s about two preachers and their churches in Kentucky and Tennessee. They and their congregation handle snakes, speak in tongues, play with fire, etc. I’ve never heard about it in SC and was just curious if anyone had any experience with it or at least knew about it around these parts.

By the way, when I looked up some info about the show on the internet, I discovered that one of the pastors got bit during a service and died…refused medical treatment.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Saw someone at my ex girlfriend's church fall down and start speaking in tongues. Apparently it was a common occurrence in the pentecostal church. Preacher man said if he ever did it to call the ambulance.

I’d like to take a road trip to Kentucky for the bourbon trail. Stop by snake handling church, maybe run through the creationist museum while i’m there.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

recently swapped my 9mm winter pistol for my .357 summer revolver.

well dam. who knew?

i feel poor now. i only have a year rounder.

Mark 16:17-18. “And these SIGNS shall follow them that believe. In my (Jesus) name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; AND if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

THEM THAT BELIEVE, surely includes ALL believers, so why does it not include all believers is a better question???

DIRECTLY FROM YOUR SAVIORS MOUTH, who is going to refuse the Master???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

The answer as usual, lies in the translation/interpretation of the word of God. Serpent is used metaphorically (example) in the Bible all places except one in the book of Acts, the Apostle Paul had a viper (serpent also) attach itself to his hand, it did not hurt him, so the native people thought Paul was a god.(sign)

The word serpent used in your verse in the Greek means ‘a malicious person’, or very sharp eyesight which refers to possibly Satan, as it did in the Garden of Eden. Referred to there as “very subtle”.

So, basically serpent Biblically means one who is ABOVE normal power for God’s purposes. The word is also used for Seraphim in the book of Isaiah; they are commonly taught to be Angels, even though the Bible does NOT call them Angels, because they are in Heaven worshipping around the throne. Satan also is in Heaven, but he is in chains.

To directly answer your question, I have been in MANY meetings of people 'worshipping in tounges, (Romans 8:26) and SOME meetings of ‘speaking in tongues’ with interpretation, but that subject is detailed, BUT, as we see, Jesus said said “them who believe”, so everyone should “STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED”, as commanded by Jesus Christ.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”