I remember EF moving a few of my posts. Do we all have this ability?
If we do, I had no knowledge we could. WHY would we (or should we) be able to move another member’s post?
I know EF could do it. He moved a fishing thread of mine that RBF sidelined while I was grieving and talking about the passing of my Father. He moved it to the lounge then later moved it back I believe. Or it just got deleted. I’ve had several that have gotten removed or moved lately.
I must say my attraction for a sideline of passing time on CFC is dwindling fast. the addition of trolls into the Political section is a real disappointment.
Bob is the biggest whiner of all time,he went running to admin about me the other day.But what do you expect ,he stands with and supports democrats,drag queens and transgender wackos trying to push this crapola on little kids.
We Tl-3 Members can move posts.
Just click on the pencil icon, at the top of the page. Then choose the forum you want the post moved to.
Just for chits and giggles, I moved this one to the Lounge.
First time I’ve moved a post, for the record.
Yep, I moved it, as that’s where it belongs… Fred is just trying to “push the envelope” when posting these in public…
I could’ve flagged it, and Admin. would have moved it… The flag would’ve counted against Fred in the system… I decided to just move it myself, and not give Fred a violation/flag…
Again, this is a fishing site… If “Off Topic” keeps getting these types of posts, then it may end up “private” as well…
Also, Fred posted another one that belongs in “politics”… Just saying it isn’t political doesn’t make it so… It’d be best if Fred moved it himself to politics where it belongs…
What would be best is for you harassers to realize this is NOT just a fishing site, never was.
The fishing posts are few and far between now, and will not support this site, so either pay up and buy the site or stop complaining???
You need to take this up with Admin as they apparently don’t want politics in public…
I asked twice about how much they wanted for the site, as I considered purchasing it, and they never responded… Guess they don’t want to sell it…
Also, perhaps the fishing posts and pictures being few and far between is because people left BECAUSE of the politics and never returned…
Admin is ignoring all of us, otherwise trolling would be disallowed, and USELESS memes, etc.???
Now your post is back in Off Topic, Fred.
I only moved it as an example of how it’s done.
I’ve known how to move posts, just never had any interest in doing so, until you asked.
Fred started it in the Lounge… Not “off topic”…
Corrected: Looked back, and it was started in “Off Topic”…
It is “negative” in nature, and belongs in the Lounge…
How is learning to navigate the sight negative?
Fred asked for advice, and I offered it to him. Simple as that.
It was the second post by Fred… Also, when it comes to topics posted (not PM’d) to Admin it should be in the Lounge…
All Fred had to do was just read a little and figure it out himself…
It is even listed on the “Regular” badge that is awarded… Perhaps Fred needs to get his site tested…
Yep! But, the text you alluded to doesn’t go into detail, on the specifics of moving a post.
That’s why I offered to show, Fred, and, any TL-3’s interested, a little help.
Not my cup of tea, to move, or flag, posts, just offering a little advice, to those interested.
Fred asked about “who” had the ability, not the “how” to do it…
The Regular badge tells you this if you read it…
Cool! No need to argue semantics, I reckon?
Guess I just took things to the next step, in order to help the other TL-3 Members, who might have had a question, or two.
Thank you Mixed for the help, I appreciate it. I don’t see me moving any posts, just curious. Other than Admin, the only reason for another member to move some ones post is to either be a karen or kevin, or purposely try to pizz a person off. I know if I was to move a thread, it would most likely be for a vindictive reason, so … nope not going to stoop that low.